Jadwal Training 2024

21-22 Oktober 2008
09:00 – 16:00

Patra Office Tower #R.1710

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Supriyadi, SE., MM. & Team

yang terdiri dari para praktisi audit (auditor) dengan pengalaman lebih dari 10(sepuluh) tahun baik sebagai auditor ataupun instruktur. Mereka rata-rata adalah lulusan S-2 dari dalam/luar negeri, bahkan beberapa diantaranya ada yang lulusan S-3 (Ph.D.). Sebagian juga ada yang memiliki sertifikat profesi seperti CIA (Certified of Internal Auditor), CFE (Certified Fraud Examiners), CCSA, CISA, dan sebagainya. Sebagai auditor mereka banyak terlibat dalam pengungkapan kasus-kasus kecurangan yang terjadi di negeri ini.
*This seminar is also taught by other auditing experts

(Hard & soft copy materi, Sertifikat, Lunch & Coffee Break, souvenir, Seminar Kit)

Membahas secara komprehensip, mendasar dan systematis pendekatan risk-based dan self-assessment dalam operational auditing.

1. Introduction
a. The COSO chalellenge: How to evaluate soft controls?
b. Participatory auditing: Get your customer on the audit team

2. A Better Audit Process
a. The traditional audit process
b. A better audit process:
– Risk-based
– Participative
– Using simple, practical forms of self assessment
– Value-adding focus on evaluation of system design
c. Audit simulation

3. Phase I: Planning
– Planning step for a participative audit
– The acquisition audit approach
– Audit simulation: Research the Human Resources function
– Audit simulation: Participative audit planning meeting
– The risk assessment thought process
– Identifying and assessing risks: four helpful categories
– Planning memo: deliverables
– Characteristics of well-defined audit objectives

4. Phase II: Evaluate the adequacy of system Design
– Documenting internal controls: traditional methods
– Documenting internal controls: the risk / control matrix
– Teaching your audit customer the risk assessment thought process
– Audit simulation
– Traditional and emerging concepts of internal control
– Alternative versions of the risk / control matrix

5. Phase III : Evaluate the Effectiveness of Key Controls
– Fieldwork: purpose and methods
– End result auditing
– Rules of audit evidence, and how they apply to soft controls

6. Develop Recommendations for Improvement
– findings
– Form for developing and reporting audit findings
– Participative reporting

7. Report Recommendations for Improvement
– The final hurdle to participative auditing, and how to lower it:
– MAP audit report format

*Materi disajikan dalam bahasa Indonesia

Kode : LPOT017

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