Jadwal Training 2024

H2S Awareness (YOGYAKARTA)


H2S Awareness


  • 25 Jan 2016-28 Jan 2016
  • 22 Feb 2016-25 Feb 2016
  • 28 Mar 2016-31 Mar 2016
  • 25 Apr 2016-28 Apr 2016
  • 23 May 2016-26 May 2016
  • 20 Jun 2016-23 Jun 2016
  • 26 Jul 2016-29 Jul 2016
  • 01 Aug 2016-04 Aug 2016
  • 26 Sep 2016-29 Sep 2016
  • 24 Oct 2016-27 Oct 2016
  • 28 Nov 2016-01 Dec 2016
  • 27 Dec 2016-30 Dec 2016

VENUE :   Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta plaza hotel/Ibis hotel yogyakarta/Ibis Styles yogyakarta hotel/Mutiara hotel/ Melia Purosani hotel)


Service technicians involved in the maintenance, replacement or service operations of industrial valves and piping systems involving hydrogen sulfide shall alert personnel (including employees, service companies, and contractors) of the possibility of hydrogen sulfide atmospheric concentrations greater than 10 ppm and sulfur dioxide atmospheric concentrations greater than 2 ppm that may be encountered in the performance of their work. All personnel working in an area where concentrations of hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide may reach or exceed OSHA PELs shall be provided with training prior to beginning the work assignment. All employers, whether operator, contractor, or subcontractor, shall be responsible for training and instruction of their own employees. Personnel assigned to work in areas where they may be exposed to hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide shall be trained by a hydrogen sulfide safety instructor. This course will provide delegates with the additional skills, information and knowledge, along with the appropriate attitudes to enable them to identify and manage a H2S hazard, assess the risks and implement the appropriate control measures.


  • The properties and sources of H2S
  • Toxicity levels and exposure limits
  • Acute and chronic effects of exposure
  • H2S effects on metals, elastomers and polymers
  • H2S gas detection including fixed and portable systems, their advantages and limitations
  • Respiratory protection including different types of BA, mask fit testing, cascade systems, their advantages and limitations
  • H2S emergency procedures during operations
  • Rescue of H2S casualties
  • Detection and protection equipment overview
  • Practical use of gas detection
  • Site requirements
  • A written test

INSTRUCTOR :   Ir. M. Syahri, MT, Ph.D  and Team


  • Rp 7.950.000/person (full fare)  or
  • Rp 7.750.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training)  or
  • Rp 7.500.000/person (if there are 3 or more participants from the same company)


  • Training Module
  • Flash Disk contains training material
  • Certificate
  • Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  • T-Shirt
  • Backpack
  • Training Photo
  • Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia
  • Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  • Qualified Instructor
  • Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)

Ir. M. Syahri, MT, Ph.D  is alumnus from UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta (UPNYK) and Institute of Technology (ITB) department of Chemical Engineering. Also alumnus from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) department Mechanical and Material Engineering. He has been as researcher at Oil and Gas; Renewable Energy Laboratory  UPNYK, he is also being as Senior Surface Facility Engineer in some project and Training Instructor. Some projects have been handled by him such as Senior Surface Facility Engineer, Plant of Development TAC Ramba-Pertamina Field, Sumbagsel (2008); Plant of Further Development East Pamanukan Field, Pertamina DOH Cirebon – Rainbow  Emerald (2007); Plant of Further Development Nglobo Field, Pertamina DOH JBT – Cepu (2005); Plant of Further Development Ketaling Barat Field, Pertamina DOH Sumbagteng – Jambi (2005); Also as Reviewer Team BP MIGAS, East Kalimantan Gas Deliverability  (Vico, Chevron, TOTAL) (2007). He also gave many courses to the companies, such as: Basic Ammonia Storage, Transfer Equipment and Major Hazards Impact; Dehydration  Process (Oil and Gas Operation); Clean Water Processing & Treatment for Industrial Application; Principle of Chemical Process Industry for non Engineer; Boiler Feed Water Treatment & Trouble shooting; Hazarous Materials Safe Handling; Basic Principle For steam Reformer, Shift Reaction, Operability Problem & trouble shooting; CO2 Removal Technology (Absorber, Striper) Trouble shooting and Operability impact; Catalitic Reactor in Ammonia Industry (Desulfurizer, Methanator, Steam Reformer, Ammonia Converter); Basic Fundamental Ammonia Synthesis, ARU And Process in Middle End Area; Inspection of Insulated Pipes Defects and Repairs Techniques; Emergency Handling in Ammonia Industry; etc.




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Training Of Trainers Safety (YOGYAKARTA)


Training Of Trainers Safety (YOGYAKARTA)


  • 09 Sep 2015-11 Sep 2015
  • 26 Oct 2015-28 Oct 2015
  • 04 Nov 2015-06 Nov 2015
  • 07 Dec 2015-09 Dec 2015

VENUE :   Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta plaza hotel/Ibis hotel yogyakarta/Ibis Styles yogyakarta hotel/Mutiara hotel/ Melia Purosani hotel)


Deskripsi :
Tangung jawab penegembangan SDM bukan semata mata menjadi tugas manajer SDM dilingkungan PSDM. Setiap manajer atau pimpinan unit bahkan ketua kelompok ikut bertanggung jawab dalam pengembangan SDM dilingkungannya. Untuk itu diperlukan ketrampilan yang dapat menunjang tugas fungsional untuk menyampaikan materi inspeksi crane sebaik mungkin, efektif dan efisien.

Tujuan :

  • Memberikan secara mendasar  metoda pembelajaran partisipatif dan teknik pelaksanaannya  untuk mencapai hasil yang maksimal
  • Memberikan kemampuan untuk melatih /menjadi instruktur pelatihan disamping tugasnya sehari hari sebagai crane inspector.
  • Memberikan pemahaman tentang prinsip prinsip pembelajaran untuk orang dewasa.

Materi Pelatihan

  • Merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran
    • Tujuan pembelajaran umum
    • Tujuan pembelajaran khusus
  • Menyiapkan bahan ajar
    • Safety : General Safety
    • Prevention of industrial Accidents
    • Tools
    • Materials
  • Metode pembelajaran partisipatif
    • Metode Pelatihan
      • Ceramah
      • Diskusi
      • Curah pendapat
      • Game
      • Kuesioner
      • Proyek
      • Role play
      • Demonstrasi
    • Faktor faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam memilih metode pembelajaran
    • Strategi pembelajaran
  • Memilih medium dan material training
  • Mengakomodasi style pembelajaran peserta
  • Teknik komunikasi dalam belajar mengajar
  • Skill Yang Diperlukan Sebagai Trainer
    • Keahlian Subject Matter
    • Disain
    • Produksi bahan ajar
    • Presentasi
  • Evaluasi hasil pembelajaran
    • Test
    • Quizz
    • Praktek
  • Alat alat Bantu mengajar
    • Video
    • Komputer (Power point)
    • Alat peraga

INSTRUCTOR :   Ir. Setyawan Hardan, M.Sc.  and Team


  • Rp 5.950.000/peserta (bayar penuh)  atau
  • Rp 5.750.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (grup, untuk 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)


  • Training Module
  • Flash Disk contains training material
  • Certificate
  • Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  • T-Shirt
  • Backpack
  • Training Photo
  • Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia
  • Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  • Qualified Instructor
  • Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)

Ir. Setyawan Hardan, M.Sc. lahir di Yogyakarta, 7 Juli 1953. Beliau lulusan dari Jurusan Teknik Mesin Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) tahun 1977, dan Agricultural Engineering, Central Luzon State University, Philippines, tahun 1987. Selain pendidikan formal tersebut, Beliau juga mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan/kursus di dalam dan luar negeri seperti di Netherland, Jerman dan Australia. Beliau memiliki pengalaman kerja yang banyak di antaranya Maintenance Engineer , Alat alat berat, PT. Hutama Karya, Dosen/Staf Pengajar Institut Teknologi 10 November (ITS) Surabaya, Kepala Bagian Pengadaan Proyek NES( Nucleus Estate, for Small Holder ( World Bank), Evaluasi Kapasitas Pabrik Gula Gempol Krep, PTPN X. Mojokerto, Jawa Timur, Perencana dan pengawas konstruksi Dust Collector Pabrik Gula Tjukir, PTPN X Jawa Timur, Dosen/Staf Pengajar, Lembaga Pendidikan Perkebunan Yogyakarta, Kepala Bagian Teknik, Lembaga Pendidikan Perkebunan Yogyakarta, Direktur Utama PT. LPP Agro Multi Prima Jasa, Lembaga Pendidikan Perkebunan Yogyakarta, Engineering & Factory Maintenance, Pabrik Gula dan Pabrik Kelapa Sawit, Assisten Direktur Pengembangan merangkap Corporate Secretary, PT. Dapenbun Nusantara Jakarta, dan menjadi trainer dan konsultan. Bapak Setyawan Hardan sudah sering menjadi instruktur untuk judul-judul terkait bidang teknik mesin dan juga Pengembangan Sumberdaya Manusia/Manajemen. Banyak perusahaan yang sudah pernah menjadi peserta training Beliau diantaranya PT. Pertamina, PT. Chevron, PT. Ipmomi, PT. Semen Gresik, PT. Pusri, PT. Petro Kimia Gresik, PT. Pupuk Kujang, PT. PLN, PT. Medco, PT. Adaro, PT. Arutmin, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, PT. Total Indonesie, PT. Perkebunan Nusantara XIII, PT. Perkebunan Nusantara X, PT. Perhutani, Rumah Sakit, DPRD, Partai, Departemen Perindustrian, Pemda, dan lain-lain.




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Laboratory Safety & Health (JAKARTA)


Laboratory Safety & Health (JAKARTA)

16 Sep – 18 Sep 2015
11 Nov – 13 Nov 2015

Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi/Swiss-Belhotel, Jakarta

Fee :
Rp. 5.945.000 Full Fare
Rp. 5.450.000 On The Spot
Rp. 4.950.000 Early Bird
Rp. 4.750.000 Group

Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja Laboratorium (Laboratory Safety & Health) sangat diperlukan untuk mengurangi cidera perseorangan (personal injury), gangguan kesehatan, kehilangan asset (property loss) & kecelakaan kerja di Laboratorium. Pelaksanaan Laboratory Safety & Health yang bagus akan sangat mendukung kesuksesan pelayanan Laboratorium kepada customer-nya.

Untuk mencapai Laboratory Safety & Health yang baik sangat diperlukan pengetahuan tentang praktek & peraturan yang terbaru untuk mencegah kecelakaan kerja, yang mungkin akan menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan, cidera, kebakaran atau gangguan pada operasi Laboratorium. Hal ini harus menjadi bagian dari kebutuhan training dari pekerja Laboratorium, petugas Keselamatan & Kesehatan Kerja, Audit Team termasuk jajaran Manajemen Perusahaan atau pimpinan Instansi Pemerintah & Swasta.
Materi Utama  :
Training akan memfokuskan pada 4 materi yang penting :

  1. Belajar mengidentifikasi & memecahkan masalah dari minimum 10 bahaya (hazards) yang umum di Laboratorium termasuk ketaatan (compliance) kepada peraturan yang berlaku
  2. Belajar tentang spesifik golongan bahan kimia, bahaya bahan kimia & hal – hal yang memerlukan perhatian dalam penangannya
  3. Memperoleh pengalaman dalam pelaksanaan & memelihara program keselamatan di Laboratorium
  4. Menyusun program training berkaitan dengan keselamatan & kesehatan kerja di Laboratorium

Silabus :

  1. Pengenalan Laboratory Safety & Health : general discussion,  organisasi keselamatan kerja, records, informasi & training
  2. Praktek Keselamatan Laboratorium (Safe Laboratory Practices) : aturan umum, work practices atau rules, alat pelindung diri (personal protective equipment), engineering controls, buangan limbah (waste disposal), bekerja dengan bahan kimia yang sangat beracun, bahaya fisika (physical hazards), bahaya kimia (chemical hazards)
  3. Fasilitas & Peralatan Laboratorium (Laboratory Facility & Fixed Equipment) : desain fasilitas, perawatan fasilitas & peralatan
  4. Evaluasi Bahaya (Hazard Evaluation) : evaluasi bahaya, tumpahan bahan kimia beracun atau berbahaya, work practice assignment, documentation of hazard assessments
  5. Alat Pelindung Diri (Personal Protective Equipment) : pengenalan, pelindung mata, sarung tangan, pelindung kepala, pelindung pendengaran, pelindung kaki & telapak kaki
  6. Program perlindungan kesehatan pekerja : program pengobatan, medical surveillance, monitoring lingkungan kerja, pengujian kesehatan & konsultasi kesehatan
  7. Bekerja dengan bahan kimia berbahaya yang khusus : pengkhususan area kerja (designated area), bekerja dengan bahan kimia karsinogen, pemakaian peralatan yang terkontaminasi bahan kimia
  8. Keselamatan kerja biologis : aturan umum, work practice, buangan limbah biologis
  9. Keselamatan kerja radiologi : paparan (exposure), work practice, buangan limbah
  10. Kesehatan kerja dengan bahan kimia : persyaratan yang diperlukan, referensi yang tersedia
  11. Buangan & minimalisasi limbah Laboratorium

Metode :
Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah (60%) & diskusi (40%)

Workshop Leader:  
Alief Bakhtiar
Latar belakang pendidikan Sarjana Kimia dari Universitas Brawijaya – Malang. Organisasi profesional yang diikuti sebagai Member of Royal Society Chemistry – United Kingdom. Pemegang Sertifikat  Ahli Kesehatan & Keselamatan Kerja – Depnakertrans RI. Telah memiliki pengalaman mengelola operasional Laboratorium batu bara & gas alam cair (LNG : Liquefied Natural Gas) selama lebih 15 tahun termasuk mengajar Kimia di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri. Saat ini, bekerja di sebuah perusahaan Minyak & Gas dari Inggris, BP Indonesia sebagai Kepala Laboratorium BP Tangguh LNG. Sebelumnya, pernah bekerja pada Laboratorium Badak LNG, Pertamina di Bontang – Indonesia & Laboratorium  Snohvit LNG, milik perusahaan Minyak & Gas Norwegia, Statoil di Hammerfest – Norwegia.




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Tahapan Dan Metode Penyusunan AMDAL (YOGYAKARTA)


Tahapan Dan Metode Penyusunan AMDAL (YOGYAKARTA)

AMDAL (Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan) merupakan kajian dampak positif dan negatif suatu rencana kegiatan/proyek, yang digunakan oleh pemerintah dalam memutuskan apakah suatu kegiatan/proyek tersebut layak atau tidak layak lingkungan.

Rencana kegiatan dinyatakan tidak layak bagi lingkungan apabila hasil kajian AMDAL menunjukkan bahwa dampak negatif yang timbulkan oleh proyek tersebut tidak dapat ditanggulangi oleh teknologi yang tersedia. Selain itu, jika biaya yang diperlukan untuk menanggulangi dampak negatif lebih besar daripada manfaat dari dampak positif yang akan diperoleh, maka rencana kegiatan tersebut juga dinyatakan tidak layak lingkungan. Dimana apabila suatu rencana kegiatan yang diputuskan tidak layak lingkungan, maka kegiatan / proyek tersebut tidak dapat dilanjutkan pembangunannya.

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu untuk :

  • Memahami kebijakan Nasional Pembangunan Lingkungan Hidup dan landasan perundang-undangan AMDAL,
  • Memahami dampak lingkungan pembangunan,
  • Memahami metode pelingkupan, penapisan, identifikasi, prakiraan dan evaluasi dampak lingkungan.
  • Memahami tahapan penerapan metode, teknik pengumpulan data serta analisis data komponen Lingkungan
  • Memahami tahapan dan teknik penyusunan dokumen AMDAL (KA, ANDAL, RKL dan RPL).
  • Meningkatkan kemampuan problem solving terkait dengan penyusunan AMDAL


  • Kebijakan pembangunan lingkungan hidup
    Tata ruang
    Hukum lingkungan
  • Ilmu lingkungan / komponen lingkungan dalam AMDAL
  • Prosedur AMDAL
  • Wajib AMDAL, Dokumen AMDAL, dan Prosedur AMDAL
  • Tata cara dan Waktu pelaksanaan AMDAL
  • Metode identifikasi, prakiraan dan evaluasi dampak
  • Dampak pembangunan terhadap komponen lingkungan
  • Tahapan dan strategi penanganan dampak pembangunan terhadap komponen lingkungan
  • Metode dan teknik pengumpulan dan analisa data
  • Teknik pengelolaan dan pemantauan lingkungan
  • Tahapan dan Proses Penyusunan AMDA004C
  • Penyusunan draft dokumen KA-ANDAL, ANDAL, RKL dan RPL
  • Presentasi hasil penyusunan dokumen
  • Studi kasus dan diskusi

Venue                           : Hotel 101 **** / Hotel Cavinton****
Investasi                      : Rp 6.300.000,00/peserta  (Durasi 3 Hari)
Investasi                      : Rp 5.250.000/peserta (Durasi 2 Hari)
Minimal Kuota            : 2 Peserta
Jadwal Pelatihan        : 08.00-16.00

Magelang / Bandung / Surabaya/ Jakarta/ Bali


  • Magelang    : Grand Artos Hotel/ Atria Hotel / Rp 6.300.000 per peserta
  • Bali              : Ibis Styles Kuta / Santika Kuta / Rp 8.100.000 per peserta
  • Bandung      : Serella Hotel / Kagum Group / Rp 7.000.000 per peserta
  • Surabaya     : Ibis Pandegiling / Rp 7.000.000 per peserta
  • Jakarta        : Ibis Kemayoran / Rp 7.000.000 per peserta

Minimal Kuota               : 3 Peserta
Jadwal Pelatihan           : 08.00-16.00
*) Investasi Non Residential, Belum Termasuk Pajak
*) Pengiriman lebih dari 2 Peserta, dapatkan harga khusus.

Alternative Tanggal :
4-6 Agustus 2015
11-13 Agustus 2015
18-20 Agustus 2015
25-27 Agustus 2015
1-3 September 2015
8-10 September 2015
15-17 September 2015
21-23 September 2015
29 September-1 Oktober 2015
6-8 Oktober 2015
12-13  Oktober 2015
20-22 Oktober 2015
27-29 Oktober 2015
3-5 November 2015
10-12 November 2015
17-19 November 2015
24-26 November 2015
1-3 Desember 2015
8-10 Desember 2015
15-17 Desember 2015
21-23 Desember 2015
29-31 Desember 2015

1.      Sertifikat Pelatihan (Certificate)
2.      Expert Instructure
3.      Meeting Room Hotel dengan Lunch dan 2 kali Coffe Break
4.      Exclusive Training kits dan Backpacks
5.      Modul Pelatihan Hard dan Softcopy
6.      USB Flashdisk
7.      Foto Group Soft & Hard Copy
8.      Souvenir dan atau Oleh-Oleh *)
9.      City Tour *)
10.  Layanan booking hotel
11.  Transportasi selama Pelatihan (antar jemput bandara dan PP Hotel Ke Lokasi Pelatihan).

Akademisi, praktisi, profesional di bidang lingkungan, yang berminat mengembangkan AMDAL Affair/Complaince Manager

·         Presentasi
·         Diskusi  dan Tanya Jawab
·         Studi kasus
·         Brainstorming
·         Praktek

Riyanto, M.Si., Ph.D. dan Team





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Safe Navigation Lesson & Engine Room Safety (YOGYAKARTA)


Safe Navigation Lesson & Engine Room Safety (YOGYAKARTA)


  • 29 Jul 2015-31 Jul 2015
  • 19 Aug 2015-21 Aug 2015
  • 28 Sep 2015-30 Sep 2015
  • 26 Oct 2015-28 Oct 2015
  • 16 Nov 2015-18 Nov 2015
  • 21 Dec 2015-23 Dec 2015

Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta plaza hotel/Ibis hotel yogyakarta/Ibis Styles yogyakarta hotel/Mutiara hotel/ Melia Purosani hotel)

3  days

Pelatihan ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan secara terpadu bagi awak kapal baik bagian dek maupun bagian mesin untuk mengoperasikan kapal secara aman, sehingga terhindar dari tima kecelakaan kerja di kapal. Juga diberikan pengetahuan tentang kenavigasian dan operasi kapal secara navigasi yang benar.

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan memiliki kompetensi dan  mampu :

  1. Menganal kenavigasian kapal dan menjalankan kapal dengan berpedoman pada kenavigasian laut yang benar
  2. Melaksanakan kebersihan ruang bridge dan kamar mesin dengan baik untuk menghinidar terjadinya kecelakaan kerja.
  3. Menggunakan peralatan kerja kebersihan dan keselamatan dengan tepat.
  4. Menggunakan peralatan peralatan pemadam kebakaran jinjing dan menyusun    rencana praktek pemadaman kebakaran.
  5. Mengidentifikasi peralatan atau komponen mesin yang bergerak yang    memungkinkan terjadinya kecelakaan dan memasang pelindungnya.

Peserta pelatihan diharapkan adalah awak kapal dan petugas yang bekerja di kapal maupun yang berhubungan dengan operasi kapal.


  1. Pengetahuan tentang  kenavigasian laut dan di kapal
  2. Pengetahuan tentang kebersihan dan keselamatan kerja
  3. Inspeksi tentang peralatan dan komponen mesin yang mungkin
  4. Menimbulkan kecelakaan dan cara mengamankan
  5. Pengetahuan kebakaran dan pemadaman kebakaran dan perlunya
  6. Praktek secara periodik
  7. Praktek di kapal (untuk inhouse)


  1. Rp 5.950.000/peserta (bayar penuh)  atau
  2. Rp 5.750.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
  3. Rp 5.500.000/peserta (grup, untuk 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)


  1. Training Module
  2. Flash Disk contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Capt. Bob Subandrio, M. Mar  was born in Semarang, 11 July 1962. His formal education are as following: Merchant Marine Academy MPB III, B.P.3.I.P Jakarta  MPB II, B.P.3.I.P Jakarta  MPB I, General Pilotage Course Australian Maritime College, Mooring Master Education at Jakarta    , Competency Test Safety Health & Loose Preventing, ISPS Code Training at Jakarta, Others Training Development Dimensions International, Up Dating Ahli Nautika 1 ( ANT 1 ) / Master Mariners. Mr. Bob Subandrio has good valuable job experiences as following As Apprentice MV. Ganda Bhakti (Learning, Practise on the motor vessel Ganda Bakti for become junior Officer), As Second Mate MV. Niaga 29 (The hole responsibility navigator officer on motor vessel Niaga 29, Meratus shipping company), As Second Mate MV. Meratus, Meratus Shipping company (The hole responsibility navigator officer on motor vessel Meratus), As Third Mate MV. Pearl Glory, Perintis Line shipping   Company (Safety equipment officer motor vessel Pearl Glory), As Chief Officer MV. Pan Asia Satu (The hole cargo officer and vise of  master Pan Asia Express line shipping company), As Instructor Marine Merchant Academy (The hole responsibility university level instructor), As Chief Officer MV. Pangempang (Cargo officer and vise of  master pangempang jayanti shipping line company), As Master MV. Caraka Jaya Niaga III-17(the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Kresna abadi Line shipping company), As Branch Manager PT Carsurin Ltd. Balikpapan (The hole responsibility running operational surveyor company on Balikpapan Indonesia), As Master MT. Lumintu (the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Langgeng Shipping Company), As Master MV. Surya Tulus (the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Surya shipping company),  As Sr. Specialist Marine / Berthing Master of Mining company Newmont Nusa Tenggara (The hole responsibility berthing / un berthing vessel 60.000 – 100.000 m/t DWT, Supervisor Loading / unloading during vessel alongside at the wharf benete Indonesia, supervisor loading /unloading ship to ship during vessel stay on benete  bassin Indonesia, lead 165 person who work at benete port control), and present Mr. Bob Subandrio becoming As  Instructor University Level ( Universitas Hang Tuah ) and sometimes as Mooring Master hire by PT TJS and duty on MT Pradapa. ,  and also As Mooring Master in Tuban Marine Terminal JOB Pertamina PetroChina East Java . ( The  hole responsibility  handling  all  Tanker  with Tandem system and supervisor  Loading Crude Oil ). With these his much real valuable experiences and good knowledge He will share to participants of his industrial training class.




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Personal Transfer Safety (YOGYAKARTA)


Personal Transfer Safety (YOGYAKARTA)


  • 03 Aug 2015-04 Aug 2015
  • 21 Sep 2015-22 Sep 2015
  • 12 Oct 2015-13 Oct 2015
  • 02 Nov 2015-03 Nov 2015
  • 29 Dec 2015-30 Dec 2015

Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta plaza hotel/Ibis hotel yogyakarta/Ibis Styles yogyakarta hotel/Mutiara hotel/ Melia Purosani hotel)

2  days

Pelatihan ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada awak kapal dan petugas yang bekerja di alat apung (boat, tongkang dsb.)  untuk dapat memberikan petunjuk yang tepat bagi penumpang kapal ataupun dirinya sendiri berikut bawaannya (baggage) atau peralatan yang dibawa untuk berpindah dari platform satu ke platform yang lain dengan aman.

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan memiliki kompetensi dan  mampu :
Menjelaskan dan melaksanakan cara-cara yang aman untuk memindahkan  penumpang atau dirinya sendiri dari platform satu ke platform yang lain.
Selanjutnya dapat memberikan petunjuk kepada setiap orang yang akan melakukan perpindahan antar platform.

Peserta pelatihan adalah semua awak kapal atau petugas yang bekerja di kapal atu alat apung lainnya.


  1. Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) dan alat keselamatan di laut.
  2. Persiapan pemindahan orang antar platform.
  3. Praktek lapangan (untuk inhouse)
  4. Diskusi interaktif


  1. Rp 3.950.000/peserta (bayar penuh)  atau
  2. Rp 3.750.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
  3. Rp 3.500.000/peserta (grup, untuk 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)


  1. Training Module
  2. Flash Disk contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Capt. Bob Subandrio, M. Mar  was born in Semarang, 11 July 1962. His formal education are as following: Merchant Marine Academy MPB III, B.P.3.I.P Jakarta  MPB II, B.P.3.I.P Jakarta  MPB I, General Pilotage Course Australian Maritime College, Mooring Master Education at Jakarta    , Competency Test Safety Health & Loose Preventing, ISPS Code Training at Jakarta, Others Training Development Dimensions International, Up Dating Ahli Nautika 1 ( ANT 1 ) / Master Mariners. Mr. Bob Subandrio has good valuable job experiences as following As Apprentice MV. Ganda Bhakti (Learning, Practise on the motor vessel Ganda Bakti for become junior Officer), As Second Mate MV. Niaga 29 (The hole responsibility navigator officer on motor vessel Niaga 29, Meratus shipping company), As Second Mate MV. Meratus, Meratus Shipping company (The hole responsibility navigator officer on motor vessel Meratus), As Third Mate MV. Pearl Glory, Perintis Line shipping   Company (Safety equipment officer motor vessel Pearl Glory), As Chief Officer MV. Pan Asia Satu (The hole cargo officer and vise of  master Pan Asia Express line shipping company), As Instructor Marine Merchant Academy (The hole responsibility university level instructor), As Chief Officer MV. Pangempang (Cargo officer and vise of  master pangempang jayanti shipping line company), As Master MV. Caraka Jaya Niaga III-17(the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Kresna abadi Line shipping company), As Branch Manager PT Carsurin Ltd. Balikpapan (The hole responsibility running operational surveyor company on Balikpapan Indonesia), As Master MT. Lumintu (the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Langgeng Shipping Company), As Master MV. Surya Tulus (the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Surya shipping company),  As Sr. Specialist Marine / Berthing Master of Mining company Newmont Nusa Tenggara (The hole responsibility berthing / un berthing vessel 60.000 – 100.000 m/t DWT, Supervisor Loading / unloading during vessel alongside at the wharf benete Indonesia, supervisor loading /unloading ship to ship during vessel stay on benete  bassin Indonesia, lead 165 person who work at benete port control), and present Mr. Bob Subandrio becoming As  Instructor University Level ( Universitas Hang Tuah ) and sometimes as Mooring Master hire by PT TJS and duty on MT Pradapa. ,  and also As Mooring Master in Tuban Marine Terminal JOB Pertamina PetroChina East Java . ( The  hole responsibility  handling  all  Tanker  with Tandem system and supervisor  Loading Crude Oil ). With these his much real valuable experiences and good knowledge He will share to participants of his industrial training class.




Avatar photo


Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Safe Fuel Transfer (YOGYAKARTA)


Safe Fuel Transfer (YOGYAKARTA)


  • 06 Jul 2015-08 Jul 2015
  • 10 Aug 2015-12 Aug 2015
  • 14 Sep 2015-16 Sep 2015
  • 19 Oct 2015-21 Oct 2015
  • 09 Nov 2015-11 Nov 2015
  • 14 Dec 2015-16 Dec 2015

VENUE :   Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta plaza hotel/Ibis hotel yogyakarta/Ibis Styles yogyakarta hotel/Mutiara hotel/ Melia Purosani hotel)


Pelatihan ini bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada perwira dan awak kapal serta petugas yang bekerja di kapal bagian mesin untuk dapat melaksanakan pemindahan bahan bakar dari satu kapal/tongkang ke penampung di platform yang lain dengan aman.

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan memiliki kompetensi dan  mampu :

  1. Menjelaskan dan melaksanakan cara-cara yang aman untuk memindahkan bahan bakar dari platform satu ke platform yang lain.
  2. Menyusun rencana dan pembagian tugas pemindahan bahan bakar serta petugas yang mengawasi pompa dan selang dan peralatan pemindah bahan bakar lainnya.
  3. Menjelaskan dan menggunakan peralatan pencegah kebakaran dan polusi karena tumpahan minyak.
  4. Selanjutnya dapat memberikan petunjuk kepada setiap orang yang akan melakukan perpindahan bahan bakar antar platform.

Peserta pelatihan adalah perwira dan awak kapal bagian mesin yang bekerja di kapal atu alat apung lainnya.


  1. Penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) dan alat keselamatan di laut.
  2. Persiapan peralatan pemindahan bahan bakar antar platform.
  3. Persiapan peralatan pemadam kebakaran, perlatan pencegahn polusi tumpahan minyak dan peralatan pengaman lainnya yang diperlukan  dalam pelaksanaan kerja.
  4. Diskusi interaktif


  1. Rp 5.950.000/peserta (bayar penuh)  atau
  2. Rp 5.750.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
  3. Rp 5.500.000/peserta (grup, untuk 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)


  1. Training Module
  2. Flash Disk contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Capt. Bob Subandrio, M. Mar  was born in Semarang, 11 July 1962. His formal education are as following: Merchant Marine Academy MPB III, B.P.3.I.P Jakarta  MPB II, B.P.3.I.P Jakarta  MPB I, General Pilotage Course Australian Maritime College, Mooring Master Education at Jakarta    , Competency Test Safety Health & Loose Preventing, ISPS Code Training at Jakarta, Others Training Development Dimensions International, Up Dating Ahli Nautika 1 ( ANT 1 ) / Master Mariners. Mr. Bob Subandrio has good valuable job experiences as following As Apprentice MV. Ganda Bhakti (Learning, Practise on the motor vessel Ganda Bakti for become junior Officer), As Second Mate MV. Niaga 29 (The hole responsibility navigator officer on motor vessel Niaga 29, Meratus shipping company), As Second Mate MV. Meratus, Meratus Shipping company (The hole responsibility navigator officer on motor vessel Meratus), As Third Mate MV. Pearl Glory, Perintis Line shipping   Company (Safety equipment officer motor vessel Pearl Glory), As Chief Officer MV. Pan Asia Satu (The hole cargo officer and vise of  master Pan Asia Express line shipping company), As Instructor Marine Merchant Academy (The hole responsibility university level instructor), As Chief Officer MV. Pangempang (Cargo officer and vise of  master pangempang jayanti shipping line company), As Master MV. Caraka Jaya Niaga III-17(the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Kresna abadi Line shipping company), As Branch Manager PT Carsurin Ltd. Balikpapan (The hole responsibility running operational surveyor company on Balikpapan Indonesia), As Master MT. Lumintu (the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Langgeng Shipping Company), As Master MV. Surya Tulus (the hole responsibility as the master of the ship / General Leader, hold on all responsibility during ship operational, Surya shipping company),  As Sr. Specialist Marine / Berthing Master of Mining company Newmont Nusa Tenggara (The hole responsibility berthing / un berthing vessel 60.000 – 100.000 m/t DWT, Supervisor Loading / unloading during vessel alongside at the wharf benete Indonesia, supervisor loading /unloading ship to ship during vessel stay on benete  bassin Indonesia, lead 165 person who work at benete port control), and present Mr. Bob Subandrio becoming As  Instructor University Level ( Universitas Hang Tuah ) and sometimes as Mooring Master hire by PT TJS and duty on MT Pradapa. ,  and also As Mooring Master in Tuban Marine Terminal JOB Pertamina PetroChina East Java . ( The  hole responsibility  handling  all  Tanker  with Tandem system and supervisor  Loading Crude Oil ). With these his much real valuable experiences and good knowledge He will share to participants of his industrial training class.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Boiler : Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting (YOGYAKARTA)


Boiler : Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting (YOGYAKARTA)

11 – 13  Agustus  2015
25 – 27 Agustus 2015
8 – 10    September 2015
15 – 17  September 2015


08.30-16.00 WIB

Reguler Training
Yogyakarta >>IDR 8.500.000,- (Non-Residential) | Minimal kuota 4 peserta l Diskon untuk pengiriman 3 peserta dari perushaan yang sama

Boiler atau ketel uap adalah suatu bejana/wadah yang di dalamnya berisi air atau fluida lain untuk dipanaskan. Energi panas dari fluida tersebut selanjutnya digunakan untuk berbagai macam keperluan, seperti untuk turbin uap, pemanas ruangan, mesin uap, dan lain sebagainya. Secara proses konversi energi, boiler memiliki fungsi untuk mengkonversi energi kimia yang tersimpan di dalam bahan bakar menjadi energi panas yang tertransfer ke fluida kerja


  • Mechanical, Construction Engineer
  • Operators, Technicians, Maintenance Personnel who involved in installation, testing, and maintenance of boiler
  • Experienced professionals who want to refresh or broaden their knowledge of boiler

1.    Prinsip kerja boiler
2.    Komponen boiler dan alat pengaman
3.    Proses penguapan air
4.    Bahan bakar
5.    Proses pembakaran
6.    Sistem bahan bakar
7.    Sistem udara dan gas asap (flue gas)
8.    Sistem tarikan api (draft system)
9.    Sistem air dan uap
10.    Sistem alat pengaman dan regulasi
11.    Operasi boiler (preparation, start-up and shut-down)
12.    Tindakan aman (never and always)
13.    Water treatment
14.    Kemerosotan Boiler
15.    Perawatan dan management perawatan
16.    Troubleshooting
17.    Diskusi

Presentation, discussion, Case study, Evaluation, Pre test & post test

Hotel Berbintang, Sertifikat, training kit, Modul ( hard & soft copy ), lunch, coffee break, Souvenir, makan malam, transportasi antar jemput





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Developing Permit To Work System And Method Statements (BANDUNG)


Developing Permit To Work System And Method Statements (BANDUNG)


  • 18 Jun 2015-19 Jun 2015
  • 27 Jul 2015-28 Jul 2015
  • 19 Aug 2015-20 Aug 2015
  • 17 Sep 2015-18 Sep 2015
  • 12 Oct 2015-13 Oct 2015
  • 19 Nov 2015-20 Nov 2015
  • 29 Dec 2014-30 Dec 2014

VENUE :   Hotel Kagum Group Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)


Permits to work are used to control high risk work activities, such as hot work, work at height, confined spaces work etc. Method statements are used in many industries, again as a control measure to detail the correct and safe sequence for work operation.

The purpose of this training  is to help in determining if a job requires a work permit due to ESS&H hazards, system complexities, or work coordination needs.  If the job already has an established work procedure or has been reviewed and defined as “Worker Planned” work due to the training and qualifications of the crafts person or technician, then the checklist is not needed.

Anyone who uses or issues permits to work and anyone who produces or used method statements.


  1. Overview of safe systems of work
    • Human Engineering
    • Machine and Tools guarding
    • Behavioral factors
  2. The purpose of permits and method statements
    • ESS&H or Other Permits Needed
    • Safety, Security and Facility Concerns
    • Environmental/Waste Concerns
    • Radiation Issues
    • Complexity/Uncertainty Issues
    • Work Coordination
  3. Permit to work systems
  4. Use of the documents in practice
  5. Document templates will be provided to all delegates during the course.


  1. Rp 3.950.000/peserta (bayar penuh)  atau
  2. Rp 3.750.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
  3. Rp 3.500.000/peserta (grup, untuk 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
  6. Bag or backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Bambang Pamudji, B.Sc.,SE. has much real experiences, he is former Senior Health and Safety staff at PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja,PUSRI(Urea Fertilizer Manufacturer) Palembang. He was born in Pasuruan East Java, 14 March 1950. He got his B.Sc in Public Health from APK Surabaya in 1971 and was graduated from Economic Management Sriwidjaja University, UNSRI, Palembang in 1996. He has certificates in Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) from Depnakertrans RI/Institutions and Universities in Indonesia, institutions and Universities in UK, and National Safety Council. Experienced in setting up Health and Safety Management System documentation and its application. Experienced internal lead auditor SMK3 in PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja, and External lead auditor SMK3 for Indonesian Association Fertilizer Producer. He has been teaching industrial training classes for many classes related to topics of his competencies, HSE. Many participants from many companies in Indonesia have participated in his training classes.




Avatar photo


Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

First Responder Operations Level (BANDUNG)


First Responder Operations Level (BANDUNG)


  • 15 Jun 2015-18 Jun 2015
  • 29 Jun 2015-02 Jul 2015
  • 24 Aug 2015-27 Aug 2015
  • 07 Sep 2015-10 Sep 2015
  • 05 Oct 2015-08 Oct 2015
  • 09 Nov 2015-12 Nov 2015
  • 30 Nov 2015-03 Dec 2015

VENUE :   Hotel Kagum Group Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)


This course covers broad issues pertaining to the hazard recognition at work sites. OSHA has developed the HAZWOPER program to protect the workers working at hazardous sites and devised extensive regulations to ensure their safety and health. This course, while identifying different types of hazards, also suggests possible precautions and protective measures to reduce or eliminate hazards at the work place.

1.    Regulation Overview
a.    About the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act)
b.    The Creation of OSHA and NIOSH
c.    Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
d.    Hazard Communication Standard (HCS)
e.    Understanding OSHA Standards
f.    Hazardous Waste Legislation (EPA)
g.    Hazard Definitions

2.    Site Characterization

a.    Site Characterization Introduction
b.    Off-Site Characterization
c.    On-Site Survey
d.    On-Going Monitoring and Hazard Assessment
e.    Documentation

3.    Toxicology
a.    Response to Chemical Exposure
b.    Toxic Substance Forms
c.    Target Organ Poisons
d.    Routes of Exposure
e.    Chemical Exposure
f.    Chemical Interaction
g.    Exposure Limits
h.    Protection from Toxins

4.    Hazard Recognition
a.    Hazard Recognition Definitions
b.    Hazard and Safety Analysis
c.    Hazard Recognition
d.    Chemical Health Hazards
e.    Site and Equipment Hazards
f.    Environmental Hazards
g.    Biological Hazards

5.    Personal Protective Equipment
a.    Personal Protective Equipment: Clothing and Ensembles
b.    Developing a PPE Program
c.    Selection of Chemical Protective Clothing
d.    Accessories
e.    Level of Protection
f.    PPE Inspection Program
g.    PPE: Face, Head, Foot, and Hand

6.    Site Control
a.    Site Control Program
b.    Site Work Zones
c.    Site Security

7.    Decontamination
a.    Decontamination
b.    Decontamination Plan
c.    Levels of Contamination
d.    Decontamination Methods
e.    Testing for Effectiveness
f.    Decontamination Facility Design
g.    Decontamination Selection
h.    Emergency Decontamination

8.    Medical Surveillance
a.    Developing a Site-Specific Medical Program
b.    Medical Surveillance
c.    Treatment
d.    Record Keeping
e.    Program Review

9.    Emergency Procedures

10.    Fire Protection
a.    The Fire Triangle
b.    Classification of Fire
c.    Types of Fire Extinguishers
d.    How to Use Fire Extinguishers
e.    Standpipe and Hose Systems
f.    Automatic Sprinkler Systems
g.    Fixed Fire Suppression Equipment
h.    Fire Detection Systems
i.    Employee Alarm Systems


  1. Rp 7.950.000/person (full fare)  or
  2. Rp 7.750.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training)  or
  3. Rp 7.500.000/person (if there are 3 or more participants from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
  6. Bag or backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Bambang Pamudji, B.Sc.,SE. has much real experiences, he is former Senior Health and Safety staff at PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja,PUSRI(Urea Fertilizer Manufacturer) Palembang. He was born in Pasuruan East Java, 14 March 1950. He got his B.Sc in Public Health from APK Surabaya in 1971 and was graduated from Economic Management Sriwidjaja University, UNSRI, Palembang in 1996. He has certificates in Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) from Depnakertrans RI/Institutions and Universities in Indonesia, institutions and Universities in UK, and National Safety Council. Experienced in setting up Health and Safety Management System documentation and its application. Experienced internal lead auditor SMK3 in PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja, and External lead auditor SMK3 for Indonesian Association Fertilizer Producer. He has been teaching industrial training classes for many classes related to topics of his competencies, HSE. Many participants from many companies in Indonesia have participated in his training classes




Avatar photo


Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing





  • 08 Jun 2015-12 Jun 2015
  • 29 Jun 2015-03 Jul 2015
  • 03 Aug 2015-07 Aug 2015
  • 31 Aug 2015-04 Sep 2015
  • 05 Oct 2015-09 Oct 2015
  • 02 Nov 2015-06 Nov 2015
  • 07 Dec 2015-11 Dec 2015

VENUE :   Hotel Kagum Group Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)


The Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) applies to five distinct groups of employers and their employees. This includes any employees who are exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous substances — including hazardous waste — and who are engaged in one of the following operations such as :

  • Clean-up operations — required by a governmental body, whether federal, state, local, or other involving hazardous substances — that are conducted at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites;
  • Corrective actions involving clean-up operations at sites
  • Voluntary clean-up operations at sites recognized by federal, state, local, or other governmental body as uncontrolled hazardous waste sites;
  • Operations involving hazardous wastes that are conducted at treatment, storage, and disposal facilities regulation
  • Emergency response operations for releases of, or substantial threats of releases of, hazardous substances regardless of the location of the hazard.

This course covers broad issues pertaining to the hazard recognition at work sites. OSHA has developed the HAZWOPER program to protect the workers working at hazardous sites and devised extensive regulations to ensure their safety and health. This course, while identifying different types of hazards, also suggests possible precautions and protective measures to reduce or eliminate hazards at the work place. HAZWOPER 40 Hour is required for employees working on a project consisting of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Operation mandated by the Government. This course is specifically designed for workers who are involved in clean-up operations, voluntary clean-up operations, emergency response operations, and storage, disposal, or treatment of hazardous substances or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Topics include protection against hazardous chemicals, elimination of hazardous chemicals, safety of workers and the environment and OSHA regulations. This course covers topics included in 29 CFR 1910.120. Note: Workers must have 40 hrs of initial training before they may enter the site and at least three days of actual field experience under a trained, seasoned supervisor. **The online course meets the standard requirement of 40 hrs of initial training. The three days field experience under a trained, experienced supervisor is the responsibility of the student employer or potential employer.


  1. Understand the purpose of OSHA and its role in regulating occupational safety
  2. Use Site Characterization to establish problems that may exist in your workplace and measures that can be implemented to eliminate hazards
  3. Identify hazardous materials existent in the workplace and the possible methods, symptoms and preventative measures of exposure
  4. Encourage the use of Material Safety Data sheets (MSDS) to identify and properly handle hazardous materials
  5. Familiarize yourself with materials, compounds and mixtures that may present flammable, explosive, chemical or radiological hazards
  6. Emphasize the importance of personal protective equipment in limiting hazardous exposure
  7. Establish an effective Site Control Program to limit the risk of exposure to only those working in the hazardous work zone
  8. Implement procedures for treating workers in the event of hazardous exposure


  1. Introduction
  2. Regulation Overview
  3. Site Characterization
  4. Toxicology
  5. Hazard Recognition
  6. Hazardous Chemical Awareness
  7. Hazard & Safety Analysis
  8. Radiological Hazards
  9. Respiratory Protection
  10. Personal Protective Equipment
  11. Site Control
  12. Decontamination
  13. Medical Surveillance
  14. Air Monitoring
  15. Confined Space Entry
  16. Emergency Response
  17. Emergency Procedures
  18. Material Sampling
  19. Safe Work Practices
  20. Personal Sampling
  21. Excavation
  22. Fire Protection
  23. Introduction to Bloodborne Pathogens
  24. Bloodborne Pathogens: Control and Compliance
  25. Bloodborne Pathogens: Understanding Hepatitis B
  26. Bloodborne Pathogens: Communication and Training
  27. Bloodborne Pathogens: Revisions and Additions to OSHA Standards


  1. Rp 9.250.000/person (full fare)  or
  2. Rp 9.000.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training)  or
  3. Rp 8.750.000/person (if there are 3 or more participants from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
  6. Bag or backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Bambang Pamudji, B.Sc.,SE. has much real experiences, he is former Senior Health and Safety staff at PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja,PUSRI(Urea Fertilizer Manufacturer) Palembang. He was born in Pasuruan East Java, 14 March 1950. He got his B.Sc in Public Health from APK Surabaya in 1971 and was graduated from Economic Management Sriwidjaja University, UNSRI, Palembang in 1996. He has certificates in Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) from Depnakertrans RI/Institutions and Universities in Indonesia, institutions and Universities in UK, and National Safety Council. Experienced in setting up Health and Safety Management System documentation and its application. Experienced internal lead auditor SMK3 in PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja, and External lead auditor SMK3 for Indonesian Association Fertilizer Producer. He has been teaching industrial training classes for many classes related to topics of his competencies, HSE. Many participants from many companies in Indonesia have participated in his training classes.




Avatar photo


Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing





  • 25 May 2015-27 May 2015
  • 22 Jun 2015-24 Jun 2015
  • 29 Jul 2015-31 Jul 2015
  • 19 Aug 2015-21 Aug 2015
  • 28 Sep 2015-30 Sep 2015
  • 28 Oct 2015-30 Oct 2015
  • 23 Nov 2015-25 Nov 2015
  • 21 Dec 2015-23 Dec 2015

VENUE :   Hotel Kagum Group Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)


The Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) applies to five distinct groups of employers and their employees. This includes any employees who are exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous substances — including hazardous waste — and who are engaged in one of the following operations such as :

  1. Clean-up operations — required by a governmental body, whether federal, state, local, or other involving hazardous substances — that are conducted at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites;
  2. Corrective actions involving clean-up operations at sites
  3. Voluntary clean-up operations at sites recognized by federal, state, local, or other governmental body as uncontrolled hazardous waste sites;
  4. Operations involving hazardous wastes that are conducted at treatment, storage, and disposal facilities regulation.
  5. Emergency response operations for releases of, or substantial threats of releases of, hazardous substances regardless of the location of the hazard.

a.    Levels of Training & Responsibilities of each level
b.    First Responder – Awareness Level
c.    First Responder – Operations Level
d.    HAZMAT Technician
e.    HAZMAT Specialist
f.    HAZAMAT – Incident Commander

a.    PPE Selection
b.    Routes of Exposure
c.    Respirator Selection (Three Basic Types)
d.    Level A Suits
e.    Level B Suits
f.    Level C Suits
g.    Level D Suits
h.    Inspection and Maintenance of PPE

a.    Managing HAZMAT
b.    Initiating ERP / EEP
c.    Absorbent Material
d.    Command & Control

b.    Reading Instruments
c.    Types of Hazardous Materials


  • Rp 6.500.000/peserta (bayar penuh)  atau
  • Rp 6.250.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
  • Rp 5.950.000/peserta (grup, untuk 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
  6. Bag or backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Bambang Pamudji, B.Sc.,SE. has much real experiences, he is former Senior Health and Safety staff at PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja,PUSRI(Urea Fertilizer Manufacturer) Palembang. He was born in Pasuruan East Java, 14 March 1950. He got his B.Sc in Public Health from APK Surabaya in 1971 and was graduated from Economic Management Sriwidjaja University, UNSRI, Palembang in 1996. He has certificates in Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) from Depnakertrans RI/Institutions and Universities in Indonesia, institutions and Universities in UK, and National Safety Council. Experienced in setting up Health and Safety Management System documentation and its application. Experienced internal lead auditor SMK3 in PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja, and External lead auditor SMK3 for Indonesian Association Fertilizer Producer. He has been teaching industrial training classes for many classes related to topics of his competencies, HSE. Many participants from many companies in Indonesia have participated in his training classes.




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

First Responder Awareness Level (BANDUNG)


First Responder Awareness Level (BANDUNG)


  • 08 Jun 2015-11 Jun 2015
  • 27 Jul 2015-30 Jul 2015
  • 10 Aug 2015-13 Aug 2015
  • 31 Aug 2015-03 Sep 2015
  • 26 Oct 2015-29 Oct 2015
  • 02 Nov 2015-05 Nov 2015
  • 14 Dec 2015-17 Dec 2015

Hotel Kagum Group Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)


This course covers broad issues pertaining to the hazard recognition at work sites. OSHA has developed the HAZWOPER program to protect the workers working at hazardous sites and devised extensive regulations to ensure their safety and health. This course, while identifying different types of hazards, also suggests possible precautions and protective measures to reduce or eliminate hazards at the work place.


  1. Regulation Overview
  2. Site Characterization
  3. Hazard Recognition
  4. Site Control
  5. discussion


  1. Rp 7.950.000/person (full fare)  or
  2. Rp 7.750.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training)  or
  3. Rp 7.500.000/person (if there are 3 or more participants from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
  6. Bag or backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Bambang Pamudji, B.Sc.,SE. has much real experiences, he is former Senior Health and Safety staff at PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja,PUSRI(Urea Fertilizer Manufacturer) Palembang. He was born in Pasuruan East Java, 14 March 1950. He got his B.Sc in Public Health from APK Surabaya in 1971 and was graduated from Economic Management Sriwidjaja University, UNSRI, Palembang in 1996. He has certificates in Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) from Depnakertrans RI/Institutions and Universities in Indonesia, institutions and Universities in UK, and National Safety Council. Experienced in setting up Health and Safety Management System documentation and its application. Experienced internal lead auditor SMK3 in PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja, and External lead auditor SMK3 for Indonesian Association Fertilizer Producer. He has been teaching industrial training classes for many classes related to topics of his competencies, HSE. Many participants from many companies in Indonesia have participated in his training classes.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Ahli K3 Listrik (Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo, Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Batam, Makassar, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak)


Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi Ahli K3 Listrik

Jadwal & Tempat :

Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo, Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Batam, Makassar, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak.

  • 18 – 30  Juni 2015
  • 1 – 13 Juli 2015
  • 1 – 13 Agustus 2015
  • 1 – 13  September  2015
  • 1 – 13 Oktober  2015
  • 4 – 16 November  2015
  • 1 – 13 Desember  2015

08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo, Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Batam, Makassar, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak.

  • Investasi pelatihan selama 13 (tiga belas) hari ini adalah senilai Rp 26.000.000,- (Dua Puluh Enam Juta Rupiah) untuk setiap peserta (khusus untuk wilayah Yogyakarta, dengan minimal peserta 5 orang).
  • Untuk pelaksanaan di kota lain, harga menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta.Including : Trainer yang berkualitas, Module / Handout, Sertifikat, Training Kit (tas, block note, alat tulis, flask disk), Souvenir, 1 X Dinner, Lencana dan pin K3, Sertifikat dari Kemenakertrans RI, kartu anggota K3 dan SKP(Surat Keputusan Penunjukkan dari Kemenakertrans RI), Pick up dari bandara jika mengirimkan minimal 2 peserta.

Setelah selesai mengikuti pelatihan k3 listrik dan lulus ujian, peserta akan mengetahui tugas dan kewajiban dalam melaksanakan persyaratan, sistem dan proses K3 Listrik di tempat kerja sesuai dengan peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Pelatihan ini perlu diikuti para praktisi K3, supervisor, anggota P2K3 dll. Dengan persyaratan minimal D3 atau sederajat dengan ketentuan : Sarjana (S1) dengan pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun, Bagi yang lulusan SMA sederajat mendapatkan Sertifikat tetapi tidak mendapatkan SKP (Surat Keputusan Penunjukkan)


  1. Kebijakan UU No. 1 tahun 1970 K3
  2. Pengawasan & Pembinaan Norma K3 Bidang Listrik
  3. Persyaratan K3 Rancangan Instalasi Listrik
  4. Persyaratan K3 Sistem Proteksi Untuk Keselamatan Listrik
  5. Persyaratan K3 Pembangkitan Tenaga Listrik
  6. Persyaratan K3 Jaringan Instalasi Tenaga dan Perlengkapannya
  7. Persyaratan K3 Instalasi Penerangan
  8. Persyaratan K3 Peralatan Instalasi Tenaga/Daya
  9. Persyaratan K3 Perlengkapan Hubung Bagi dan Kendali (PHB) serta komponennya
  10. Persyaratan Ketentuan Bagi Berbagai Ruang dan Instalasi khusus
  11. Persyaratan K3 pada penggunaan peralatan uji listrik
  12. Persyaratan K3 Sistem Proteksi Instalasi Penyalur Petir
  13. Identifikasi bahaya, penilaian, pengendalian resiko listrik
  14. Pelaporan dan analisa kecelakaan kerja bidang listrik
  15. Prosedur Kerja aman pada instalasi listrik
  16. Praktek kerja Lapangan (PKL)
  17. Seminar

Presentation, Discuss, Case Study, Evaluation, Simulation, Movie

Instruktur pelatihan ini akan disampaikan oleh tenaga ahli K3 dari Disnakertrans RI dan Tenaga Ahli dari kalangan industri yang telah berpengalaman dalam memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan K3





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Pelatihan Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi K3 Teknisi Listrik (Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo, Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Batam, Makassar, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak)


Pelatihan Kompetensi dan Sertifikasi K3 Teknisi Listrik

Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo, Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Batam, Makassar, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak

Jadwal & Tempat :

  • 18 – 21 Juni 2015
  • 1 – 4 Juli 2015
  • 1 – 4 Agustus 2015
  • 1 – 4  September  2015
  • 1- 4 Oktober  2015
  • 4 – 7 November  2015
  • 1 – 4 Desember  2015

08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Solo, Jakarta, Bandung, Bali, Batam, Makassar, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, Pontianak.

  • Investasi pelatihan selama 4 (empat) hari ini adalah senilai Rp 8.000.000,- (Delapan Juta Rupiah) untuk setiap peserta (khusus untuk wilayah Yogyakarta, dengan minimal peserta 5 orang).
  • Untuk pelaksanaan di kota lain, harga menyesuaikan dengan jumlah peserta.Including : Trainer yang berkualitas, Module / Handout, Sertifikat, Training Kit (tas, block note, alat tulis, flask disk), Souvenir, 1 X Dinner, Lencana dan pin K3, Sertifikat dari Kemenakertrans RI, kartu anggota K3 dan SKP(Surat Keputusan Penunjukkan dari Kemenakertrans RI), Pick up dari bandara jika mengirimkan minimal 2 peserta.

Bekerja dengan listrik mengandung potensi bahaya listrik yang dapat berbahaya bagi pekerja dan orang lain yang berada di lingkungan tempat kerja, dan mengancam keamanan bangunan dan isinya, sehingga setiap teknisi yang diserahi tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam pekerjaan pemasangan, pengoperasian, pemeliharaan , inspeksi, pengujian dan perbaikan instalasi listrik harus memenuhi keselamatan dan kesehatan kompetensi yang dibuktikan dengan sertifikat listrik OHS dan lisensi. Berdasarkan Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Bina Hubungan Industrial dan Tenaga Kerja No.Kep Inspeksi 311/BW/2002 tentang Sertifikasi Kompetensi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Teknisi Listrik, pekerja yang bekerja pada perencanaan, instalasi dan pemeliharaan medan listrik dengan pengalaman di lapangan listrik lebih dari 2 tahun harus memiliki kompetensi yang tepat dan lisensi. Ketersediaan Teknisi Listrik adalah untuk mengawasi pelaksanaan peraturan dan kesehatan kerja dan sistem manajemen keselamatan untuk mengendalikan resiko kecelakaan kerja.

Tujuan Pelatihan Teknisi K3 Listrik ini akan memberikan pemahaman kepada peserta dengan pengetahuan rinci untuk melakukan identifikasi, evaluasi, dan manajemen risiko dalam pelaksanaan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja di bidang Listrik.

Teknisi Listrik, Electrical Engineer, Lead Electrical Engineer


  1. Peraturan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan
  2. Dasar Keamanan Listrik
  3. Dasar Teknik Instalasi Listrik
  4. Identifikasi Bahaya Listrik
  5. Pengamanan sistem
  6. Khusus Kamar Persyaratan Instalasi Listrik
  7. Lightning Protection Sistem
  8. Klasifikasi Pengenaan
  9. Pengukuran Listrik
  10. Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan Listrik

Presentation, Discuss, Case Study, Evaluation, Simulation, Movie

Instruktur pelatihan ini akan disampaikan oleh tenaga ahli K3 dari Disnakertrans RI dan Tenaga Ahli dari kalangan industri yang telah berpengalaman dalam memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan K3





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

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