Jadwal Training 2024

Distributed Control System


Distributed Control System

8-11 Oktober 2012
22-25 Oktober  2012

Jam Pelaksanaan
08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Aston Hotels Yogyakarta

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Ir. Teguh Santoso
Prakstisi di bidang pembangkitan dan telah berpengalaman dalam berbagai kegiatan training, inspeksi dan konsultan di berbagai lembaga dan perusahaan seperti PT. Angkasa Pura II, PLTA Mrica, PLTA Jelog, PLTA Garung, PT. Perhutani, PLTA Kedung Bandara Sokerno-Hatta, PTPN XI, PTPN X, PT Fokus Indo Lighting Jakarta, PT. Mirambi Energi (bersama PT. Jasa-Produksi, PLN) PLTD Mateko Bulukumba, Sulawesi Selatan.

Beliau juga aktif mengajar di berbagai perguruan tinggi antara lain di STMIK AKAKOM, IST AKPRIND, AAN, AAU untuk mata kuliah: Teknik Digital, Sistem Mikroprosesor dan mengajar di Jurusan Teknik Elekro Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Rp  8,500,000,-/ participant Nett Non Residential
** Pendaftaran minimal 3 orang biaya training Rp. 7.550.000,-/participant nett Non Residential**

This course will cover the practical applications of distributed control systems. Included is the relationship between programmable logic controllers and the DCS. Further included is the importance of Human Computer Interfaces (HMI) and advanced control strategies, which would not be possible without the application of a computer. This course is non-specific but will include a number of manufacturers DCS systems, such as Honeywell TDC rage. Each delegate will receive a comprehensive course manual. The concept of field buses is introduced with some study of Foundation of assets management as a tool for proactive maintenance systems.

This course is intended for engineers and technicians requiring knowledge of automation and distributed control

Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation


  1. Computer Interfacing
  2. Basic DCS Controller Configuration
  3. Uninterrupted Automatic Control
  4. Advanced DCS Systems
  5. Advanced Control Strategies
  6. Box Level Control
  7. Sequence Programs Linked to Control from Data Highway Box Level
  8. Practical Examples of Level 2/3 Control
  9. Maintenance Considerations
  10. Maintenance Requirements of System and System Elements
  11. Procedure for Checking Control Loop Calibration
  12. IN-built Diagnostics and Maintenance Diagnostic Routines
  13. Requirements for Installation of UPS System

Kode : 46789011




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