Jadwal Training 2024

11 – 12 February 2009

The Twin Plaza Hotel
Jl. S. Parman Kav. 93-94, Slipi
Jakarta 11420

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Mr. Ferry Aries
” Mr. Ferry Aries is one of the Senior Mindset Specialist in SQ Centre. Previously a professional Radio Host for many years and practicing Lecturer in one of the prominent Universities in Indonesia, Mr. Ferry Aries is currently one of the Senior SQC Specialists facilitating Mindset Reshaping Trainings for the past few years. For this workshop SQ Centre uses an International standard of training modules specially packed to provoke intensive yet  speed-learning of Mindset Reshaping (oriented towards Excellence in Service) for operational to supervisory levels. ”

Rp. 2.000.000,-
10% Discount applies for Early Bird (register before 30 January) or Group Bookings (minimum 5 participants)

This is a powerful 2-day workshop for frontliners to break-the-mould, challenge mindset and create awareness on service quality, in relevance to their skills within the respective companies and organizations. Teamed with a set of challenges and activities, it provides framework for self-assessment and progressive action-plans to contribute in enhancing the overall quality of the business


  • Able to learn the importance of service and service excellence
  • Able to learn how to enhance customer satisfaction with Cycle of Excellence
  • Receive ability to identify themselves in critical perception points
  • Understand importance of taking ownership of their immediate environment
  • Show importance of having a positive mindset for service excellence
  • Understand the process of communication in delivering service quality
  • Learn to apply active listening skills
  • Introduced SERVE model as a tool for service fail-safe
  • Receive right approaches to problem solving in service quality

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