Jadwal Training 2024

3-4  Agustus 2009

Jam Pelaksanaan
08.30-17.00 WIB

Hotel/ Gedung LP3I-MTC

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Ir Clemens N Bunawan,. MM
( Praktisi system TPM & TQM untuk Manufacturing & Administrasi) adalah praktisi professional yang memfokuskan diri pada bidang Productivity & Quality Management. Beliau pernah menjadi Pembicara Tamu pada beberapa Consultan training yaitu di PQM Consultan, Synergi Consultan, Butomo Consultan, dan Prima Daya Consultan, sedangkan Saat ini sebagai Assosiate trainer di MTC – LP3I. Adapun bidang training yang dilakukan adalah QCC / GKM , 7 tools QC , SQC , TPS, TPM , 5R / 5S , Safety , Problem Solving Efective , PM Analysis, Supervisor Roles. Beberapa Klien yang pernah dilakukan training antara lain : PT. INCO ASKO, PT. Bakrie Tosanjaya, PT. AICA , PT. Semi Conductor, PT Profilindo, PT. Astra Int., PT. Chuhatsu .

Rp. 2.000.000/peserta (sudah termasuk modul dan sertifikat)
(sudah termasuk Coffee Break + Lunch, modul, sertifikat)
+ Bonus Flashdisk 2GB berisi materi training

1. History of Lean
a. The Origin of Lean
b. Related Terminology

2. Lay Out Optimization
a. Implication and importance of lay out
b. Concept of flow

3. Waste Elimination
a. What is waste ?
b. Techniques to eliminate wastes
c. Kaizen Improvement cycles

4. Pull System
a. Traditional Production Control (Push)
b. Introduction to Kanban
c. Kanban Operation Rule

5. 5S/5R
a. Objective
b. 5S Implementation

6. SMED/Quick Changeover
a. Terminology
b. Definition of conversion
c. Quick changeover benefits
d. The 8 step approach

7. Standardized Work
a. What is Standardized Work ?
b. Element of standardized work

8. Theory of Constraints
a. Objective
b. Bottle necks
c. Bottle neck management

9. Total Productive Maintenance
a. History
b. The Seven Big Losses
c. OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness)

10. Error Proofing
a. Definition
b. Error vs Defect
c. Seven Step error Proofing Process

11. Organization Design
a. What is Organization design ?
b. Team Based Organization
c. Integrated Production Team

12. Performance Metric and Continuous Improvement
1. Key Success Factor
2. Performance measurement
3. Lean Manufacturing Metrics
4. Continuous Improvement
5. Visual Factory

Wajib diikuti oleh
Manajer atau Supervisor yang bergerak dibidang Produksi, Technical Support, Engineering, Purchasing, PPIC dan lain-lainnya.

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