Jadwal Training 2024

Leadership Development Program


Leadership Development Program

24-26 Januari 2012

The Majesty Hotel , Bandung
Menara Kadin, Lt 24 Jakarta

Sasaran Pelatihan:
Leadership adalah kompetensi yang mutlak dimiliki oleh setiap individu atau karyawan, apapun bidang pekerjaannya. Khususnya untuk karyawan yang diberikan jabatan struktural atau managers, mutlak untuk memiliki Leadership yang kuat dan senantiasa harus mengembangkannya ditempat kerja. Leadership merupakan kompetensi ‘Soft Skill’ atau sering pula disebut sebagai ‘People Skill’. Setiap orang memiliki leadership yang berbeda tingkat kualitasnya, dan merupakan kompetensi yang dapat dipelajari dan dikembangkan sendiri.

Pada kenyataannya, karyawan tidak memahami aspek Leadership dengan baik, dan berkembang hanya berdasarkan pada situasi yang ‘otodidak’ (autodidact). Pada kondisi demikian, maka perkembangan nya tidak akan maksimal, atau bahkan cenderung datar. Agar seseorang dapat berkembang dengan maksimal, maka harus memahami perspektif Leadership secara keseluruhan dan memahami beberapa core skill yang merupakan fondasi dari kompetensi Leadership.

Manfaat Pelatihan:

  • Peserta akan memperoleh pemahaman secara terstruktur atas Leadership, dan cara bertindak yang tepat sebagai layaknya seorang karyawan/ manager yang professional.
  • Peserta akan memperoleh Filosofi dan perspektif yang lengkap dan menyeluruh mengenai Leadership, sehingga akan mempercepat proses pengembangan Leadership yang efektif.
  • Peserta akan menjadi lebih percaya diri dalam menghadapi tantangan di tempat kerja, khususnya dalam memimpin anggota tim nya di unit kerja.

Day 1. Core Elements of Leadership

  • Sesi 1: Leadership in Perspectives
  • Sesi 2: Developing your Emotional Quotient
  • Sesi 3: Moral & Character Building
  • Sesi 4: Developing a strong Mental – Attitude

Day 2. Core Elements of Leadership

  • Sesi 1: The Vital skill in  Leadership
  • Sesi 2: Mind setting, See it big – keep it simple
  • Sesi 3: Taking an Initiative
  • Sesi 4: Accountable & Sense of Closure

Day 3. Core Elements of Leadership

  • Sesi 1:  Communication Skill
  • Sesi 2:  Problem Solving & Decision Making
  • Sesi 3:  Role Play & Studi Kasus

Metodologi Pelatihan
Pelatihan ini bersifat interaktif yang diisi dengan ceramah, diskusi, dan roleplay secara berimbang.

Fasilitator Pelatihan
Husen Suprawinata
Husen Suprawinata is a leadership coach and management consultant with more than 30 years practical hands-on business experience from various companies he has been working with. He started his career immediately after he graduated from high school by working during office hours of the day and took the evening bachelor degree program at Tarumanagara University. Along with the vast experience gained from managing various businesses, he actually got and has since then developed his passion in business, leadership and in developing, inspiring and motivating people when he spent 10 years working and learning at Tiger group of companies from 1985 – 1995.

During his more than 30 years career span as professional, he had been entrusted as General Manager and President Director in multinational companies in Indonesia such as ICI Paints from 1996 to 2004 and American Standard from 2004 – 2008. He was also Chief Operating Officer of Catur Sentosa Adiprana, the biggest public listed nation-wide building materials distributor in Indonesia, from 2008 – 2010. The management teams in those companies he had been with have benefited immensely from his coaching and mentoring leadership style. Those companies he had led also delivered significant improved productivity and in profitability.

He is now an associate partner, certified coach and consultant of SMI (Success Motivation Institute founded in 1960 by Paul J. Meyer) in Indonesia and South East Asia. He provides management training and coaching to organizations in order to effectively respond to the rapidly changing business environment. He also dedicates part of his time as writer and public speaker in sharing his thought and know-how, to develop people and to inspire them to use their full potentials. He is a firm believer that organizations would be more successful when they have with them the right human capital who believe in going above and beyond what they are asked to do – doing the extra mile whenever and wherever required.

Felix E. Simatupang, SE, CLI    
Pengalaman sebagai :

  • Instructor di Sewu New York Life ( 3 tahun)
  • Branch Manager di Sewu New York Life ( 3 tahun )
  • Training Supervisor di Astra CMG Life ( 5 tahun )
  • Call Center Head di Astra CMG Life ( 1 tahun )
  • Senior Executive Sales Trainer di Commonwealth Life ( 12 tahun )
  • rainer, Facilitator & Motivator di FESIMA–Training & People Development ( 1thn )
  • Success Coach di The Winner Institute (sekarang)

Investment Fee :
Rp 6.000.000 /peserta
include: handout materi, sertifikat, coffee break, 2x lunch





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