Jadwal Training 2024

Management Tools For New Supervisors

Choice Learning Center

Pembicara / Fasilitator :
Alviko Ibnugroho, MM, RFC, RIFA, AAAIJ
Alviko graduated his bachelor degree in Atma Jaya University , who has recently accomplished his master degree in management in Gadjah Mada University . He gained his informal education at Mercury International as a Master Trainer. He has been a speaker for some companies in Indonesia since 1999, and many companies have participated in his training as well. Since 2003, Alviko has become an active speaker in the field of financial planning, which has taught many participants on how to take smart financial action, in accordance with their values in life. He has helped many companies to improve their employee’s productivity in customer service, sales, and motivation through training. Currently, Alviko is a Senior Partner in Training and Development Division of Choice Management Consultants.

Supervisors play a key role in achieving organizational objectives. They are responsible to achieve targets at operational level and take a lot of stress in managing individuals and groups. Supervisors need to develop a style that works for them and that is also adoptable to different situations and people. The workshop on Management Tools for New Supervisors equips you with a variety of supervisory techniques that you can put into action immediately and plus the tools competent supervisors use to successfully lead and motivate individuals and teams.

Program Coverages:
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the role of supervisors in managing work
  • Learn principles of effective communication
  • Understand how to apply various motivational techniques
  • Learn techniques to help you cope with stress and conflicts
  • Use delegation for employee development
  • Manage their time management effectively

Program Contents:
· Functions of supervisors
o Basic function of supervisors
o Role of supervisors

· Effective communication
o Effective supervisory communication
o Impact of nonverbal communication

· Creating a motivating environment
o Establish the essentials of a motivating environment
o Demonstrate rules for reinforcing productive behavior

· Delegation for development
o Learn the steps for delegation success
o Practice delegation assignments

· Managing stress
o Identifying stressors
o Strategies to deal with job stress

· Handling conflicts
o How to deal with conflicting situations
o Techniques of handling conflicts

· Managing time effectively
o Prioritization
o Dealing with time wasters
o Share time management best practices
o Plan and conduct effective meetings

Who Should Attend:
The workshop is designed for entry and middle level supervisors, team leaders, coordinators, who are directly, or indirectly, involved in supervision or are expected to be engaged in such activities in future. The workshop will be useful for participants from industry, social sector development organizations, academia, international funding agencies and NGOs.

The workshop will be based on interactive sessions with focus on experiential and interactive learning models. There will be structured exercises, group discussions, analysis, and role-plays.

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