Jadwal Training 2024

17-18 Oktober 2008
09:00 – 16:00

Hotel Panghegar* (*:tentative)

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Dino Martin, MBA
Praktisi Manajemen Akunting dan keuangan dengan jabatan yang pernah dipegang antara lain sebagai, Finance Director, Financial Controller, Financial Planning Manager, Finance and Accounting Manager, dan Accounting Manager.
Beliau pernah bekerja di PT. Nabisco Food MFG Indonesia, PT. BAT Indonesia, dan PT. Matahari Putra Prima TBK

(exclude accommodation, hard & soft copy materi, Sertifikat, Lunch & Coffee Break, souvenir)

Business decisions involve choosing between alternative courses of action and developing formal plans for future action. This course explains several methods of analysis that can help business managers to choose alternatives that offer the highest rate of return on investment or the greatest reduction in costs. In this course, topics such as capital budgeting and managerial decisions provide you with the concepts, procedures, and analytical skills you need to make informed decisions in today’s complex business environment.

1. Decision Making and Managerial Accounting
– identify the benefits of knowing how to use specific accounting results to make managerial decisions.
– sequence the steps in the make or buy analysis.
– perform a make or buy analysis for a specified component part.
– identify examples of the factors that affect a decision to lease or buy.
– identify examples of the steps in the scrap or rework decision.

2. Capital Budgeting
– recognize the benefits of knowing how to evaluate capital investments using the payback period and the accounting rate of return.
– match information about various investments with the corresponding type of net cash flow.
– calculate the payback period for a specified investment, given the expected cash flow information.

3. Capital Budgeting Using Time Value of Money
– recognize the benefits of knowing how to evaluate capital investments using the time value of money.
– identify the process for deciding whether to acquire a given investment.
– decide whether to acquire a given investment

Kode :  BTOP017

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