Jadwal Training 2024

09-10 Februari 2009
09:00 – 16:00

Patra Office Tower Suite#1710
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 32-34

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Dino Martin, MBA. & Team
Finance & Accounting Practitioner
Senior Instructor


(hard & soft copy materi, Sertifikat, Lunch & Coffee Break, souvenir)

Apabila Anda ingin meningkatkan kemampuan managerial dan menjadi Manager yang memiliki kemampuan strategic, pelatihan ini PENTING Anda ikuti!. Dengan kemampuan berpikir strategic dapat memungkinkan para peserta untuk dapat lebih terlibat dalam proses pengambilan keputusan, memformulasikan strategi perusahaan dan me”re-engineering” bisnis. Meningkatkan posisi sebagai manager yang tidak hanya berpikir operasional tetapi STRATEGIK, dan siap untuk melangkah ke posisi yang lebih tinggi.

1. Memahami keuntungan manager yang berpikiran strategic dan tantangan dimasa yang akan datang.
2. Memahami kemampuan yang harus dimiliki oleh manager yang berpikiran strategic dan teknik memambangun dan mengasah kemampuan tersebut.
3. Teknik aplikasi bagaimana menerapkan strategic thinking tersebut dan memulainya.
4. Teknik melepaskan diri dari kegiatan rutin operasional.

Pelatihan menggunakan metode ceramah dalam memahami konsep, dan latihan/studi kasus dalam mendalami teknik aplikasinya.
Serta para peserta akan membuat action plan, untuk menentukan rencana yang akan diterapkan setelah kembali ke dunia kerja.

1. Learning Objectives
– Define Operational Management and Strategic Thinking
– Understand the Classic Strategic Model
– Develop a SWOT Analysis for Your Work Group
– Create a Target for Future Success
– Develop a Mission Statement for Your Work Group
– Encourage Innovation in Your Team
– Create a Strategic Approach to Your Particular Work Situation

2. Developing and Balancing Your Operational and Strategic Management Skills
– Establish a Working Definition of Operational Management
– Explore the Key Attributes of Today’s Strategic Thinkers
– Find the Balance Between These Core Competencies
– Reflect on Your Current Use of Operational Management and Strategic Thinking in Your Own Work Setting

3. Creating a Strategic Frame of Reference
– Understand the Key Components of a Strategic Frame of Reference
– Define Key Outputs at Each Level
– Develop a Strategic Thinker’s Approach for Your Own Work Environment

4. Understanding Your Current Operational Mission: Your Team, Your Customers and Your Competitors
– Clarify the Purpose of Your Work Group in the Context of Your Organization
– Draft a Mission Statement Defining the Operational Reality of Your Work Group
– Create a SWOT Analysis to Help You Understand Your Team, Your Customers and Your Competitors

5. Developing a Strategic Vision: Moving from What Is to What If
– Assess Customers’ Needs, Wants and Expectations
– Determine Optimal Approaches for Developing Customer Data and Input
– Learn to Use an Importance/Performance Matrix to Set Priorities for Your Work Group
– Understand the Power of Vision
– Create a Linkage Between the Organizational Vision and Your Work Group’s Mission

6. Making Your Vision a Reality: Influencing Key Stakeholders
– Develop Persuasive Skills to Sell Your Strategic Ideas
– Explore a Range of Options for Influencing Others
– Assess Your Ability to Encourage Innovation
– Learn How to Conduct 5 Key Conversations to Encourage Innovation in Your Group

7. Your Personal ACTION PLAN: Developing and Selling Your Vision of the Future
– Complete a Strategic Frame of Reference for Your Department, Work Unit or Team
– Prepare to Communicate Strategically
– Identify and Practice the Key Conversations You Intend to Have Upon Your Return to Work
– Develop a Personal Plan of Action

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