Jadwal Training 2024

Reality Based Selling


Reality Based Selling

Despite the fondest wishes of sales managers around the world, the person controlling the buying-selling transaction is the buyer. All a salesperson can do is control himself/herself so that all of the salesperson’s knowledge, experience, and creativity can be focused on helping the buyer BUY.

Reality Based Selling is a process whereby salespeople—with the support and help of a professional trainer/coach—focusing on helping their buyers BUY.

Outline :

  1. Varying your approach based on the communication and decision-making style of the buyer
    • Understanding the Emotional Barriers to Buying: The Consultative Process
    • Decision Making Styles of Buyers
    • Mirroring and Building Trust with Buyers
    • Getting Agreement: Buyer Needs
    • Buyer Motivations and Presenting Solutions
    • Supporting Buyers Through Their Decision
  2. Negotiating when price is the last remaining barrier to buying
    • Negotiating with “hard” and “soft” buyers
    • Negotiating with buyers who use dirty tricks
  3. Selling strategically
    • Understanding Transactions vs. Partnerships
    • When Sales and Marketing Meet: Developing an Offering to Create
  4. Differentiation
    • Identifying the Various Buying Influences in Customer Organizations—and Creating
  5. Appropriate Strategies
    • Debriefing sales calls What Worked, What Didn’t Work—and Why

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Drs. Bambang Haryanto, M.Ed,
Instruktur dan konsultan senior JPM & Partners, telah melakukan konsultasi di berbagai organisasi bisnis dan lembaga, antara lain BCA Group, Gajah Tunggal Group, Dharmala Group, Sampoerna Group, Tiga Raksa Group, Lippo Bank, Bogasari, dan Bank Artha Graha, Surveyor Indonesia, Trans TV dan masih banyak lagi.

Master of Education dari Simon Fraser University Canada ini memulai karir profesi di Divisi HRD dan Training Center BCA sebagai instruktur programprogram manajemen dan pengembangan diri, Kepala Pelaksana Harian BCA Training Center, Koordinator Program Pengembangan Manajemen, menyusun, mengembangkan dan menyelenggarakan berbagai pelatihan untuk BCA Training Center.

Hingga saat ini ia telah menyelesaikan dengan baik lebih dari 900 kali berbagai jenis program pelatihan dan konsultasi.





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