Jadwal Training 2024

Reciprocating Pumps


Reciprocating Pumps

8-10 September 2014
6-8 Oktober 2014
10-12 November 2014
8-10 Desember 2014

Jam Pelaksanaan    
08:00 – 16:00 WIB

Hotel berbintang di Yogyakarta (Ibis Style, Horison Ultima Riss, Grand Zurry, dsb) & kota-kota lain sesuai permintaan peserta (dengan biaya yang berbeda)

Pembicara / Fasilitator    
Victor Malau, PHd dan Team
Trainer, Konsultan dan Assessor dalam Bidang Mecanical)

Rp 7.500.000 (untuk setiap peserta)
Jika perusahaan mengutus lebih dari 3 (tiga) peserta, maka setiap peserta hanya membayar Rp 7.000.000

A reciprocating pump is a positive plunger pump. It is often used where relatively small quantity of liquid is to be handled and where delivery pressure is quite large. Reciprocating pumps are used in High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The objective of this training is participants are expected to know about: technology, performance, operation and characteristics of reciprocating pumps, so as to have the basic ability to solve troubleshooting problems.

Outline Materi:

  1. Introduction
  2. Classification of reciprocating pumps
  3. The main components and functions
  4. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of reciprocating pumps
  5. Some use of reciprocating pump
  6. The design of stuffing box, packing and plunger
  7. The operating characteristics and rating recipro-cating pumps; power input / output, efficiency, stall pressure, etc..
  8. Auxiliary equipment
  9. Maintenance and operation of the reciprocating pump; lubrication, start
  10. Preparation, unloading, monitoring, and break-ins
  11. Troubleshooting

Wajib diikuti oleh    
Mechanical engineers, maintenance engineers and supervisors, service engineers and supervisors, work over engineers and supervisors, maintenance technicians, etc




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