Jadwal Training 2024

Risk Based Audit (JAKARTA)


Risk Based Audit (JAKARTA)


  • 19-20 May 2016
  • 16-17 June 2016
  • 25-26 July 2016
  • 22-23 August 2016
  • 22-23 September 2016
  • 17-18 October 2016
  • 21-22 November 2016
  • 19-20 December 2016

Venue: Hotel Harris Tebet Jakarta

Note: Tersedia program In-House Training. Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Workshop Leader
R. Rachmat Sumedhi, SE, FMAcc, MM

Adalah lulusan Magister of Science of Management (Finance), National University – Indonesia, Fellow of Master of Accountancy, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga Australia, Sarjana Ekonomi Universitas Katolik Atmajaya Jakarta. Saat ini beliau menjabat Chief Financial Officer di Indonesian IT, Engineering and Construction Services Group of Companies, pernah menjabat General Manager – Operation di Japanese Financing Company, Chief Consultant dari sebuah perusahaan konsultan Jepang terkemuka, Senior Consultant/ Country Financial Controller di PT Austraining Nusantara (Indonesia Office), Consultant World Bank, Consultant perbankan, BUMN dan perusahaan-perusahaan swasta , serta pernah bekerja pada beberapa Bank di Indonesia,  Dosen tidak tetap pada Universitas Riau, Universitas Nasional, dan STIE Perbanas Jakarta.

32 tahun berpengalaman sebagai konsultan manajemen/ key person dalam board of management dan 25 tahun sebagai pengajar Training-training, seminar-seminar dan Inhouse Training di bidang  Manajemen, Keuangan, Risk Management, Operational, HR and Development Programs pada perbankan nasional ataupun swasta, BPD, BUMN, perusahaan swasta dan lain-lain.

Beliau juga mempunyai pengalaman bekerja di berbagai negara seperti ROC Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Jepang, Hongkong, Australia dan PNG.

Why you would need this program?
If you are an internal auditor, controller, or risk manager and need to know better about utilization of risk information for auditing or monitoring, this workshop is designed to meet your needs.

What topics are covered?
This is a two-day (12 hours) workshop and it covers:

  1. Why risk based auditing (RBA) ;
  2. RBA process, methods, and techniques;
  3. Risk based auditing and risk & control self-assessment;
  4. RBA results, recommendation and reporting.

Course Program

– What is RBIA and what does it mean in practice?

  • overview of principles and guidance
  • three stages of RBIA
  • Driving forces for change.

– Providing assurance on risk management

  • sources of assurance to the board
  • What does good risk management look and feel like?
  • The risk maturity continuum and its impact on the internal audit approach.

– Planning and prioritizing – the principles

  • prioritizing audits
  • resources and skills
  • Consulting and reporting.

– Risk based internal audit assignments

  • assignment planning
  • developing the internal audit scope
  • Linking objectives, risks and controls – a Titanic task!

– Delivering assurance

  • the role of management
  • Testing and evidence – how far do you go?
  • the concept of risk appetite and agreed action
  • Behaviors and competency.

Investment Fee

Rp.8,910,000, Registrasi 2 Peserta

Including: Course Material: hard copy, soft copy & flash disc, Free Wi-Fi, Certificate, Lunch & Coffee Break, Souvenir & Door Prize





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