Jadwal Training 2024

The Fundamental And Implementatation Of Industrial Hygiene


The Fundamental And Implementatation Of Industrial Hygiene

October 25-29, 2010 at Bogor

The Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene course is an introductory training program. It is geared to safety, heath, environmental, and management personnel who have industrial hygiene on the job responsibilities, but who lack of training or experience in industrial hygiene. This course does not replace the education of a qualified industrial hygienist, but it does provide a basic understanding of industrial hygiene terminology, principles, and practices.

Practical approaches to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of common workplace hazards are the focus of the course. Participant will be involved in their own learning experience through interactive, instructional exercises. Combined with information, this activity provide opportunities to apply newly learned concepts to a variety of industrial hygiene program

During the training, participants will:
• Participate in interactive discussions on topics relating to industrial hygiene.
• Analyze problems presented through case study.
• Observe equipment demonstrations, than perform a task using this equipment.
• Share industrial hygiene techniques with other industrial hygiene professional in group discussions.
• Create on the job plans for implementation at their company/ facility.

The course addresses industrial hygiene topics, including:
• Anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of workplace hazards.
• Anatomy. Physiology and toxicology.
• Chemical hazards.
• Physical hazards including noise, radiation, and thermal stress.
• Ergonomics.
• Biological hazards.
• Ventilation.
• Personal protective equipment.
• Respiratory protection.
• Safety and health programs/ agencies.
• Government standard and voluntaries guidelines.

Audience description.
The Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene course is primarily attended by employees, team leaders, middle managers, and human resources personnel who have some level Industrial hygiene, safety, health, or environmental responsibilities as part of their jobs. Participants generally have limited training in the area of industrial hygiene.

Course goals.
During the Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene course, you will develop the knowledge and skills to:
1. Recognize the basic anatomy and psychology associated with routes of entry and toxicology.
2. Recognize chemical, physical, ergonomics, and biological hazards.
3. Use basic chemical and physical hazard evaluation techniques.
4. Conduct an industrial hygiene walkthrough survey.
5. Recognize general engineering and administrative controls.
6. Describe the role of personal protective equipment in a control program.
7. Begin the process of determining when you can handle an industrial hygiene issue on your own and when you should call on a more experienced industrial hygiene professional.
8. Identify and access other industrial hygiene training and in formations resources.

Course structure
The training modules are highly interactive and include question and answer sessions, experience sharing, and exercises.

Bambang Pamudji, Former Senior Health and Safety staff of PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Urea Fertilizer Manufacturer) Palembang .Born in Pasuruan East Java, 14 March 1950. He was B.Sc in Public Health from APK Surabaya 1971 and graduate from Economic Management Sriwidjaja University 1996. Having certificates in Health, Safety, and Environment from Depnakertrans/ Institutions and Universities in Indonesia, institutions and Universities in UK, and National Safety Council. Experienced in setting up Health and Safety Management System documentation and its application. Experienced internal lead auditor SMK3 in PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja, and External lead auditor
He is a Senior HSE consultant, trainer and auditor. He has experiences as Behaviour Based Safety Lecturer since 2007( in house training at PT. Pindo Deli Karawang Timur, and PT. South Pacific Viscous Purwakarta ; in public training with parcipants from PT. Pertamina, PT. Inco, and CYNNOC) .

General Information
Certificate of Appreciation

All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.

Documentation & Dress Code

  • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by TIM.
  • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.
  • Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.


  • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)
  • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.
  • Interactive presentation with discussion
  • Convenient training facilities with five star quality
  • Lunch per day with morning and afternoon coffee breaks
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment (Optional)
  • Exclusive flash disk.

Tuition Fee & Registration Deadline
IDR 9.250.000 ,-/ Person,Registration deadline a weeks before training held.

Minimum Participant
This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing


Jadwal Training

ANTICIPATION TERROR BOMB 26-28 October 2010 at Bogor Course Leader: Kompol Karna, S.Pd and Team Background Terror Bomb can be happen for everyone and everywhere. ... Baca Selengkapnya




26-28 October 2010 at Bogor
Course Leader: Kompol Karna, S.Pd and Team

Terror Bomb can be happen for everyone and everywhere. Now, Indonesia has been attacked by that terror. So we must be more carefully than before to face this situation. Bomb makes us and our social community scares to activity. Many countries have been criticized for this incident. To anticipate this incident in order not to happen again, we must take apart to close all of access to terror.

1. To give guidelines and as techniques support for plant protection, specifically in anticipation
2. Give skills for officer to secure in workplace if there are bomb threat, specifically for first response
3. Introducing explosive material to make identification easier
4. Make investigation easier by police

Outline Course

  1. Introducing explosive material
  2. Introducing bomb design
  3. Identification bomb position
  4. How to prevent and response for bomb threat
  5. First action for bomb threat by mail or post
  6. First action for bomb threat by phone
  7. First action for suspected material as a bomb or explosive material
  8. First action for bomb explosion
  9. First action for bomb threat in air plane
  10. How to make report for bomb accident
  11. Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) in bomb handling

Course Leader
Kompol Karna, S.Pd. is master trainer interpersonal skill, coach ability development from Education and Training Institute Indonesian Police and IOM. Course experience are Management Conflict, Nogotiator, Mass Control, Civil Unrest from ICITAP USA. Now, he is a instructor in state police school Sukabumi and Master Trainer in Indonesian Police.

General Information
Certificate of Appreciation

All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.

Documentation & Dress Code
o. Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by TIM.
o. Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.
o. Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.

o. Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)
o. Quality training kits included T-shirt, cap, ect.
o. Interactive presentation with discussion
o. Lunch per day
o. Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training
o. Certificate of Completion
o. Exclusive flash disk.

**) Optional

Tuition Fee & Registration Deadline
IDR 5.250.000,-/ Person, Registration deadline a weeks before training held.

Minimum Participant
This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

BEST PRACTICES INTEGRATED PURCHASING MANAGEMENT: Purchasing,Negotiation,Tender & Contracting Strategy


BEST PRACTICES INTEGRATED PURCHASING MANAGEMENT: Purchasing,Negotiation,Tender & Contracting Strategy

Senin – Rabu, 13 – 15 Juni 2011

Harris Hotel Tebet / Aryaduta Hotel Semanggi


Who should attend ?
Para Profesional di bidang:

  1. Supply Chain/Logistik, Procurement/Purchasing, PPIC, Produksi, Negosiator, Komite Pembelian
  2. GA, Administrasi Kontrak, Legal Perusahaan
  3. Project Manager, Internal Auditor, Compliance Unit
  4. Yang ingin meningkatkan kompetensinya di bidang ini

Course Leader :

Mr. Danasenjaya has worked in logistics and banking operations since 1995. Parallel to his hands-on experience he has run numerous training courses on SCM, HSE as well as logistics & procurement strategy, and has written several articles and papers with topics in management, hidden cost in distribution and transportation, ISO 14000 and logistic. He spent several years working as Senior Assistant for PT. Bank Inter-Pacific Tbk. whereas beforehand he worked at PT. Bank Niaga Tbk and Logistic Services Provider Company in Jakarta. He now works as Supply Chain Analyst Manager at 3PL Company, Jakarta

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Reviewing company services level achievement to main customer’s
  2. Reviewing company SOP based on best practice operations and current regulations
  3. Plan, organize and lead the work of teams and individuals.
  4. Managing health and safety working environment
  5. Obtain, analyze and present information on the government regulation that might affect to operations.
  6. Verify that all manual procedures are followed and respected.
  7. Identify the indicators of system failure and fraud.
  8. Reducing job failure risk and solve the problem who already identify

Mr. Danasenjaya is an active member of:
– Humanitarian Logistics Association (HLA), San Francisco, USA
– Emergency People’s Network (EPN), London, UK
– Indonesian Management Association, (AMA), Jakarta.
– Indonesian Logisticians Forum, (ALI), Jakarta.
– Indonesian Economic Graduate’s Association, (ISEI), Jakarta.

He received his bachelor’s degree in Management of Science from Mahardhika Economic School of Surabaya and master’s degree in Strategic Management and Business Planning from IPB of Bogor in 2003.

Training Description :
Procurement adalah proses pengadaan barang dan jasa dalam sebuah institusi. Organisasi bisnis, lembaga sosial, atau instansi pemerintahan yang baik biasanya telah memiliki peraturan internal terkait pengadaan barang dan jasa yang akan memastikan bahwa proses perencanaan pembelian dan proses pemilihan supplier memenuhi standar umum dan dilakukan secara transparan.
Namun dalam prakteknya seringkali timbul permasalahan dalam proses pelaksanaannya, mulai dari perencanaan yang tidak terintegrasi, perubahan harga dan pasokan tersedia, seleksi supplier yang mengundang potensi fraud, miskomunikasi dengan supplier, hingga supplier yang wan prestasi terhadap order dan kontrak.

Manfaat Pelatihan :
Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta akan memiliki kemampuan untuk :

  1. Memahami kode etik dan prosedur baku procurement
  2. Memahami tahapan administrasi dan dokumentasi procurement mulai dari prakualifikasi supplier/vendor, analisa penawaran, kontrak, hingga proses tender
  3. Memahami metode sourcing, teknik analisa penawaran, dan strategi negosiasi
  4. Memahami regulasi dan konsep hukum bisnis
  5. Memahami bagaimana proses menyeleksi, memilih, dan mengevaluasi kinerja pemasok

Metode Pelatihan :
Class presentation, discussion, study analysis, dan video presentation, dengan konsep:

* 20% teori berdasarkan literatur praktisi
* 40% analisa best practices dan benchmarking antar industri
* 40% studi kasus nyata dan diskusi brainstorming antara trainer dengan peserta

Outline :

  1. Code of conduct and Good Governance
  2. Supplier Relationship Management
  3. Outsourcing and Services Level Agreement
  4. e-Procurement
  5. Metode Sourcing
  6. Dokumen dan administrasi tender
  7. Pra kualifikasi dan pasca kualifikasi
  8. Analisa dan evaluasi tender
  9. Vendor Managed Inventory
  10. Teknik Menganalisa Penawaran
  11. Strategi Negosiasi
  12. Regulasi dan Hukum Bisnis
  13. Jenis-Jenis Kontrak Bisnis dan Resiko Hukumnya
  14. Drafting dan Evaluasi Kontrak Bisnis
  15. Mediasi dan Studi Kasus Kontrak Bisnis

Fee/Investasi :
Rp 4.500.000,- (Full Fare)
Early Bird Rp 4.350.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum H-7
Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 8.400.000 untuk pendaftaran  2 orang peserta






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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing


Jadwal Training

Pelatihan Ahli K3 Umum Tanggal 1-12 November 2010 Jam Pelaksanaan 08.00-17.00 WIB Tempat Estubisi Harga Rp 8.500.000 Sudah termasuk material kit, sertifikat depnaker, 1x makan    ... Baca Selengkapnya



Pelatihan Ahli K3 Umum

1-12 November 2010

Jam Pelaksanaan

08.00-17.00 WIB


Rp 8.500.000
Sudah termasuk material kit, sertifikat depnaker, 1x makan    siang dan 2 rehat kopi, belum termasuk akomodasi dan pajak.

Pembatalan & Penggantian  :
Apabila peserta yang sudah mendaftar berhalangan hadir dapat digantikan oleh peserta pengganti tanpa dipungut biaya tambahan. Biaya pendaftaran akan dikembalikan 50 % untuk pembatalan kehadiran tertulis yang dilakukan 1 minggu sebelum tanggal pelaksanaan. Pengembalian biaya penuh apabila pembatalan kehadiran tertulis  dilakukan 2 minggu sebelum tanggal pelaksanaan.

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Instruktur Depnakertrans
Instruktur yang akan memberikan pelatihan berasal dari instruktur senior dari Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi, serta dari akademisi dan praktisi.

Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No.1 Tahun 1970 dan peraturan pelaksanaannya pada Permen No.4/MEN/87 pasal 2 mewajibkan perusahaan mempunyai Ahli K3 agar pelaksanaan K3 di tempat kerja berjalan optimal. Pelatihan Ahli K3 umum dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan operasional perusahaan menuju produktivitas dan efisiensi untuk meningkatkan daya saing perusahaan.

Setelah selesai mengikuti pelatihan dan lulus ujian, peserta akan mengetahui tugas dan kewajiban dalam melaksanakan persyaratan, sistem dan proses K3 di tempat kerja sesuai dengan peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Materi pelatihan yang akan disampaikan meliputi sebagai berikut:
1. Kebijakan K3
2. Undang-undang No.1 Tahun 1970
3. Konsep dasar K3
4. P2K3
5. K3 Listrik
6. K3 Penanggulangan Kebakaran
7. K3 Kontruksi Bangunan
8. K3 Bejana Tekan
9. K3 Pesawat Uap
10. K3 Mekanik
11. Kesehatan Kerja
12. Lingkungan Kerja
13. Statistik dan Laporan Kecelakaan Kerja
14. SMK3
15. Audit SMK3
16. Manajemen Risiko
17. Analisa Kecelakaan Kerja
18. Praktek Kerja Lapangan
19. Job Safety Analisis
20. Prosedur Kerja
21. Ujian Akhir
22. Pembuatan Laporan
23. Seminar

Kepada peserta yang lulus diberikan sertifikat pelatihan Ahli K3 Umum dari Depnakertrans dan Penunjukan Ahli K3 yang dikeluarkan oleh Depnakertrans setelah memenuhi syarat

Wajib diikuti oleh
Pelatihan ini perlu diikuti para praktisi K3, supervisor, anggota P2K3 dll. Dengan persyaratan Sarjana (S1), Sarjana : Sarjana dengan pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun, Sarjana muda atau sederajat dengan pengalaman kerja sesuai dengan bidang keahliannya minimal 4 tahun.




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

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