Jadwal Training 2024



Kamis, 23-04-2009 – Jum’at, 24-04-2009

Harris Hotel Tebet / The Park Lane Hotel Casablanca

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Erwin Baharudin
Erwin biasa dipanggil dalam kesehariannya mengawali sebagai trainer bidang Teknologi informasi khususnya web design dan web programmer dan memilki pengalaman selama 10 tahun dalam bidang ini memiliki beberapa pengalaman sebagai training di berbagai tempat diantaranya dalam dan luar kota diantaranya Trainer untuk E-Government Pemkot Pagar Alam Sumatera Selatan,Trainer Teknologi Informasi pada Diklat DKI yang diselenggarakan oleh Ilmukomputer.com, Trainer IT untuk Diklat Departemen AGAMA RI. Trainer untuk Web Portal PT.Timah Tbk dll.

Untuk Saat ini menjalankan usaha bidang web design dan aplikasi dengan bendera PT.Fastwebindo Cipta Solusi dan Memiliki Toko online siniguajualin.com dan alkses-online,pernah juga tokolaptop.net .

Rp 2.950.000,- (Full Fare)

: : Early Bird Rp 2.750.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 15 April 2009 : :
: : Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 5.200.000 untuk pendaftaran 2 orang peserta : :.


Training Description :
Dengan bermunculannya berbagai cara untuk menjalankan bisnis, maka seseorang dapat dengan dengan mudah menjalaninya .Dewasa ini bisnis apapun mengunakan media online seperti internet banyak bermunculan. Dengan membuat sebuah website maka bisnis kita akan jalan karena website di identikan dengan saran iklan dan promosi, memperkenalkan usaha kepada siapapun tidak terbatas ruang dan waktu…Kok bisa,caranya nah itu dia secara teknis banyak digali dalam buku-buku tapi nggak cukup dengan hanya baca buku tanpa mencoba membuatnya makanya pada kesempatan kali ini akan dibahas. Akan dibahas step by step untuk anda yang ingin berbisnis dengan media internet ini.

Metode Pelatihan :
Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah lektur, workshop, studi kasus dan konsultasi interaktif.

Outline :

1. Apa itu CMS Joomla?
2. Mengenal Joomla
3. Untuk apa joomla digunakan?
4. Persiapan Instalasi Joomla
a. Hardware
– PC Pentium 4 2 Ghz ,memory 256 (rekomendasi 512 mb), Harddisk 40 GB,LAN or WLAN
b. Aplikasi Web Server EazyPHP
– Operating System Windows XP
– Apache Server + MYSQL Database (PHPMyadmin)
– Internet Explorer atau Mozilla Firefox
5. Memulai Instalasi Joomla
6. Menjalankan EasyPhp 1.7
7. Administasi SQL
8. Membuat database joomla
9. Setup Joomla
a. Set User name
b. Set Password
c. Set joomla prefix
d. Set Database MYSQL
10. Menjalankan joomla
11. Administrasi Joomla
12. Pengelolaan Administrasi joomla
13. Mengganti Template Joomla
14. Menginstall Template
15. Menginstall Komponen
16. Menginstall Module
17. Manajemen User manager
18. Manajemen Banner
19. Menginstall Mambot
20. Setting SEO (Search Engine Optimization) pada Joomla
21. Training Evaluation for web developement




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Information Technology Risk Management


Information Technology Risk Management

Tanggal :
15-16 Mei 2012

Jam Pelaksanaan :
09.00 – 17.00 WIB

Tempat :
Hotel JW Marriot / Hotel Majapahit

Teknologi/Sistem Informasi telah menjadi strategic business enabler yang memainkan peran semakin krusial dalam lanskap bisnis kontemporer. Namun, sejalan dengan perkembangan tersebut eksposur risiko terkait TI/SI juga semakin besar dan karena nilai investasi dan peran krusial TI semakin besar, diperlukan pengelolaan risiko yang efektif baik di aras strategik maupun di aras implementasi/operasional.

Topik Bahasan
Hari Pertama
Sesi Pagi

  • Paradigma baru risiko dan manajemen risiko
  • Standar manajemen risiko menurut ISO 31000:2009 dan COSO 2004

Sesi Siang

  • Proses manajemen risiko dan penerapannya dalam manajemen risiko teknologi informasi.
  • Tipologi risiko terkait teknologi dan sistem informasi: fraud, desain, eksekusi, deliveri, disaster.

Hari Kedua
Sesi Pagi

  • ISO/IEC 27001:2005 tentang keamanan sistem informasi
  • Business continuity/contingency plan ketika terjadi gangguan teknologi/sistem informasi

Sesi Siang

  • Diskusi kasus IT Assessment
  • Metoda Penyampaian Pemaparan, diskusi kasus, workshop and simulation.

Target Peserta

  • Manajemen dan Staff Unit Teknologi Informasi
  • Business disruption team
  • Risk analysts
  • Manajemen dan staf unit manajemen risiko
  • Manajemen dan staf internal audit

Pembicara / Fasilitator :
Drs. Deddy Jacobus, CCSA
adalah Pendiri dan Senior Partner JPM & Partners, perusahan konsultan dan capacity building di bidang risk, leadership and governance berkedudukan di Jakarta. Dalam bidang manajemen risiko, beliau duduk dalam kepengurusan Asosiasi Praktisi Manajemen Risiko atau the Association of Risk Management Practitioners (ARMP), asosiasi manajemen risiko di Indonesia, sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal. Beliau juga anggota Executive Committee pada Professional Risk Managers International Association (PRMIA) Indonesia Chapter (www.prmia.org) sebuah organisasi professional manajemen risiko yang berkantor pusat di Chicago, USA.
Dalam bidang kepemimpinan dan strategi, beliau duduk sebagai anggota pengurus (board member) Center for Corporate Leadership (CCL) dan Leadership Forum (LF), lembaga kepemimpinan korporasi yang didirikan oleh Tanri Abeng, Ciputra, Subarto Zaini, dan lain-lain. Beliau berpengalaman luas sebagai konsultan maupun pembicara dalam bidang manajemen risiko, good corporate governance dan kepemimpinan dan sejak tahun 2004 beliau terus berkontribusi bagi sejumlah besar kliennya yang berasal dari berbagai BUMN maupun perusahaan swasta di sektor finansial maupun nonfinansial.

Anggota Faculty Team of Euromoney Asia, sebuah lembaga konsultan manajemen berbasis di London, dan menjadi kontributor tetap pada Indonesia International Conferences on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IICIES) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) untuk bidang keuangan dan manajemen risiko. Beliau mendapatkan sertifikasi internasional di bidang manajemen risiko dan pengendalian internal (Certified in Control Self-Assessment/CCSA) pada tahun 2007 dari the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) yang berkedudukan di Florida, USA
Pengalaman dalam konsultansi implementasi manajemen risiko termasuk inhouse di berbagai perusahaan berikut:
Semen Gresik Group, PLN PJB (Persero), PT Pupuk Kaltim, Kaltim Industrial Estate, PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk, Reasuransi Nasional, Sucofindo, Jamsostek, Pegadaian, Badan Sertifikasi Manajemen Risiko (BSMR), PLN Batam, Dana Pensiun Telkom, Dana Pensiun Pertamina, Dana Pensiun Perkebunan, PLN Holding (Kantor Pusat), BFI Finance. Samudera Indonesia, Indosat, BRI, Bank Mandiri, Bukopin, Pupuk Kujang, Krakatau Steel, Pos Indonesia, Reasuransi Indonesia, Dirgantara Indonesia, PT KAI, Pertamina Holding, Telkomsel, Astra Internasional, Astraventura, PT Manulife Manajemen Investasi, PT Dok Perkapalan Kodja, PT Jaya Ancol dan banyak lainnya.

M. Hadi Cahyono, ST
Memulai karirnya sebagai dosen Departemen Teknik Industri, Universitas Indonesia. Beberapa studi telah dilakukan semasa bertugas di UI antara lain pemetaan proses bisnis untuk salah satu rumah sakit daerah milik negara di Jakarta.

Perjalanan karir sebagai profesional bisnis dimulai dengan berkarir di perusahaan konsultan dan menangani beberapa pekerjaan konsultasi seperti Corporate Governance dan penyusunan sistem manajemen mutu berdasarkan ISO 9001:2000 di beberapa perusahaan dan instansi.Pada tahun 2005, ketika standar ISO 27001:2005 diterbitkan, terlibat dalam proses sertifikasi SMKI (Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi) di Bank Indonesia. Selain itu juga membantu pelaksanaan atau persiapan dari SMKI di beberapa institusi dan perusahaan lainnya seperti di E-procurement Unit Kemkominfo, DIPA, dan Pertamina. Memiliki pengalaman dalam penilaian ISO 20000 di IBM Indonesia. Selain pengalamannya sebagai konsultan, juga sebagai trainer untuk ISO 27001, ISO 20000, IT Manajemen Risiko di beberapa pelatihan untuk berbagai perusahaan. Partisipasi dalam SMKI adalah sebagai salah satu pembicara pada seminar nasional bertema “Roadmap ISO 27001:2005 dan comply dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI) no.9/15/PBI/2007” yang diadakan oleh Teknik Industri UI dan Bank Indonesia.

Investasi :
RP. 4.000.000,-
sudah termasuk makan siang, souvenir, material kit, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum termasuk pajak. Discount 10% untuk 4 orang peserta dari perusahaan yang sama.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Super Bootcamp “Low Budget High Impact”


24, 25 & 26 April 2009

Lor In Hotel
Jl. Adi Sucipto No 47
Karang Anyar
Solo 57174

Pembicara / Fasilitator
1. Indar Atmanto
Direktur IndosatM2 – Sebagai Pemateri“Masa Depan Internet & Peluang Meraih Sukses”

2. Budi Darsono
Detik.com Founder – Sebagai Pemateri “Web 2.0: Winning Strategy Internet Business”

3. Nukman Lutfie
Virtual.co.id Founder – Sebagai Pemateri “Sukses Bisnis Berbasis Web 2.0”

4. Riyeke Ustadiyanto
Pemilik SEOKita.com & Marketbiz.net – Sebagai Pembicara dalam Basic Training SEO 3.0

5. Simon Purwa
Pemenang SEO Contest Dunia (Busby SEO Contest) – Sebagai Trainer dalam Basic Training SEO 3.0

6. Taufik Winahyo
Management Training Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel with 70% hotel online booking.

7. Herman Chang
Google Adwords Consultan Certificate / PPC Management Consultant – Pemateri Trik Jitu Bermain Pay Per Click di Google Adwords.

Pendaftaran sebelum tanggal 1 April 2009 Rp. 3.850.000,-
(Pendaftaran setelah tanggal itu sebesar Rp. 4.500.000,-).
• Khusus warga Solo yang tidak memerlukan penginapan pembayaran hanya Rp. 3.000.000,- (menunjukkan KTP).

• Menciptakan Produk dan Keuntungan Melalui Layanan Online Sendiri.
• Search Engine Optimization (SEO 3.0) – SEO Future.
• Social Media Strategy.
• Pay Per Click – Google Adwords

Materi Search Engine Optimization + Internet Marketing:
Success SEO 3.0 with Google & Yahoo!:

  • Dasar dari SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Apa itu SEO?
  • Mengapa anda perlu mengetahui SEO?
  • Pay-Per-Click
  • Click Fraud
  • Linking Partner
  • Apakah Keyword itu?
  • Keyword Density (kekuatan Keyword)
  • Sitemap
  • Spider
  • Meta Tag
  • Blog
  • Writing Articles
  • Web Directories
  • The Competitive Landscape (Lahan persaingan)
  • Top Marketing Challenges
  • Search & Marketing
  • Penggunaan Data Search Engine
  • Pertanyaan Marketing di Search Engine Marketing
  • Kunci Efektif Search Engine Optimization Campaign
  • Fokus di Tujuan Bisnis
  • SEO sebuah Taktik Marketing
  • Membuat Konten yang Berkualitas
  • Test Everything
  • Strong Call to Action
  • Tips website design untuk mengingkatkan penampilan Search Engine (Frames, Flash, Java-script Navigation, Dynamic URLs, Image Map Navigation)
  • Trik untuk Link Building
  • SEO Race Application : membuat website yang baru top 10 organic google rangking dalam waktu kurang dari satu hari.
  • Social Networking
  • RSS Feeds
  • Social Bookmarking
  • SEO 3.0 Checklist




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing


Jadwal Training

AUDIT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Tanggal 24 – 26 April 2012 Pukul 08.00 – 16.00 WIB Tempat Hotel berbintang di Yogya ( Grand Aston, Ibis, Phonix, MM ... Baca Selengkapnya




24 – 26 April 2012

08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Hotel berbintang di Yogya ( Grand Aston, Ibis, Phonix, MM UGM )

Audit IT merupakan suatu proses kontrol pengujian terhadap infrastruktur teknologi informasi dimana berhubungan dengan masalah audit finansial dan audit internal. Audit IT lebih dikenal dengan istilah EDP Auditing (Electronic Data Processing), biasanya digunakan untuk menguraikan dua jenis aktifitas yang berkaitan dengan komputer. Proses pada aktifitas ini diantaranya pengumpulan dan evaluasi bukti-bukti untuk menentukan apakah sistem komputerisasi yang digunakan telah dapat melindungi aset milik organisasi, mampu menjaga integritas data, dapat membantu pencapaian tujuan organisasi secara efektif serta menggunakan sumber daya yang dimiliki secara efisien.

Audit IT merupakan salah satu hal yang penting bagi perusahaan dalam rangka mengetahui dan mengurangi resiko penggunaan sumber daya teknologi informasi. Oleh karenanya pengendalian terhadap resiko dalam penggunaan sumber daya TI perlu untuk segera dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kekurangan dan rekomendasi perbaikan dari TI yang ada.

Tujuan yang diharapkan dari kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah peserta mampu memahami dan menerapkan prosedur-prosedur pengoperasian IT secara konsisten untuk memperoleh manfaat dalam hal terjaganya layanan-layanan IT, mengurangi terjadinya gangguan terhadap aktivitas bisnis, dan meningkatkan kepercayaan pelanggan.


  1. Introduction to Information Technology Audit
  2. Tujuan Audit IT dalam Perusahaan
  3. Mengelola Fungsi IT
  4. Jenis Teknologi Informasi
    • Systems and Applications
    • Information Processing Facilities
    • Systems Development
    • Management of IT and Enterprise Architecture
    • Client/Server, Telecommunications, Intranets, and Extranets
  5. Proses Audit Teknologi/Sistem Informasi
    • Planning
    • Studying and Evaluating Controls
    • Testing and Evaluating Controls
    • Reporting
    • Follow-up
  6. Teknik audit berbantuan komputer (Computer Aided Auditing Technique)
  7. Kualifikasi yang diperlukan untuk menjadi auditor
  8. Aspek Manajerial
  9. Studi Kasus Pelaksanaan Audit TI


  • IT Managers
  • Security Managers
  • Auditing Staffs
  • IT Operation Staffs

Melwin Syafrizal, S.Kom, M.Eng

Rp. 5.000.000,- per orang (Non Residensial)
Rp. 4.500.000,- per peserta (pendaftaran 3 peserta dari 1 perusahaan)

Kode : 1599928





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing



Rabu, 15-04-2009 – Jum’at, 17-04-2009

Harris Hotel Tebet / The Park Lane Hotel Casablanca

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Praktisi & trainer yang memiliki pengalaman selama lebih dari 15 tahun di bidang Komputer dan Sistem Informasi. Berpengalaman dalam pengembangan software, jaringan komputer dan manajemen proyek IT dan fasilitator pelatihan yang terkait dengan bidang komputer dan sistem informasi serta motivasi. Beliau pernah bekerja di PT. Asiana IMI Industries, Tbk, PT. Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia, PT. LG Electronics Indonesia, PT. LG Innotek Indonesia, PT. Harita Prima Abadi Mineral (Mining). Beberapa perusahaan pernah dan masih menggunakan jasanya antara lain : Combiphar, SMIK Swadharma BNI 46, PT. Agni Pump Jaya, PT. Fajar Transport dan Kopkar PLN Gambir.

Rp 3.750.000,-

: : Early Bird Rp 3.550.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 07 April 2009 : :

: : Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 6.800.000 untuk pendaftaran 2 orang peserta : :

Masih banyaknya dijumpai sejumlah karyawan yang menggunakan program aplikasi Microsoft Word di dalam kegiatan pekerjaannya sehari-hari, terutama untuk bidang sekretaris khususnya merasakan kesulitan untuk membuat laporan dengan menggunakan table Excel dan aplikasi graphic-nya dalam waktu yang cepat dan penjumlahan data yang tepat.

Hal ini tentunya sangat diperlukan guna meningkatkan kecepatan dan hasil kerja yang memuaskan, karena prosesnya sama seperti halnya menggunakan aplikasi Excel dengan Real Time update automation.

Sulitnya membuat proteksi untuk dokumen confidence, dokumen informasi untuk ditujukan ke sejumlah orang melalui media e-mail dalam format PDF, bagaimana mengirim e-mail langsung dari aplikasi Ms. Word, membuat template document interactive, dan lain-lain.

Objectives :
Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini peserta diharapkan mampu untuk :

  1. Mengetahui dan memahami proses instalasi dan pembuatan PDF Document.
  2. Membuat interactive template document.
  3. Dapat melakukan proteksi untuk confidence document.
  4. Melakukan e-mail dokumen dari aplikasi Ms. Word.
  5. Dapat melakukan proses manipulasi data dalam format table Excel langsung dalam aplikasi Ms. Word.
  6. Membuat tampilan graphic cepat dan menarik.
  7. Membuat Mail Merge document dengan format data aplikasi Ms. Excel (*.XLS).

Metode Pelatihan :
Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah lektur, workshop, studi kasus dan konsultasi interaktif.

Outline :

  1. What’s New in Word 2007
  2. Read of Ribbon menu
  3. How create PDF document.
  4. How sending document e-mail
  5. Paragraph and Text management.
  6. Document Management & Configuration Optimalization.
  7. Create and Using interactive document template.
  8. Table, Mail and Print Management
  9. Case study implementation
  10. Training evaluation




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

IT Compliance & Audit

Jadwal Training

Tanggal 20–21Agustus 2009 Jam Pelaksanaan 09.00-17.00 WIB Tempat Gedung Sekai Tour & Travel JAKARTA Kencana Niaga D1/2N Jl. Taman Aries Jakarta 11620 Pembicara / Fasilitator ... Baca Selengkapnya

IT Compliance & Audit


20–21Agustus 2009

Jam Pelaksanaan
09.00-17.00 WIB

Gedung Sekai Tour & Travel
Kencana Niaga D1/2N
Jl. Taman Aries Jakarta 11620

Pembicara / Fasilitator

Rp. 3,000,000
sudah termasuk material kit, souvenir, sertifikat keikutsertaan, makan siang dan rehat kopi, belum termasuk pajak. Bagi 4 peserta atau lebih dari perusahaan yang sama akan mendapatkan diskon 10 %

IT Governance:

Bagaimana membangun IT Governance yang efektif
Pengembangan kebijakan dan prosedur terkait dengan Teknologi Informasi

IT Assurance:
Bagaimana memastikan bahwa investasi perusahaan di bidang sudah sesuai untuk mendukung operasi perusahaan
Bagaimana mengoptimalisasi Teknologi Informasi untuk melindungi asset perusahaan/organisasi

IT Regulatory Compliance:
Memahami tentang tuntutan dan implikasi peraturan dan standar yang terkait dengan Teknolgi Informasi
Bagaimana mengembangkan program IT Compliance yang efektif

IT Audit:
Mehamami lingkungan Teknologi Informasi
Bagaimana mengidentifikasi kesenjangan dalam pengendalian internal terkait Teknologi Informasi
Application audit

IT business process review:
Bagaimana mengidentifikasi proses bisnis Teknologi Informasi yang tidak efisien dan bagaimana mengembangkan proses yang lebih cost effective
Network penetration test: Mengukur tingkat keamanan sistem informasi

IT risk management:
Business continuity planning: Bagaimana memampukan organisasi Anda tetap beroperasi ketika terjadi gangguan (interupsi) terhadap bisnis dan sistem informasi Anda
Disaster recovery testing: Bagaimana mengidentifikasi dan mengelola dampak bencana yang menimpa SDM, bangunan, peralatan kerja, dan sistem informasi perusahaan/organisasi Anda.

Wajib diikuti oleh
Manajemen Senior * General Manager * Pimpinan divisi Teknologi Informasi * Pimpinan Unit Manajemen Risiko * Pimpinan Satuan Pengawas Intern (SPI)/Internal Auditor * Manajer Operasional * Manajer Keuangan * Manajer Pengadaan (Procurement) * Staf Divisi Teknologi Informasi * Staf Unit Manajemen Risiko * Anggota SPI/Internal Auditor




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

The Information Technology (IT) Governance


The Information Technology (IT) Governance

25-27 Juli 2012

09.00 – 16.30 WIB

Estubizi Business Center
Setiabudi Building 2 Lantai 1
Jl.HR.Rasuna Said ,Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan

Descriptions :
The Information Technology (IT) Governance training is designed  specifically for experienced information security managers and those who have information security management responsibilities. The training  is for the individual who manages, designs, oversees and/or assesses an enterprise’s information security (IS). The IT governance training  promotes international practices and provides executive management with assurance that those earning the designation have the required experience and knowledge to provide effective security management in an enterprise. The course contents are impregnated by standard course recognized by CISA ( Certified Information Security  Auditor)

The course has been designed to enhance the skill of participants in the area of security management, especially in relation to the practice and implementation of IT Governance in their day-to-day operation as related to information security management. The training shall provide the participant  with the following capabilities:

  1. Have thorough understanding of   IT Governance  within the scope of  Information Security Management
  2. Enhanced knowledge and skill in dealing with the operational issues as related to information security within day-to-day installation operation
  3. Enhanced the skill in the design, implement, manage, and asses the organization’s  IT security system by applying the concept and philosophy of IT governance
  4. Prepare individual competency for the  professional exam to enhance the skill of the participants in Information Secuity, and  IT governance as related to Corporate Governance and escalate their  management  proficiency with broad managerial perspective essential for their day-to-day IT security  operation and preparing the skill for IT security management  procedural set up.

On completion of this module, delegates will have a detailed understanding


  1. Good Corporate Governance and IT Governance
    • Information Security Governance
    • Information Risk Management
    • Information Security Program(me) Development
    • Information Security Program (me) Management
    • Information Security Management
  2. Structures, Process & Relational Mechanisms for IT Governance Incident and Response Management
    • An information security steering group function
    • Legal and regulatory issues associated with Internet businesses, global transmissions and trans border data flows
    • Common insurance policies and imposed conditions
    • Information security process improvement
  3. Board of Directors level view of IT Governance
  4. IT Governance Model
    • Recovery time objectives (RTO) for information resources
    • Cost benefit analysis techniques in assessing options for mitigating risks threats and exposures to acceptable levels.
    • Security metrics design, development and implementation.
    • Information security management due diligence activities and reviews of the infrastructure.
  5. IT Balance Scored Card/IT BSC and IT Strategy Map
    • Events affecting security baselines that may
    • The requirements for collecting and presenting evidence; rules for evidence, admissibility of evidence, quality and completeness of evidence.
    • External vulnerability reporting sources
    • The key components of cost benefit analysis and enterprise migration plans
    • Life-cycle-based risk management principles and practices.
    • Cost benefit analysis techniques in assessing options for mitigating risks threats and exposures to acceptable levels.
    • Security baselines and configuration management in the design and management of required risk assessment
    • Changes to information security requirements in security plans, test plans and re-performance
    • Disaster recovery testing for infrastructure and critical business applications, business applications and the infrastructure
    • Acquisition management methods and techniques
  6. Board of Directors level view of IT Governance
  7. IT Val
  8. IT Governance with COBIT
  9. AS-8015 on Good Corporate Governance for ICT
  10. Cases


  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
  • Chief Information Officers (CIO)
  • Chief Technology Officers (CTO)
  • IS/IT Steering Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • IT Senior Manager
  • Information Security Manager
  • Senior Risk Manager
  • Senior Audit Manager
  • IT & Audit Staff
  • IT Security Staff
  • Risk Management Staff
  • Academic students

Instructor :
DR.IR.Fauzi Hasan, MM, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CGEIT, CPRC, CSCP, APICS, Cert. , ITIL Expert, Change Management (APMG), Prince2

Investasi :
Rp 4.500.000
Peserta Non-Residential. Sudah termasuk Meeting Package, Training Kits, Modul Pelatihan dan Sertifikat.




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

International Standard, ISO/IEC 20000 : IT Service Management


International Standard, ISO/IEC 20000 : IT Service Management

10-12 Juli 2012

09.00 – 16.30 WIB

Estubizi Business Center
Setiabudi Building 2 Lantai 1
Jl.HR.Rasuna Said ,Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan

Descriptions :
This qualification training covers the knowledge required to gain an understanding of the content and requirements of the international standard, ISO/IEC 20000: IT Service Management. It covers the certification requirements of ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005 and how the guidance in ISO/IEC 20000-2:2005 can be adopted by an organization to deliver effective managed services and continually improve those services. The qualification is aimed at staff in internal and external service provider organizations who require knowledge and understanding of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard and its content. The training  provides:

  1. Service owners, process owners and other service management staff with an awareness of and familiarity with the ISO/IEC 20000 standard
  2. Individuals with the necessary knowledge to assess the relevance and importance of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard to the service management activities within their own organization
  3. Managers and team leaders with a knowledge of a typical ISO/IEC 20000 IT service management system
  4. Internal auditors, process owners, process reviewers and assessors with a good knowledge of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard, its contents and justification of the need for internal reviews, assessments and audits
  5. Evidence that delegates have achieved a foundation level of knowledge of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard

At the completion of this course, the participants should be able to :

  1. Describe the scope, aims and use of the ISO/IEC 20000 Specification and Code of Practice through an understanding of the roles of the component parts of the standard
  2. Explain their understanding of the integrated approach to maintaining IT service management systems and processes that conform with ISO/IEC 20000 certification
  3. Describe the scoping and eligibility requirements and options to achieve certificationUnderstand and describe the requirements of the IT  service management system and the Plan, Do, Check Act cycle
  4. Understand and describe the objectives and requirements of each section of the ISO/IEC 20000 -1 Specification
  5. Recognize and describe the need to:
    • Plan and implement IT service management processes
    • Report on the IT services and major metrics of the IT Service
    • Management processes
    • Schedule and conduct regular reviews, assessments and audits
    • Plan and prepare for an ISO/IEC 20000 audit
    • Plan for continual service improvement
  6. Explain how assessments, reviews and internal audits of IT Service Management systems against the requirements of the standard are used.

On completion of this module, delegates will have a detailed understanding

1. Understanding ISO/IEC 20000 scope, purpose and use
Understand the principles of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard and be able to describe its scope, purpose and use. On completion of the course the candidate should be able to describe:

  • The scope, purpose and use of the ISO/IEC 20000-1 and ISO/ IEC 20000-2 documents and the use of “shall” and “should” statements.
  • The principles of a service management system including the need for:
    • Basing the overall quality management system on a structured hierarchy of policy, process and procedures
    • Focusing on quality, measurement and improvement driven by business and customer requirements
    • Taking an end to end service approach
    • Management responsibility and control
    • Good customer relationships
    • Demonstrating control of suppliers and outsourcers
    • Recognition of the contribution of staff
  • How ISO/IEC 20000 relates to ITIL® and other standards and best practice approaches that are commonly used in an organization such as ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 27000, and COBIT®.
  • Terms and definitions within ISO/ IEC 20000-1

2. Understanding ISO/IEC 20000 management system requirements
Understand the principles and processes for service management and the requirements of the overall management system.On completion of the course the candidate should be able to describe the requirements of a management system including:

  • The objective and scope of the management system
  • The requirements and responsibilities of management
  • The documentation requirements including the mandatory  documents and records and the role of document and knowledge management in achieving the requirement
  • The requirements for staff competence, awareness and training

3. Understanding ISO/IEC 20000 service management process requirements
Understand the objectives and requirements of the ISO/IEC 20000 IT service management processes.
On completion of the course the candidate should be able to describe:

  • The objectives and requirements for planning and implementing new or changed services
  • The objectives and requirements of the Service Delivery processes:
    • Service Level Management
    • Service Reporting
    • Service Continuity and Availability Management
    • Budgeting and Accounting for IT services
    • Capacity Management
    • Information Security Management
  • The objectives and requirements of the Relationship processes:
    • Business Relationship Management
    • Supplier Management
  • The objectives and requirements of the Resolution processes
    • Incident Management
    • Problem Management
  • The objectives and requirements of the Control and Release processes:
    • Change Management
    • Configuration Management
    • Release Management

4. Adopting the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle to improve service
Understand the approach to planning and implementing IT service management to ensure the required processes are
effectively implemented, services are continually improved and the requirements of the ISO/IEC 20000 standard are met. On completion of the course the candidate should be able to describe the requirements for planning and implementing service management including:

  • Applicability, scoping and scope statements
    • Scoping requirements
    • Scope statements for certificates (and how they relate to scoping requirements)
  • Scope and objectives of planning and implementing service management
  • The plan-do-check-act methodology and its application to service management
  • The typical inputs and outputs to be managed
  • The requirements for planning service management
  • The requirements to implement service management and provide the services
  • The requirements for monitoring, measuring, reviewing and auditing
  • The requirements for continual improvement

5. Review, assessment and audit of ISO/IEC 20000 activities
Understand the review, assessment and audit of IT service management activities, including the use of supporting systems, tools and techniques that will enable an organization to plan and conduct reviews, assessments and internal audits of IT service management systems.On completion of the course the candidate should be able to describe the following:

  • The types of reviews, assessments and audits required by the standard
  • The techniques and approaches that can be used for conducting reviews, assessment and audits, such as audit checklists, the use of metrics and the Self Assessment Workbook for IT service management
  • How to prepare for:
    • Reviews
    • Assessments
    • Internal audits
  • What is involved in an external audit:
    • The steps involved in external certification
    • The benefits of external certification
    • How to prepare for an external audit
    • The certification process to achieve ISO/IEC 20000, including full audits and surveillance audits
    • What to expect in an audit and how to manage audit observations.


The course is aimed at all levels within the organization who want to attain an overview of the elements of the ISO20000 standard and the certification process. It is envisaged the delegates would normally have at least a basic understanding of the principles of IT Service Management and a basic understanding of ITIL.

Instructor :
DR.IR.Fauzi Hasan, MM, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CGEIT, CPRC, CSCP, APICS, Cert. , ITIL Expert, Change Management (APMG), Prince2

Rp. 4.500.000,- / peserta.
Peserta Non-Residential. Sudah termasuk Meeting Package, Training Kits, Modul Pelatihan dan Sertifikat.




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Information System Strategy-Master Plan


Information System Strategy-Master Plan

18-20 September 2012

09.00 – 16.30 WIB

Estubizi Business Center
Setiabudi Building 2 Lantai 1
Jl.HR.Rasuna Said ,Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan

Descriptions :
This class is intended as comprehensive  preparation and enhancement in the Information Technology skill focusing in information technology strategy and master plan, which is essential to professionals involving in the IT and implementation strategy implementation.

The course shall provide the participants with an understanding of the contemporary technological  and organizational issues involved in the management of in formation technological sources at strategic level. The role of information systems in providing competitive advantage and the frequent need for business re-engineering that accompanies adoption of new technology are discussed. Strategic IT planning and the evaluation process to ensure proper alignment of technology to business goals are also explained. Global IT issues are also considered

Upon completion of this subject, participants should be able to:

  1. Recommend an IT architecture that will create a competitive advantage
  2. Identify projects within an organization that would benefit from business process reengineering (BPR)
  3. Determine IT planning methods that support strategic development within an organization and  make an effective contribution to the IT planning process
  4. Assess the effectiveness of IT infrastructure in meeting organizational objectives
  5. Identify IT strategies to support the firm’s global business goals and operation

On completion of this module, delegates will have a detailed understanding

Segment 1: Introduction to IT strategy and Master Plan
Course participants are introduced to the concept of IT strategy and IT Master Plan  within diversified perspectives as related to management information system, the resources and tools are described in the direction of IT/IS strategy and master plan.

Segment 2: Business Process and Information Technology
In this segment course participant shall have thorough understanding on the alignment of business process and information technology as they will explor on:

  • Overview of Business Capability
  • Business Process needs
  • Information Technology Capability
  • Building an IT Capability

Segment 3: Strategic System
The segment looks at how IT may be used to give firms a competitive advantage. Participants shall learn how to link IT applications with business strategies within an organization and to identify strategic business opportunities that IT can help create. Different models of competition, such as the extended rivalry model, generic strategies model and value chain model  are examined.

Segment 4: Strategy in IT Alignment
This segment shall describe the steps in applying the strategy for IT alignment which covers as the followings:

  • Business Drivers and Imperatives
  • Technology implication
  • Creating the “as-is” view
  • Envisioning the “to-be” capability
  • Identifying the gaps
  • Prioritizing the alternatives
  • Devising a migration plan

Segment 5: Information Technology and Re-engineering
Information Technology can be used to enable business process reengineering, a powerful management technique characterized by critical scrutiny of business processes followed by their redesign. The different types of business process reengineering projects are discussed. Students learn how to apply the process and evaluate the impact of  Information Technology on business process reengineering inorganization

Segment 6: Information Technology Planning
Strategic Planning within an organization must involve Information Technology Planning to align the overall business plan of the firm. Participants explore ways in which IT enables a firm to fulfill its strategic objectives and some of the challenges faced by organizations while conducting IT planning Commonly-used approaches – the critical success factors approach, contingency approach and business systems planning approach – are reviewed, along with best practices in IT planning

Segment 7:Information Technology Evaluation
The segment describes ways in which you can assess the costs and benefits of IT deployment, at the economy level and at the level of the firm. Economic evaluation techniques are explained, as are complementary evaluation methods to examine IT performance. Service level agreement monitoring and the user satisfaction measurement are among the method covered

Segment 8:Global Information Technology
Participans are introduced to some of the challenges relating to the management and deployment of IT on a global scale. A global  information systems strategy can help organizations improve business co-ordination of worldwide activities and exploit supply chain efficiencies.

It is, however, important to ensure effective planning and communications, as development and implementation of global IT systems are typically centered in different locations.

Segment 9: Migration Strategy
In this segment the participants are enlightened in how to set up and devise migration strategy as related to the business processes requirement, the area of coverage are:

  •     Discussion of migration approaches
  •     Selection criteria and rationale
  •     Planning for migration

Segment 10: Cases
IT strategy and master plan cases in general industries and high light on the implementation methodologies to obtain robust IT strategy and master plan


  1. Managers seeking to improve business productivity through IT application
  2. Decision makers involved in developing and evaluating strategic IT plans
  3. Executives involved in the management and governance of IT resources
  4. IT practitioners wishing to enhance their knowledge of  strategic business applications
  5. Beyond technical

Instructor :
DR.IR.Fauzi Hasan, MM, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CGEIT, CPRC, CSCP, APICS, Cert. , ITIL Expert, Change Management (APMG), Prince2

Rp. 4.500.000,- / peserta. Peserta Non-Residential. Sudah termasuk Meeting Package, Training Kits, Modul Pelatihan dan Sertifikat.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

The Professional Data Center

Jadwal Training

The Professional Data Center Tanggal   25-27 Juli  2012 (3 hari Training) Pukul 09.00 – 16.30 WIB Tempat Estubizi Business Center Setiabudi Building 2 Lantai ... Baca Selengkapnya

The Professional Data Center


The Professional Data Center

25-27 Juli  2012 (3 hari Training)

09.00 – 16.30 WIB

Estubizi Business Center
Setiabudi Building 2 Lantai 1
Jl.HR.Rasuna Said ,Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan

Descriptions :
The Certified Data Centre Professional course is a two-day course designed to expose participants to the key components of the data centre. If will address how to setup and improve key aspects such as power, cooling, security, cabling, safety etc. to ensure a hi-available data centre. It will also address key operations and maintenance aspects.
However the ever changing technologies put an increasing pressure on the data centre managers together with a faster pace in which these changes are required.

In addition to this, there is a vast number of companies where the data centre is a shared responsibility between the IT and Facilities divisions, each having their own values and standards to which they believe a mission critical site ought to be running.

This course brings participants up to speed with the data center design, maintenance and operations, valuable lessons which will enable a hi-available, flexible, safe and efficiency mission critical data.

At  the completion of the course participants shall benefit from the course such as:

  • Obtain an understanding about the infrastructure of the data centre
  • Learn both the standard and the best practices of a data centre professional
  • Gain awareness of potential environmental threats towards the data centre and solutions against such hazards.
  • Learn techniques to increase the efficiency of the data centre
  • Be able to perform maintenance on the data centre
  • Be aware of the safety and security practices at the data centre

On completion of this module, delegates will have a detailed understanding


  1. The data Centre, its Importance and causes for downtime
  2. Data Centre Standards and best practices
  3. Building construction
  4. Raised Floor/Suspended Ceiling
  5. Power Infrastructure
  6. Electro Magnetic Fields
  7. Cooling infrastructure
  8. Light
  9. Designing a Scalable Network Infrastructure
  10. Fire suppression
  11. Data Centre monitoring
  12. Operational Security and Safety Practices
  13. Labeling
  14. Documentation
  15. Cleaning
  17. Maintenance Contracts/SLA/OLA
  18. IT service management based on ITIL/BS15000/ISO-20000  Exam: Certified Data Centre Professional

The primary audience for this course is an IT, Facilities or Data Cen-tre operations professional working in and around the data centre and having responsibility to achieve and improve hi-availability and manageability of the data centre.

Instructor :
DR.IR.Fauzi Hasan, MM, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CGEIT, CPRC, CSCP, APICS, Cert. , ITIL Expert, Change Management (APMG), Prince2

Rp. 4.500.000,- / peserta.
Peserta Non-Residential. Sudah termasuk Meeting Package, Training Kits, Modul Pelatihan dan Sertifikat.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Information Technology Service Management (ITSM)


Information Technology Service Management (ITSM)

15-17 Mei 2012
16-18 Juli 2012

09.00 – 16.30 WIB

Estubizi Business Center
Setiabudi Building 2 Lantai 1
Jl.HR.Rasuna Said ,Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan

Descriptions :
This course aims at raising individual’s understanding of, and competence in IT Service Management as described in the best practice or best framework such as in ITIL.

This course provides IT Managers and Practitioners with a practical understanding of the key concepts, principles, processes and functions that enables successful IT Service Management provision. It also prepares delegates for the ITIL Foundation Certificate Examination. The course is based on the ITIL best practice service lifecycle approach.

The purpose of this IT Service Management  to help the delegates  to define Service and to comprehend and explain the
concept of Service Management as a practice, and moreover is to certify that the candidate has gained knowledge of the ITSM terminology, structure and basic concepts and has comprehended the core principles of ITSM practices as referenced in the ITIL.

Upon the completion of the course, the delegates should be able to:

  • Describe the concept of Good PRACTICE
  • Define and explain the concept of a SERVICE
  • Define and explain the concept of SERVICE MANAGEMENT
  • Define and distinguish between FUNCTIONS, ROLES and PROCESSES
  • Explain the PROCESS model
  • List the characteristics of PROCESSES (Measurable, Specific results, CUSTOMERS, and Responds to a specific event) and specifically able to:
    • Briefly explain the Service Lifecycle
    • Describe the structure, scope, components and interfaces of the ITIL Library
    • Account for the main goals and objectives of Service Strategy
    • Account for the main goals and objectives of Service Design
    • Briefly explain what value Service Design provides to the business
    • Account for the main goals and objectives of Service Transition
    • Briefly explain what value Service Transition provides to the business
    • Account for the main goals and objectives of Service Operations
    • Briefly explain what value Service Operation provides to the business
    • Account for the main goals and objectives of Continual Service Improvement
    • Briefly explain what value Continual Service Improvement provides to the business

Day 1:

  • Introduction
  • Service Management as a Practice
  • Service Lifecycle
    Processes covering Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation and Continual Service Improvement

Day 2:

  • Generic Concepts and Definitions
  • Workshop/Case Study I in ITSM (ITIL V3)
  • Key Principles and Models covering Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation and Continual Service Improvement
  • Functions Framework  Exercise I (ITILV3)

Day 3: Roles and Models

  • Roles
  • Key Principles and models of ITSM:
  • The types of service provider
  • The five major aspects of Service Design
  • The service V model
  • The Continual Service Improvement model
  • Technology and Architecture
  • Revision Mock Examination


  • Managers involved and related in the IT operations
  • IT staff and executives involved in risk management and  business process improvement
  • Information technology professionals involved in projects that are concerned, in part, with the automation of business processes
  • IT Managers and Practitioners involved in the strategy, design, and implementation and ongoing delivery of business-used IT services and who require an insight into Service Management best practice
  • Individuals who require a basic understanding of the ITIL framework and how it may be used to enhance the quality of IT service management within an organization

Instructor :
DR.IR.Fauzi Hasan, MM, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CGEIT, CPRC, CSCP, APICS, Cert. , ITIL Expert, Change Management (APMG), Prince2

Rp. 4.250.000,- / peserta.
Peserta Non-Residential. Sudah termasuk Meeting Package, Training Kits, Modul Pelatihan dan Sertifikat.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing


Jadwal Training

ITIL V3. FUNDAMENTAL Tanggal   12-14 Mei 2012 Pukul 09.00 – 16.30 WIB Tempat Estubizi Business Center Setiabudi Building 2 Lantai 1 Jl.HR.Rasuna Said ,Kuningan ... Baca Selengkapnya




12-14 Mei 2012

09.00 – 16.30 WIB

Estubizi Business Center
Setiabudi Building 2 Lantai 1
Jl.HR.Rasuna Said ,Kuningan
Jakarta Selatan

Descriptions :
This course provides IT Managers and Practitioners with a practical understanding of the key concepts, principles, processes and functions that enables successful IT Service Management provision. It also prepares delegates for the ITIL Foundation Certificate Examination. The course is based on the ITIL best practice service lifecycle approach.

The course enables delegates to understand how an integrated IT Service Management framework, based on ITIL best practice guidelines, can be adopted and adapted within their own organizations.

  • To provide proven practical guidance on how to successfully introduce an integrated IT Service Management framework based on the ITIL best practice service lifecycle approach.
  • To prepare delegates for the ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management examination

The course is assignment based, with practical coursework. It is based upon the  OGC’s ITIL Books:

  • Service Strategy
  • Service Design
  • Service Transition
  • Service Operation
  • Continual Service Improvement.

There is particular importance placed on developing an underlying service culture within the IT organization.

Segment 1:
Introduction to Service Management: The importance of Service Management

  • Definition of a Service and Service Management
  • The need for a service culture
  • Service Management as a practice

Segment 2:
The Service Lifecycle : The objectives and business value for each phase of the lifecycle. The main goals and value to the business provided by each phase of the lifecycle covering the 5 core books:

  • Service Strategy
  • Service Design
  • Service Transition
  • Service Operation
  • Continual Service Improvement

Segment 3:
Key Principles and models of ITSM : Key Principles and models of ITSM:

  • The types of service provider
  • The five major aspects of Service Design
  • The service V model
  • The Continual Service Improvement model

Segment 4:
The Processes and Functions: Define the characteristics of a process

  • The objectives, business value, basic concepts, roles and interfaces of:
    • Service Portfolio Management
    • Service Level Management
    • Incident Management
    • Change Management
  • The objectives and basic concepts of:
    • Demand Management
    • Financial Management
    • Service Catalogue Management
    • Availability Management
    • Capacity Management
    • Supplier Management
    • Information Security Management
    • IT Service Continuity Management
    • Service Asset and Configuration Management
    • Release and Deployment Management
    • Event Management
    • Problem Management
    • Request Fulfillment
    • Access Management
    • The 7 step improvement process
  • Explanation of the functions:- Service Desk, Application Management, Operations
    Management, Technical Management
  • Organization structure and key roles
    Using the RACI model
  • Technology and Architecture
    Generic requirement for an integrated set of ITSM technology

Segment 5: Documentation
Comprehensive course documentation is provided

Segment 6: Cases: ITIL  cases


  1. Managers involved and related in the IT operations
  2. IT staff and executives involved in risk management and  business process improvement
  3. Information technology professionals involved in projects that are concerned, in part, with the automation of business processes
  4. IT Managers and Practitioners involved in the strategy, design, and implementation and ongoing delivery of business-used IT services and who require an insight into Service Management best practice

Instructor :
DR.IR.Fauzi Hasan, MM, MBA, PMP, CISA, CISSP, SSCP, CISM, CGEIT, CPRC, CSCP, APICS, Cert. , ITIL Expert, Change Management (APMG), Prince2

Rp. 4.250.000,- / peserta.
Peserta Non-Residential. Sudah termasuk Meeting Package, Training Kits, Modul Pelatihan dan Sertifikat.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing



22 – 24 April 2009


Krakatau Cobvention Hall Hotel Horison Bandung
Jl. Pelajar Pejuang 45 No. 121 Bandung

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Seminar 22 April 2009

1. Cahyana Ahmadjayadi (Dirjen Aptel Depkominfo)
2. Malaysian Administrative Modernization and Planing Unit
3. Harry A.Aziz (Direktur e-Gov Ditjen Aptel Depkominfo)
4. Peter Rimele (Principle Advisor SfGG, GTZ)
5. Joni Santoso (Executive General Manager Divisi Enterprise PT.Telkom)
6. Safiee Mohammad (President of Heitech Padu Malaysia)

Workshop 23 April 2009
1. Harry A. Aziz (Direktur e-Gov Ditjen Aptel Depkominfo)
2. Peter Rimele (Principle Advisor SfGG, GTZ)
3. Rukyat M. Nur (Kepala PUSDATIN BPN RI)
4. Waskito Pandu (Kepala PUSDATA Depatemen PU)

Workshop 24 April 2009
1. Oracle Indonesia
2.Hamam Riza Yusuf (kepala Balai IPtek.Net BPPT)
3.Imam Rozali (IT Auditor&Network Security)
4.Iwan Sumantri ( Praktisi IT & Network Security)

Seminar Rp. 500.000
Workshop Rp. 2.500.000

Seminar 22 April 2009

1.Indonesian e-Government Status
2.Problem Found By Citizen When Using e-Government
3.Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Melalui Partisipasi Masyarakat
4. Mendayagunakan Peran e-Gov Untuk Mewujudkan Transparansi Pelayanan Publik
5. Telkom e-Government Solution
6.Implementation And Management of Integrated e-Government Aplication Framwork in Malaysia

Workshop 23 April 2009
1. Penilaian Keberhasilan Pembangunan e-Government
2. Terobosan dan Inovasi Daerah Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pelayanan Publik
3. Konsep dan Implemntasi Layanan Rakyat Untuk Sertifikasi Tanah (LARASITA) sebagai bentuk pelayanan Masyarakat Berbasis IT
4. Peranan e-Government Dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Public Gonernmet To Business (G2B) di Departemen PU

Workshop 24 April 2009
1. Identity Management
2. Aplikasi e-Government Berbasis Wimax
3. Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Informasi (SMKI) Berbasis ISO 27001
4. e-Government Secirity:Keamanan Sistem Informasi di Lembaga Pelayanan Publik




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Seminar Bisnis Online 2009

Jadwal Training

Tanggal 25-26 April 2009 Pkl. 08.00 s.d. 18.00 WIB Tempat Hotel Ciputra Jln. Letjen S Parman Jakarta Pembicara / Fasilitator Agus Brokencode Juara 1 SEO ... Baca Selengkapnya

Seminar Bisnis Online 2009


25-26 April 2009
Pkl. 08.00 s.d. 18.00 WIB

Hotel Ciputra
Jln. Letjen S Parman

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Agus Brokencode
Juara 1 SEO Busby Contest 2008 & 2009

Mengulas Strategi Penjualan Melalui Ebay

Cancan Nur
Menjelaskan metode pembayaran melalui Paypal

Louise Wulandari
Mengulas Strategi penjualan Retail kerumah-rumah di dunia

Tonton Taufik
Mengulas Strategi mendapatkan Buyer-buyer dunia, penjualan menggunakan kontainer

Mengulas cara membuat affiliates dan ebook yang menghasilan dolar

Early Bird :

Normal (3 day before event)

Tujuan :
Memperkenalkan beberapa bidang Usaha yang dapat dilakukan melalui internet




Avatar photo


Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Training FaceBook 1 Hari Bersama Disitu.com


14 Maret dan 24 Maret 2009

Graha Adicipta
Jl. Kebon Jeruk Raya No. 80.
Jakarta Barat, 11530

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Hendra Prakasa

Rp 250.000


  1. Membuat dan men-setting sendiri account dan profile facebook Anda.
  2. Melakukan retouch untuk memaksimalkan tampilan foto Anda
  3. Menjalin kembali tali silaturahmi dengan kawan lama dan saudara melalui chat, message, wall, dsb
  4. Menggunakan aplikasi – aplikasi yang terdapat dalam facebook :games, gift, pet raising, dsb
  5. Membangun komunitas dengan teman2 yang memiliki hobi dan minat yang sama
  6. Mengekspresikan diri anda melalui Note




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

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