Jadwal Training 2024

Crisis Communication Management And Media Interview Simulation


Crisis Communication Management And Media Interview Simulation

26 Jun – 27 Jun 2019
14 Aug – 15 Aug 2019
17 Oct – 18 Oct 2019

It is understood that any company, industrial/manufacturing enterprise should be well prepared in managing properly any kind of emergency that threatens to harm the company and its organization. Risk of crisis may happen at any time. Therefore, each business unit in the industry must have an emergency plan in place and each staff must be well trained to possess the ability to handle effectively an emergency.

The training materials not only contain academic theories for deeper understanding on what and how to be prepared facing a crisis, as it also open-up legendaric case studies and practical knowledge on basic communication. Most importantly a full training on facing the “severe” media interviews, with TV journalists shooting camera, is part of a special training for managers/staff personnels as a simulation training is provided.

Training Method

Interactive presentation to achieve comprehensive understanding and motivation on Crisis Management & Communication Planning. Risk Management and Damage Control based on Public Relations aspects will be discussed and noted.
Hands-on simulation in Media handling – staff will have to practice in Media Relations and especially in accurately and timely giving information. Communication technique in answering questions to “investigative” journalists will be drilled.

Topics for Discussions

  1. Risk, Crisis and Issues. Risk of the industry handling flameble materials: fire; other risks and issues which may damage company’s reputation
  2. Be prepared! Facing emergency of fire explosion. Safeguard employees and the community.
  3. Practical guide lines in Media Relations: Preparing the News Release, setting up the Crisis Center; the 5 W + 1 H Concept
  4. Internal communication preparedness: to the employees, to staff’s family members as well as close business suplyers and users/consumers. External relations: to the stakeholders including the authority (police, hospital, fire fighters office), to Trade/Industry Association, to the neighbouring factories, to NGOs
  5. Restoring normal operations as quickly as possible: Communication Strategy in Damage Control
  6. Hands-on exercises on facing the Media will be video taped and re-run as learning process.


Drs. Ludwig Suparmo, M.Si

Ludwig Suparmo: Menyelesaikan studi S 2 Manajemen Ilmu Komunikasi dalam waktu singkat dengan kelulusan cum laud setelah bekerja selama 30 tahun dimulai dari Sales Promotion Rep., menaiki jenjang Supervisor, Manajer Lapangan, Direktur Agency, hingga ke GM dan Konsultan di berbagai perusahaan ternama internasional maupun perusahaan nasional. Sejak 20 tahun lalu diundang menjadi pembicara/trainer dan memberi kuliah di berbagai institusi dan perusahaan ternama. Mendapat pelatihan dan pendidikan manajemen di Manila, Filipina dan London, UK.

5.525.000 Full Fare
5.150.000 On The Spot
4.650.000 Early Bird
4.450.000 Group





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

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