Jadwal Training 2024

Gage Repeatibility & Reproductibility (JAKARTA)


Gage Repeatibility & Reproductibility (JAKARTA)

Tanggal :
12-13 Oktober 2016
10-11 November 2016
15-16 Desember 2016

Jam Pelaksanaan :
08.30 – 17.00 WIB

Tempat :
Alternatif Hotel: Ibis Group, Amos Cozy, The Park Lane, Harris Group, hotel lainnya yang akan kami konfirmasi kemudian

Pembicara / Fasilitator :

  • Sachbudi Abbas Ras, ST, MT.
  • Dr. Ir. Nofi Erni, MM.

Fee Training :
Rp. 4.950.000,-/ orang
Inc : Seminar Kit, Certificate, Lunch, Snack

Manfaat Training:

  • The aim of the course is to provide students with the skills that will allow them to complete and Gage R&R study and interpret the data. This will give students the means to create, quantify, and clarify measurement systems
  • Objective: To provide students with the skills required to complete a Gage R&R analysis.
  • Learning outcomes: By the end of the training course students will be able to lead or participate as a member of a Gage R&R Event.
  • Objective: To provide students with the skills to identify and eliminate measurement system variation.
  • Learning outcomes: By the end of the module students will be able to analyze measurement systems and execute improvements

Materi :

  • Introduction to Gage R&R
  • Measurement System
  • Types of Data
  • Data Collection and Entry
  • Data Analysis
  • Corrective Actions

Target Peserta :
Supervisor dan Junior manager Manufacturing





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

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