Inhouse Training Sales Force Management James Gwee
Inhouse training Sales Force Management adalah salah satu bentuk pelatihan yang diadakan oleh perusahaan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan di bidang Sales Force Management karyawan mereka.
Inhouse Training Sales Force Management dibawakan langsung oleh Mr. James Gwee (Indonesia’s Favorite Trainer & Seminar Speaker), seorang pembicara yang sudah banyak memiliki pengalaman membawakan pelatihan. Materi yang biasa dibawakan beliau dalam Sales Force Management adalah sebagai berikut :
- How To Conduct Effective And Benefit Routine Sales Meetings
The weekly/monthly sales meeting is one of the most important platforms/vehicles for the sales manager to update, communicate with and motivate his sales people. Sadly, many sales meeting are very poorly conducted. Consequently, many sales people find that their sales meetings are boring, useless, un-motivational and do not provide solutions to their practical day-to-day problems. This seminar provides the sales manager/supervisor with realistic and practical tips to turn your sales meetings into dynamic, communicative and beneficial sessions. - How To Manage A Champion Sales Team To TRIPLE YOUR SALES!
Managing a Sales Team requires many skills. Most importantly, the sales manager must realize and understand that the characteristics of sales people are very different from most other employees in the organization. This seminar will give the sales manager a very much clearer insight into how to manage his sales people, how to gel them into a team, and how to turn that team a champion team
Pelatihan ini biasanya dilakukan di tempat kerja dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan perusahaan. Inhouse training dapat membantu perusahaan meningkatkan produktivitas, efisiensi, dan inovasi dengan mengembangkan keterampilan karyawan mereka.

Indonesia’s Favorite Trainer & Seminar Speaker
Jika Anda ingin mengundang Mr. James Gwee, silahkan hubungi kami CV Info Seminar di no telp 0899-8121-246