Jadwal Training 2024

Integrated Process Oil & Gas Operational, Financial, IT Auditing (YOGYAKARTA)


Integrated Process Oil & Gas Operational, Financial, IT Auditing (YOGYAKARTA)

18-19 September 2014
23-24 Oktober 2014
20-21 November 2014
18-19 Desember  2014

Jam Pelaksanaan    
08:00 – 16:00 WIB

Hotel Ibis Style Yogyakarta
Hotel Horisson Ultima Riss Yogyakarta
Hotel Grand Zurry Yogyakarta
Hotel Jambuluwuk Yogyakarta
dan Hotel-hotel berbintang di Yogyakarta

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Alex Murtin, SE, M Si, Akt/
Imam Bintoro, SE MSFIN/
Drs. Achmad Tjahjono, MM, Akt/
Ichsan Setiyo B, SE, M Sc, Akt dan Team

Rp 5.500.000,-

In today’s business climate, oil and gas industry is still becoming a number one revenue contribution to Indonesian government compare to in most organizations. In addition, new technology in oil and gas industry and era economy globalization are posing internal auditor for new challenges in the contemporary workplace – demanding new skills, competencies and professional behaviors. Management expects and demand more from internal auditing role and functions today.

At this workshop, you’ll get a comprehensive, honest look at opportunity to adjust and fine-tune your skills to adapt to this up-to-dated internal audit operational, financial and IT process system in oil and gas industry by using risk and control based approach and in accordance with the International Standards Professional Practice Framework of Internal Auditors (IPPF).

Go step-by-step through internal audit processes to evaluate and conduct compliance test to ensure the adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness of oil & gas operations and systems in various auditable activities, such as in Exploration, Development, Workover Drillings, Production Facilities Project, Plan Maintenance, Purchasing and Procurement of Materials, Accounts Payable, Health Safety Environment (HSE) and more.

Outline Materi :
Audit Definition and Process Phase

  1. The 2011 International Standards Professional Practice Framework of Internal Auditors (IPPF)
  2. Nature and Role of Internal Auditing Internal auditing defined IA department charter and mission statement
  3. Planning the Audit and Preliminary Fieldwork
  4. The Internal Audit step-by-step process
  5. Documenting and Evaluating Internal Risks and Controls
  6. Analyzing Internal Controls – COSO ERM
  7. Working paper Practices
  8. Audit Findings, Reports and Communication Oil & Gas Operational Audit Process Phase
  9. Oil & Gas Cost Recovery System Audit
  10. Supply Chain Management – BP MIGAS 007
  11. BP. MIGAS Oil & Gas PSC Quarterly and Yearly Reporting System Audit
  12. Drilling Operational Audit
  13. Production Facilities Plant Maintenance Audit
  14. Oil and Gas Production Facilities Project Audit
  15. Three Dimension (3D) Seismic Contract Performance Audit
  16. Supply Chain Management – BP MIGAS 007 (Pedoman Pengelolaan Rantai Suplai Kontraktor KKS – No. 007/PTK/VI/2004)
  17. BP. MIGAS Oil & Gas PSC Quarterly and Yearly Reporting System Audit
  18. Accounts Payable System Audit
  19. Health Safety & Environment (HSE) Audit
  20. Project & Constructions Audit Contracts

Wajib diikuti oleh    

  1. Operational Auditors
  2. Information Technology Auditors
  3. Financial Controllers
  4. Financial Managers
  5. Risk & Insurance Managers
  6. ISO Auditors
  7. External Auditors
  8. Accountants
  9. Other interested professionals in internal, external auditing, managerial and supervisory levels in oil and gas industry





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