International Certified Performance & Competence Developer (CPCD)


International Certified Performance & Competence Developer

This training using English language

13 – 14 September 2012

Jam Pelaksanaan
09.00-17.00 WIB

GrandKemang Hotel

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Rajendra Aphale has over 26 years of experience in various aspects of strategy planning and implementation, management accounting related to strategy and developing systems, financial planning and human resources management at policy level as well as operational level.

In his career he worked with Mukand Steel, Godrej & Boyce, Mafatlal Industries, and Siemens Information Systems, in various capacities, from strategic planning, strategy implementation, HR strategy, operational excellence and strategic alliances. He played a significant role in the joint venture of Godrej group with General Electric, at Mafatlal in institutionalizing strategy planning and development and executing HR (recruitment) outsourcing strategy at Siemens.

During his consulting assignments he has done work in business start ups (has set up two ITES ventures), financial planning (techno commercial areas), market entry strategy, performance management systems, organization structure, compensation management, senior level recruitment.

He has travelled and worked widely in South East Asia (particularly Indonesia ), Europe and East Africa . He supports businesses in more areas like training, operational improvement programs particularly in quality

Rajendra has been involved in turnaround studies (covering all aspects of strategy, finance, marketing and HR), project evaluations (the shareholders? perspective), market entry strategies ( India , South East Asia, East Africa ), operational improvement (managing a unit on the brink, productivity and quality improvement, systems design and implementation).

Rajendra is a true cosmopolite having worked in many countries from US to Australia . Most of his work was focused in, apart from India ; Thailand , Singapore , Indonesia , Tanzania , Kenya and UK .

Rajendra studied Metallurgy at the IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Mumbai, before studying his MBA (Master of Management Studies – Mumbai University ) in Strategy, Operations and Finance. He then studied Management Accounting and had been a practicing Cost Accountant (member of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India). He subsequently studied law. He also has studied Oracle Financials and a few other IT tools.

For a passion he is a visiting faculty in:

  1. Management Accounting,
  2. Strategy,
  3. International Finance,
  4. Quantitative techniques for Finance, and
  5. Production Management

Rp. 6.000.000,-/perserta

The Certified Performance & Competence Developer program, of Carlton Advanced Management Institute, USA, done in India in association with Middle Earth Consultants.

In today’s business environment, organizations face a lot of challenges and the key to their success is the performance of their human capital, which sets them apart. All organizations understand that their human capital is the key source of competitive advantage. Competency mapping and performance management helps HR professionals to produce bottom line results.

This program develops an understanding and knowledge of the competency mapping and development, and performance management system that would help the HR professional to implement it effectively in their organizations. This program is designed to equip the HR professionals with the importance of performance and competence management.

By attending this workshop you’ll learn:

  1. Learn Competency Iceberg Model
  2. Create well developed competency maps for your organization
  3. Understand how BARS can be used for competency assessment
  4. Learn 5 major aspects of performance management
  5. Learn 4 major types of performance measurement
  6. Learn how a PCMS works and how to improve your performance management system
  7. Learn the 3 types of competency frameworks
  8. To develop performance appraisal system to give effective feedback to employees and find out the necessary areas of development
  9. Learn what is an assessment center and how to design an assessment center
  10. To implement better performance management system in your organization effectively

Unique benefits to the participants:

  1. Get a comprehensive, information packed courseware during the program and for back home use
  2. Learn from the industry experts who have a vast experience in the area of HR
  3. Network with other professionals with same background and interest
  4. Brand yourself as a certified performance and competence developer
  5. Unique “risk free” money back guarantee
  6. Your satisfaction is guaranteed

Course Overview:
MODULE 1: Competency, Performance and PCMS

  • What is Competency
  • Competency Iceberg Model
  • Classification of Competencies
  • Measurement of Competency
  • Performance Aspects
  • Types of Performance Measurement
  • Performance and Competence Management as a Concept
  • PCMS Model

MODULE 2: The Balanced Scorecard

  • Performance planning
  • The Balanced Scorecard
  • Cascading process
  • The Balanced Scorecard Measures

MODULE 3: Competency Frameworks and Maps

  • What is a Competency Map/Framework
  • Types of Framework
  • Uses of Competency Framework
  • Creating a competency Map
  • Quan Competence Framework
  • Threshold Trait Analysis
  • Using BARS for Competency Maps
  • Implementing the Mapping Process

MODULE 4: Performance Review Systems

  • Model for Performance Review
  • Perspective Involved in Performance Reviews
  • Performance Rating Methods
  • Common Problems with Rating
  • Legal Aspects of Performance Appraisals

MODULE 5: Assessment Centers

  • What are Assessment Centers
  • Historical Perspective on Assessment Center
  • Basic Steps Followed in an Assessment Center
  • Types of Techniques Used in Assessment Centers
  • Designing an Assessment Center
  • Assessment Matrix

MODULE 6: Performance Analysis & Improvement

  • From Training to Performance
  • Root/Major Cause Analysis
  • Identifying Casual Factors – Setting Learning Goals and Objectives
  • Selecting Best Training Method
  • Developing a Good Design
  • Building Appropriate Evaluation Methodology

Who should attend?

  1. Human resource professionals working in performance management areas, learning and development department
  2. Any professional who is working on a cross functional team to design and implement performance review systems in their organization




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