Leadership Development Program (3) for Manager
14-15 Agustus 2024
20-21 September 2024
09-10 Oktober 2024
09-10 November 2024
13-14 Desember 2024
Menara Kadin
Majority of organizations promote their employees to manage- rial levels because they demonstrate good technical competen- cies. Many times, they are not properly equipped with manage- ment skills, which in fact are crucial for them so that they can function effectively as supervisors and/or managers. This fact has resulted in a lack of attention shown by them towards their subordinates and team members.
Today, it has been believed that great organizations shall re- quire every prospective managers in the organization to pos- sess basic and practical skills in management functions. In the Leadership Development Program (LDP) 3, each partici- pant will learn some key competencies of managers so that they can take their roles effectively.
By the end of this training, paíticipants will be able to:
- Understand the essential principles of management
- Identify qualities of an effective managers
- Apply essential management skills in managing and devel- oping their people
- Develop effective communication to enhance relationship
- Conduct coaching roles in effort to boost people’s potential and capacity
- Develop skills in motivating people, delegating and em- powering people
- Build high performing team
- Manage conflict occurred in their respective teams
- Develop action plan as a commitment to enhance effec- tiveness managers
Target Participants
This training is suitable for individuals at junior managers lev- els or at prospective managerial levels as well as professionals who wish to develop and enhance their supervisory skills so that they can function effectively at their respective roles
Session 1 : Opening and Introduction
- Program Expectation and Objectives
- Personal Best Experience in Management Roles
- Today’s Management Challenges
- Understanding Management Skills of a High Per- forming Managers
- Qualities of a Successful Managers
- Developing Basic Characters Required to Function Effectively as a Manager
Session 2: Identifying Roles of Managers at Worksite
- Demonstrating Management Task Roles
- Boosting Management People Role
- Balancing in Task Roles and People Roles
- The Importance of Basic Management
- Planning for Success
- Organizing for Optimum Performance
- Actuating thru Motivation
- Controlling for Goals Alignment
Session 3: Developing Coaching & Counseling Skills
- The Need for High Performance
- Hyperformance Hypotheses
Coaching and Counseling for Superior Performance
Session 4: Building Relationship for Effective People Management & Development
- Creating Effective Communication
- Giving Positive and Constructive Feedback
- Keys to Giving Motivation
Session 1 : Motivating People to Excel
- Motivating People to Excel
- Principles of Motivation
- Motivational Tools & Reward System: Intrinsic & Extrinsic
- Recognition and Constructive Feedback
- Delegating and Empowering
- The Requirements for Delegation & Empowerment
- The Principles in Delegation & Empowerment
- Knowing Your People in Delegation & Empowerment
Session 2 : Building High Performing Team
- The Five Functions of an High Performing Team
- The Six Keys to a Winning
- Developing Team Communication
- Making Team to Work Effectively
- Managing Conflict within a Team
Session 3 : Understanding Behavioral Styles for Effective Managers
- Recognizing Personal Styles
- Understanding Styles of Others
- Collaborating with Others
Session 4 : Practicing Selfcare of a Leader as a Role Model
- Emotional Intelligence in Management Roles
- The Ice Berg Model
- The Five Aspects of Emotional Intelligence
- Assessing Self Emotional Intelligence
Recap and New Journey of a Junior Manager as an Effective Leader
Investment Cost
IDR 7.5 million (offline) IDR. 5 million (online) per participant (excluding VAT). Special discounts are given to organizations that send more than 1 participant in the same class.