Jadwal Training 2024




05-06 Oktober 2010

Jam Pelaksanaan
09.00 – 17.00 WIB

Gedung Menara Kadin Lt 24

Rp 2.750.000 /peserta

Bpk. Pungki Purnadi
Praktisi Senior HR dan pernah menjabat berbagai posisi startegis HR di beberapa perusahaan terutama Oil & Gas Company. Berpengalaman lebih dari 19 tahun dengan background pendidikan sebagai engineer dan beberapa sertifikasi HR international serta pengalaman HR praktisnya menjadikan sebuah kombinasi yang sangat baik dalam ilmu praktis HR.
Beliau juga aktif dalam berbagai organisasi HR perusahaan-perusahaan Oil & Gas Company. Disamping itu sering menjadi pembicara pada banyak acara diantaranya tentang:
Organisation Design and Development, Strategic Manpower Planning, Strategic Human Resource Planning, Return on Investment of Human Capital Management, Strategic & Effective Performance Management, Managing Training & Development, Managing Career, Effective Talent Management, Practical Knowledge Management, Effective Communication Management, Human Resource for Line Management, Supervisory Management, Effective Mentoring program, Coaching & Counseling program, Competency Based Human Resources.

Training & Development faces an increasing challenge to justify its effectiveness in the face of rapid changes in business organization and advances in technology. Money spent in training and development also increase considerably. How can we be assured the quality of training and development worth the cost and how can we asses and measure it.
The big issue today is how to manage training & development effectively so that it would lead to better performance at an individual, work and organizational level.

Program Description
Managing Training And Development (MTD) is a professional development program designed to equip professional HR, trainers, team leaders & business facilitators with the knowledge & skills they need to analyze, plan, conduct, and evaluate dynamic & strategically linked high-impact training sessions.

Learning Objectives

  1. Managing overall A to Z of Training and Development program.
  2. Interpret and deliver right-on-time the strategic people competency requirements of the organization.
  3. Demonstrate high-level knowledge of learning principles & mechanisms applied to designing & facilitating high-performance training solutions.
  4. Determine the value-added of training in relation to its contribution to the organization’s total competency.

Workplace Application

  • Learning of participants will equip them with competency to interpret and anticipate the training and development requirements of the organization relative to its strategic directions.
  • A distinction between training and development interventions will be used to determine the most appropriate interventions according to the individual needs of participants and their stakeholders. Thus Programs designed will bridge trainees’ actual performance gaps and expectations to enable them to deliver standards of exemplar behavior.

Program Topics:

  1. Strategic Partnering with Operations and Line Managers
  2. Identifying the Training & Development Gaps & Interventions that Will Produce the Organizational Results
  3. Designing the High Impact Training and Development Events
  4. Transfer of Learning: Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap

Who May Join:
Human Resource and Line Staff/Supervisors/Managers who are responsible for either or both management & development functions of HR Executives and managers of strategic business units, organization functions, and human resource development professionals and champions.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

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