Pemasaran Jasa Asuransi
Manfaat Training :
- Memahani konsep dan prinsip penjualan jasa asuransi
- Mampu memasarkan jasa asuransi sehingga target perusahaan lebih mudah tercapai
Materi :
- Marketing and Sales
- Introduction to Marketing
- Basic Functions of Marketing
- Basic Functions of Sales
- Marketing Mix
- Product
- Product Development Processes
- Market Development Methods
- Price
- The relationship between cost, margin and profit
- Pricing in the Insurance Industry
- Place or Distribution Channel
- Agencies
- Brokers
- Direct Sales
- Bank
- Alternative Distribution Channels
- Promotion
- Marketing Communications
- Advertisement and Promotion
- Adaptation in Marketing Mix
- Product
- Marketing Strategy
- Segmentation
- Targeting
- Positioning
- About Client
- How do customers buy?
- Lifelong customer experience
- Focusing to Customers
- How will the customer be lost?
- Insurance Sales Process
- Preparing for SaleSales Process
- Creating Trust
- Obtaining information
- Providing Solution
- Closing the Sale
Target Peserta:
- Professional Bidang Asuransi atau Para pihak yang berkepentingan terhadap masalah-masalah asuransi
Tanggal Pelaksanaan :
10-11 Mei 2022
14-15 Juni 2022
07-08 Juli 2022
08-09 Agustus 2022
14-15 September 2022
17-18 Oktober 2022
23-24 November 2022
06-07 Desember 2022
Jam Pelaksanaan:
09.00 – 16.00 WIB
Tempat :
Alternatif Hotel: Ibis Group, Oria, Amos Cozy, The Park Lane, Harris Group, hotel lainnya yang akan kami konfirmasi kemudian
Training Online 6 Jam Pelatihan (1 hari)
Rp. 3.500.000/peserta
Training Online 12 Jam Pelatihan (2 hari)
Rp. 5.500.000/peserta
Fee Training Premium Class (Jakarta):
Rp. 5.950.000,-/ orang
Fee Training Paket Ekonomis (Jakarta):
Rp. 4.000.000,-/ orang (Minimum 5 peserta)
Paket Luar Kota Jakarta (Jogja, Bali, Surabaya, Bandung, Dll)
Biaya Investasi Privat/ Orang (1 orang FIX Running)
Rp. 12.000.000
Paket Luar Kota Jakarta (Jogja, Bali, Surabaya, Bandung, Dll)
Kelas Umum/ Orang (FIX Running Min 6 Peserta)
Rp. 8.000.000
- Mardhianto, SE., CIIB., CRGP.
- Russel Effandy, Ir. AAAI-K. IPGD-GI. Dipl.CII.
- Nico Lukum,Dipl.Inc