Jadwal Training 2024

Piping & Pipeline System (Base on ASME B31 Codes & API579 Standards)


Piping & Pipeline System (Base on ASME B31 Codes & API579 Standards)

16-18  Februari 2011

Waktu Penyelenggaraan
09.00 – 16.30 wib

Hotel Golden Flower

Rp 6.500.000,00/Peserta

Fasilitas :
– Hands Out Seminar
– Lunch
– 2 x Coffee Break
– Sertifikat

Dedi Lazuardi

  • Engineer – Mechanical Engineering, ITB 1990
  • DEA – Applied Mechanic in Materials sciences, Universite de Franche-Comte – BESANCON – FRANCE 1995
  • Doctor – Sciences for Engineer, COMPOSITES, Universite de Franche-Comte – BESANCON – FRANCE 1998 Lecturer in Mechanical Eng.

The global objective of the course is:
To give the participant the comprehensive knowledge of piping & pipeline system.

Each module has the specific objective:

  1. The participant will understand the difference both piping and pipeline system and what the necessities of each system.
  2. The participant will gain an in-depth knowledge of material specifications, mechanical properties of strength and toughness, and testing of materials.
  3. The participant will understand the pipe’s production processes, pipe welding and welding inspection.
  4. The participant will be introduced to the standard pipe (ASME B31 and API 579).
  5. The participant will understand the technical background to the design equations, and their application to the design of piping systems and pipelines.
  6. The participant will gain a practical understanding of piping and pipeline corrosion mechanisms, how to recognize them, classify them and resolve them.
  7. The participant will be introduce the nondestructive inspection and failure analysis.
  8. The participants will review case histories of field failures and will evaluate their cause and solutions to avoid recurrence.

Course Outline:
Day 1: Introduction, Material and Inspections Welding

1. Piping System
· History of Piping & Pipeline Technology
· Main Aspects of Piping system
· Main Aspects of Pipeline system
· Code, Standard and regulations
· Code and Standard for Pipe and pipeline
· Piping and pipeline life circle processes

2. Materials
· Practical Aspects of Metallurgical Properties
· Fabrication of Line Pipe and Forged Fittings
· Welding Overview of Pipe and Pipeline Welding Practice.

Day 2: Piping Design
1. Piping Loads
2. Piping Stress Analysis
3. Piping stress requirement
4. Piping span and expansion
5. Layout and pipe support

Day 3: Faiure analysis and Inspection
1. Failure in pipe and piping system
2. Failure Analysis
3. Corrosion
4. NDT
5. Case study.





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