Jadwal Training 2024

Powerful Selling with Impact (JAKARTA)


Powerful Selling with Impact (JAKARTA)

26 September 2016 | FaveHotel / Hotel Harris Tebet

Training Description :
Selling Skill is an essential skill for a sales people to conduct selling with impact. This program equips the participants with the concepts, techniques and tools that are required to conduct selling activities successfully

Training Objective :
By the end of this course, delegates will :

  • Understand what makes people buy and how they select supplier/seller
  • Understand the principle of selling and have practised the key skills involved
  • Be aware of body language and impact
  • Have learn the difference between needs and wants and how to create them
  • Use a framework which ensured efficient communication
  • Be able to analyse their performance and identify which skills require improvement
  • Have produce a personal action plan to improve future performance

Training Method:
Skills are extensively practised during the workshop so that the delegates are ready to implement new customer-directed behaviour on their return to work.

Outline :

  • Introduction to Selling
  • Selling Principle
  • Phase 1: Opening
  • Phase 2: Investigating
  • Phase 3: Demonstrating Capability
  • Phase 4: Investigating
  • Phase 4: Obtaining Commitment
  • Phase 5: Closing
  • Selling Mistakes

Who should attend ?
Anyone, whose role requires selling to others, for example: Sales Professionals, Tele-sales Professionals, Marketing Professionals, Business Development Professionals

Course Leader :
Haikal J. Mukhtar ST, MM
Praktisi yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidang Sales, Keuangan dan Perbankan serta telah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan MNC dalam berbagai posisi managerial. Sebagai seorang lulusan Magister Management – Finance and Banking dari Universitas Indonesia dan the Citibank Asia Pacific Banking Institute Executive Development Program, Mr. Heikal menghadirkan suatu percampuran yang unik antara akademisi dan pengalaman praktisional terutama meliputi berbagai project di dalam dan luar negeri, penempatan di berbagai posisi dan wilayah wilayah di dalam negeri serta pengembangan bisnis di sektornya Sebagai fasilitator dari beberapa modul pelatihan khususnya dalam bidang Sales, Keuangan dan Perbankan, Mr. Heikal melengkapi setiap modul pelatihan yang diselenggarakan dengan aplikasi komputer praktis barbasis MS Excel, sehingga materi lebih mudah dipahami sekaligus diimplementasikan di tempat kerja.

Rp 2.350.000,- (duajuta tigaratus limapuluh ribu rupiah)

Investasi sudah termasuk :

  1. Sertifikat keikutsertaan.
  2. Coffe Break 2X dan Lunch.
  3. Souvenirs dan Seminar Kits.
  4. Seminar Bag.
  5. Modul
  • Discount 10% apabila pendaftaran group minimal 5 orang dari perusahaan yang sama (untuk  satu pelatihan dan waktu yang sama).
  • Pelaksanaan training akan diselenggarakan apabila telah mencapai quota peserta 4-5 orang.
  • Konfirmasi pelaksanaan training akan dilakukan 3 (tiga hari sebelum tanggal pelaksanaan).




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

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