Jadwal Training 2024




April 26-29, 2011 at Jogjakarta
Course Leader: Dr. Edwan Kardena & Dr. Sri H. Suhardi

Crucial Benefits from attending:

  • Get the clearer understanding of bioremediation technique.
  • Strengthen your perspective on handling your oil spill, sludge and waste problems.
  • Improve the capability of your company on environmental protection including immediate action on any oil spill, leak, and accidental spillage

Who Should Attend?
Petroleum Engineer, Environmental Engineer, Chemistry Engineer, Production Engineer, Supervisor and Manager in mining and petrochemical industry, anyone who has relation and responsible to environmental recovery and

Outline Course

  • In this practical course (3-day in-class training combining with 1-day field and laboratory practice), participants will learn from and discuss with professional instructors about the following subjects:
  • Detail aspect of bioremediation.
  • Microbial process as the key factor in the bio degradation
  • Sophisticated ex-situ and in-situ bioremediation technique for hazardous organic pollutants such as oil sludge, solvent or pesticides (as halogenated compounds).
  • Application of bioremediation technique for treatment of industrial waste.
  • Selecting appropriate bioremediation technique for certain conditions.
  • Waste problem solving in oil and gas industry.
  • Newest microorganism species, which is the most effective for bioremediation technology.

Course Leader
Dr. Edwan Kardena is a leading scientist and engineer in the field of microbial process for bioremediation of organic and toxic chemicals, such as petroleum hydrocarbons and halogenated compounds. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University College of Wales in Cardiff, United Kingdom in the field of Environmental Microbiology/Biotechnology in 1995. He is currently known as a lecturer in the Department of Environmental Engineering ITB.

Dr. Sri H. Suhardi is an environmental microbiologist and currently known as a researcher at the Inter University Center for Research on Biotechnology. Her major interest is in the use of fungi and biocatalyst for treatment of industrial waste. She has extensively been working with phenolic compounds such as chlorophenol. She got her Ph.D. degree from University of Kent at Canterbury, United Kingdom in 1995.

They have been participating on various courses organized by the government such as BAPPEDAL, PUSARPEDAL, PEMDA, etc.  Both of them are consultant and team mate in doing a lot of training project at multinational companies, such as Chevron Pacific Indonesia, ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia, Vico Indonesia, Total E&P Indonesie, ConocoPhillips Indonesia Limited, Chevron Indonesia Company, PetroChina, Pertamina, Petronas, Freeport, etc.

General Information

  • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)
  • Quality training kits included T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.
  • Interactive presentation with discussion
  • Morning and afternoon coffee breaks and lunch for along the training
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Exclusive flash disk.

Tuition Fee & Registration Deadline
IDR 8.250.000,-/ Person, (excluded tax 10% and accommodation)
Registration deadline a weeks before training held.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Repair Welding Technology Workshop

Jadwal Training

Repair Welding Technology Workshop Tanggal 15-17 Maret 2011 Jam Pelaksanaan Pukul 09.00 – 17.00 Tempat Isola Resort Bandung Pembicara / Fasilitator Dr. Engr. Turnad Lenggo ... Baca Selengkapnya

Repair Welding Technology Workshop


Repair Welding Technology Workshop

15-17 Maret 2011

Jam Pelaksanaan
Pukul 09.00 – 17.00

Isola Resort Bandung

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Dr. Engr. Turnad Lenggo Ginta, MT
Lulusan teknik mesin S1 dan S2 ITB dan Doktor bidang manufactur dari IIUM Malaysia, penulis buku “improved machinability of titanium alloy ti-6al-4v, implementation of preheated macining” yang diterbitkan oleh lambert Academic Publishing germany. Yang bersangkutan aktif memberikan pelatihan dibidang repair welding dan failure analysis untuk kalangan akademisi dan industri khusus bidang manufacturing, Oil Maining, Gas mining dan Konstruksi. Saat ini menjadi senior lecturere di salah satu universiti di malaysia.

Rp. 6.750.000,-
2 Participants more Rp. 6.250.000,-
Early Bird Rp. 5.950.000 sebelum tgl 20 Februari 2011

Untuk mendapatkan hasil welding yang 100% baik dalam suatu project fabrikasi hampir tidak dapat dicapai. Selalu didapatkan welding tersebut reject sehingga harus dilakukan repair welding untuk memperbaikinya.
Penyebab dari welding repair sendiri bisa di kategorikan pada 2 kategori yaitu repair karena lack skill of welder atau karena engineering aspect. Welding defect seperti porosity, slag inclusion, lack of fussion, undercut umunya berasal dari skill welder yang kurang memadai untuk melakukan welding yang baik. Sedangkan welding defect karena engineering aspect bisa berupa defect seperti : crack, distorsion.

Welding sudah dimasukkan ke dalam kategori repair apabila discontinuity yang ditemukan telah melewati acceptance criteria yang disetujui. Acceptance criterianya bisa berupa aturan yang disebutkan dalam code and standard dan bias juga berupa client specification. Seorang QC Inspector atau welding inspector harus bisa memahami dan merumuskan acceptance criteria yang disepakati dalam project tersebut.

Sasaran Setelah Mengikuti Course ini :

  • Mampu memilih dan menentukan parameter-parameter proses, jenis proses, dan langkah-langkah praktis dalam melakukan proses repair welding.
  • Mampu menyusun prosedur prosedur repair welding yang baik dan sesuai dengan standard yang diinginkan.
  • Mampu mengevaluasi hasil dan kualitas (Quality Control) hasil repair welding.
  • Mampu menyiapkan langkah-langkah repair welding pada berbagai jenis kerusakan dan berbagai jenis material, seperti carbon steels, besi cor, superalloys, stainless steels, dan manganese steels.

Outline Course :

  • Pendahuluan tentang repair welding
  • Repair pada cacat las
  • Repair pada komponen yang gagal
  • Repair pada komponen yang aus
  • Repair welding process selection
  • Base metal type
  • Joint design and thickness
  • Welding positions
  • Environmental conditions
  • Equipment availibity
  • Some factors must be considered in repair welding
  • Weldability materials
  • Nature of the failure that prompted the repair
  • Involved of any code requirements.
  • Guidelines for various Base metals
  • Low carbon steels
  • Medium Carbon steels
  • High Carbon steels
  • Cast Irons
  • Stainless steels
  • Manganese steels
  • Superalloys
  • Develop Rework Procedure
  • Investigate before repairing
  • Rework and repair procedure
  • Making the repair welding
  • Rebuilding and overlay welding
  • Surfacing and hardfacing
  • Inspection on repaired joint
  • Applications
  • NDE Method
  • Test procedure
  • Test operator training
  • NDE Performance

Peserta yang berasal dari Manufacturing, Industri Oil dan Gas, Freight Forwding, Konstruksi dan Industri listrik, dll





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Pompa dan Kompresor : Prinsip, Operasi, Maintenance dan Trouble Shooting


Pompa dan Kompresor : Prinsip, Operasi, Maintenance dan Trouble Shooting

26-30 Maret 2012
3-7  September 2012

Durasi Waktu
5 hari

Jam Pelaksanaan
08.30 – 16.00 WIB

Hotel Golden Flower Bandung

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Ir. Pawito Merto Sontowiro, Msc adalah alumnus Teknik Mesin ITB dan sejak tahun 1973 menjadi dosen di jurusan tersebut sampai sekarang. Beliau adalah kepala Laboratorium Energi termal Teknik Mesin Institut Teknologi Bandung, Beliau juga pernah menjabat sebagai ketua jurusan Teknik Mesin ITENAS Bandung, Pernah mengajar di SESKOAD, Pernah mengajar di prokerma depnaker-ITB, prokerma PLN-ITB. Beliau juga pernah memperdalam keilmuan di luar negeri seperti bidang Coal Energy , Argonne, Chicago, Ill., USA, bidang Combustion, Petc, Pittsburgh, Pa, USA dan Pinch Technology, Asian-Australia Energy Cooperation. Bidang spesialisasi Beliau adalah Boiler, Turbin Uap/Gas, Pompa, Kompresor, Konversi Energi dan analisis energy.. Pernah mengerjakan projek pada bidang Modifikasi Sistem Pembakaran Lokomotip D-52, Modifikasi Sistem Penunjang Boiler, Analisis Sistem Boiler, dan lain-lain. Beliau adalah trainer produktif, pernah mengajar training untuk banyak perusahaan di Indonesia seperti Chevron Indonesia Company, Chevron pacific Indonesia, Total E&P Indonesie, PT. Pusri, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, PT. BADAK, Depnaker RI, PT. KKA Aceh, KDTP I Bontang, UP-IV PERTAMINA, Kalimantan Prima Coal (KPC), PLN, PT. PERTAMINA, DIKTI, BPPT, PT. Indonesia Power, Pertamina UP II, PT. Pupuk Kujang, PT. Petroleum Consolindo, PT. Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper, PT. Krakatau Steel, PLTU Paiton, PLTU Suralaya, PT. Kaltim Pasifik Amoniak, CNOOC SES LTD, PLTGU BEKASI POWER, PT. INDO FUJI ENGINEERING, PT. CONOCO PHILLIPS, dan lain-lain. Pak Pawito juga aktif menulis buku seperti Perpindahan Kalor, Konversi Energi, Thermodinamika, Pembangkit Uap, Bahan Bakar Dan Pelumas, dan Pompa. Beliau telah melakukan banyak penelitian disertai publikasi ilmiahnya.


  • Rp 7.750.000/person (full fare)  or
  • Rp 7.500.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
  • Rp 7.250.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Bag or backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified and experienced instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Pemahaman tentang faktor-faktor konstruksi, operasi, perawatan dan lingkungan yang terkait dengan mesin-mesin Pompa/Kompresor, akan melengkapi kemampuan menjalankan SOP dan merawat Pompa dan Kompresor. Peningkatan pemahaman juga akan membuat para pelaku lapangan dapat memperkirakan prestasi yang akan diberikan Pompa/Kompresor bila terjadi perubahan parameter, seperti beban, konstruksi dan lingkungan sekitar.

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan, diharapkan para trainee dapat atau lebih

  • memahami prinsip operasi Pompa/Kompresor.
  • percaya diri menghadapi permasalahan lapangan.
  • mampu menangkap gejala (tanda-tanda) kelainan dan menterjemahkannya.
  • mampu mengambil langkah-langkah tepat bila terjadi permasalah operasi (trouble).
  • memahami masalah-masalah perawatan dan mampu melaksanakannya.


  1. Komponen Pompa/Kompresor.
  2. Spesifikasi Pompa/Kompresor.
  3. Prinsip kerja pompa/kompresor.
  4. Prestasi pompa/kompresor.
  5. Kerja tunggal, paralel, seri dan variable speed (afinitas)
  6. Kendala-kendala operasi Pompa/Kompresor :
    • kavitasi, head hisap dan NPSH
    • minimum flow
    • surging
    • chocking
    • water-hammer
    • seizure (panas, gesekan, kegagalan pelumasan)
    • putaran kritis
    • alignment
    • vibrasi
  7. Komponen/Peralatan Bantu Pompa/Kompresor
    • thrust dan journal bearing
    • sealing
    • oil cooler
    • penjerat uap air (de-mister)
    • intercooler
    • control
  8. Operasi :
    • start-up
    • loading
    • shut-down
  9. Perawatan dan TroubleShooting
  10. Diskusi




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Mechanical Rotating Equipments : Operation, Maintenance, Trouble Shooting And Analysis


Mechanical Rotating Equipments : Operation, Maintenance, Trouble Shooting And Analysis

09-13 April 2012
17-21 September 2012

5 hari

Jam Pelaksanaan
08.30 – 16.00 WIB

Hotel Golden Flower Bandung

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Ir. Pawito Merto Sontowiro, Msc adalah alumnus Teknik Mesin ITB dan sejak tahun 1973 menjadi dosen di jurusan tersebut sampai sekarang. Beliau adalah kepala Laboratorium Energi termal Teknik Mesin Institut Teknologi Bandung, Beliau juga pernah menjabat sebagai ketua jurusan Teknik Mesin ITENAS Bandung, Pernah mengajar di SESKOAD, Pernah mengajar di prokerma depnaker-ITB, prokerma PLN-ITB. Beliau juga pernah memperdalam keilmuan di luar negeri seperti bidang Coal Energy , Argonne, Chicago, Ill., USA, bidang Combustion, Petc, Pittsburgh, Pa, USA dan Pinch Technology, Asian-Australia Energy Cooperation. Bidang spesialisasi Beliau adalah Boiler, Turbin Uap/Gas, Pompa, Kompresor, Konversi Energi dan analisis energy.. Pernah mengerjakan projek pada bidang Modifikasi Sistem Pembakaran Lokomotip D-52, Modifikasi Sistem Penunjang Boiler, Analisis Sistem Boiler, dan lain-lain. Beliau adalah trainer produktif, pernah mengajar training untuk banyak perusahaan di Indonesia seperti Chevron Indonesia Company, Chevron pacific Indonesia, Total E&P Indonesie, PT. Pusri, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, PT. BADAK, Depnaker RI, PT. KKA Aceh, KDTP I Bontang, UP-IV PERTAMINA, Kalimantan Prima Coal (KPC), PLN, PT. PERTAMINA, DIKTI, BPPT, PT. Indonesia Power, Pertamina UP II, PT. Pupuk Kujang, PT. Petroleum Consolindo, PT. Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper, PT. Krakatau Steel, PLTU Paiton, PLTU Suralaya, PT. Kaltim Pasifik Amoniak, CNOOC SES LTD, PLTGU BEKASI POWER, PT. INDO FUJI ENGINEERING, PT. CONOCO PHILLIPS, dan lain-lain. Pak Pawito juga aktif menulis buku seperti Perpindahan Kalor, Konversi Energi, Thermodinamika, Pembangkit Uap, Bahan Bakar Dan Pelumas, dan Pompa. Beliau telah melakukan banyak penelitian disertai publikasi ilmiahnya.


  • Rp 7.750.000/person (full fare)  or
  • Rp 7.500.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
  • Rp 7.250.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Bag or backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified and experienced instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Materi Training
1. Pumps/Compressors

  • Properties of gas (compressor)
  • Head loss of system
  • Components: function and mechanism
  • Specifications
  • Head/pressure generation
  • Operation: single, serial and parallel and multiple speeds operation
  • Performance characteristics and NPSH
  • Auxiliaries components: thrust and journal bearings, sealing, oil cooler, intercooler (compressor) and de-mister (compressor)
  • Start-up, loading and shut-down operation
  • Phenomenons of operation: cavitation (pump), surging, chocking (compressor), water-hammer (pump), seizure, critical speed and vibration.
  • Maintenance and Trouble-Shooting
  • Discussion

2. Steam Turbines/Gas Turbines

  • Properties of steam
  • Components: function and mechanism
  • Specifications
  • Torque and Power Generation
  • Operation: stand by, start-up, running and shut-down
  • Performance characteristics: efficiency, specific steam consumption and specific fuel consumption (steam turbine) and performance curves.
  • Auxiliaries components: thrust and journal bearings, sealing, oil cooler, intercooler (compressor gas turbine) condenser (steam turbine)
  • Start-up, loading and shut-down operation
  • Phenomenons of operation: surging and chocking (compressor),seizure, critical speed and vibration.
  • Maintenance and Trouble-Shooting
  • Discussion




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing




21 – 24 Februari 2011

5 days

Jam Pelaksanaan
08.30 – 16.00 WIB

Hotel Golden Flower Bandung

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Dr.Ir. Edi Leksono, M.Eng. and team
DR. Ir. Edi Leksono, M.Eng. is alumnus from Physics Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology, ITB (Bachelor), Control Engineering Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan(Master), and Electrical engineering Keio University Japan. Now Dr. Edi Leksono is a senior professor at Engineering Physics ITB. He have been interacting with industry for more than 25 years for training, consultancy and project implementation in field of SCADA, PLC, DCS, Instrumentation and Process Control and also energy saving. He have taught most of companies in Indonesia for many topics related to his competencies and he has implemented real project in field for many companies in Indonesia. In his expertise in ITB, he have dedicated much scientific work, such as writing or translating text book, being researcher and publish to journal and being speaker in national and international conference.

Rp 7.250.000, exclude tax


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD contains training material
  3. For practice session : All softwares related to this training is supplied and installed to participants’ laptop/notebook by team / instructor
  4. Certificate
  5. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  6. T-Shirt
  7. Bag or backpackers
  8. Training Photo
  9. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  10. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  11. Qualified and experienced instructor
  12. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

For practice session: each participant is recommended to bring notebook/laptop for softwares installation and practice session

HMI and PLC are main parts in automation control system. This training will elaborate training material content comprehensively consist of how PLC controller system work, how to program it, and to troubleshoot, and then to connect this system upward till HMI system, and these overall system integrated in LAN(local area network) system. Developing and running HMI system. This training is addressed to them who work in instrumentation and automation control system, electrical, maintenance and for them who want to know on this topic. This training will include practical aspect directly using related hardware and software and also theoretical aspects that supporting practical one.


  1. Understand hardware and software system of PLC
  2. Tobe able to program PLC with easy methode
  3. Understand principles of HMI
  4. Tobe able to develop HMI application
  5. Tobe able to make connectivity between HMI application and controller device
  6. Tobe able to operate developed HMI system
  7. Understand concept of LAN/WAN
  8. Tobe able to make connectivity between HMI system and dataserver system


  1. Opening + Pretest
  2. Overview of PLC System dan LAN
  3. PLC Hardware: Rack, Power Supply and PLC Processor
  4. Input Output Module(Analog and Descrete Module)
  5. Wiring system and Communication Module
  6. Sensor(Input Devices) and Actuator(Output Devices)
  7. Interface Driver: Communication Software for Connectivity
  8. PLC Configuration: Procedure for Running a PLC
  9. Software programming: PLC’s Software Feature exploring
  10. PLC’s Memory(Memory Types, Partitions and Use)
  11. Numbering System: Miscellaneous and Use in PLC system
  12. Addressing System: I/O Mapping system in PLC
  13. Boolean Logic System: Fundamental PLC Programming Requirement
  14. Bit Instruction : Rung and Attributes, Contact and Coil Representation, Contact and Coil Programming, More Complex Contact and Coil Programming
  15. Timer Instruction and Counter Instruction: Fundamental Concept, Types and Function, Timer and counter Programming in PLC
  16. Comparison Instruction and Math Instruction
  17. Data Handling Instruction
  18. Program Flow Instruction
  19. Programming Methode: Programming PLC Using State Based Design
  20. Introduction to Human Machine Interface(HMI)
  21. Introduction to HMI Software Feature
  22. HMI Window Maker(Developing Mode)
  23. I/O Server and OPC Connection
  24. HMI Tagname System
  25. HMI Animation Connection
  26. HMI Scripting System
  27. HMI Realtime & Historical Trending
  28. HMI Alarm & Event System
  29. HMI Security System
  30. HMI Operation
  31. Discussion
  32. Pos Test + Closing




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Advance Troubleshooting UPS (Pasti Jalan)


Advance Troubleshooting UPS

8-11 Oktober  2012

Jam Pelaksanaan
09.00 – 17.00 WIB

Wisma MM UGM Yogyakarta
Hotel berbintang di Yogya ( Grand Aston/Ibis/ Phonix/ MM UGM )

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Tugino, ST.MT

Rp. 6.500.000,- per peserta (Non Residential)
Rp. 6.000.000,- per peserta ( Pendaftaran 3 peserta dari 1 perusahaan)

Kontinuitas pelayanan Daya Listrik dalam suatu Industri sangatlah vital, karena hal ini menyangkut proses produksi. Untuk mendapatkan keandalan system catu daya listrik dalam menjamin kontinuitas pelayanan diperlukan suatu Sistem Catu Daya tak terputus (Uninterruptible Power Suply), oleh karena itu kehadiran UPS sangatlah penting terutama untuk beban-beban yang bersifat kritis.


  1. Sistem UPS Overview
    (System Configuration, Principle of Operation, Types of UPS System)
  2. Semiconductor on UPS System
    (Component Characteristic, Component Parameters, Component Selection)
  3. Digital System on UPS
    (Logic Gates, Sequencial Component, System Display)
  4. Signal Processing on UPS
    (Operational Amplifier, Comparator Circuits, Pulse Width Modulator Circuits)
  5. Converter AC to DC
    (Types of Converters, Converter topology, Principle of Operation, Filter Circuit)
  6. Battery and Battery Charger
    (Types of battery, battery Characteristics, Types of Battery Charger)
  7. DC to AC Converter
    (Types of Converters, Converter topology, Principle of Operation, Filter Circuit)
  8. UPS Protection
    (Over Current Protection, Surge Protection, dv/dt protection, di/dt protection)
  9. UPS TroubleShooting Techniques
    (Abnormal Conditions on AC to DC Converter, Abnormal Conditions on Charger System, Abnormal Conditions on DC to AC Converter)

Kode : 109302

Hotel Scarlet Dago- Bandung




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Vibration Analysis & Predictive Maintenance


Vibration Analysis & Predictive Maintenance

16-17 Oktober 2012
11-12 Desember 2012

08.00-16.00 WIB

Semarang: Hotel Ibis
Bandung : Hotel Scarlet Dago

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Ir. Y. Agus Jayatun, MT
(Pakar dan Praktisi di bidang Maintenance khususnya Predictive Maintenance)

Rp. 6.500.000,- /orang (Non-Residential)
Rp. 5.500.000,- /orang (Non-Residential) >> minimal pengiriman 3 peserta dari perusahaan yang sama

Vibration analysis is an important tool in improving equipment maintainability and reliability. The economics of accurately diagnosing and minimizing vibration are indisputable. Millions can be saved by reducing lost production, materials and, wasted manpower.
This course is designed to lay the foundation for a successful vibration analysis and condition monitoring program, especially for predictive maintenance.

Instrumentation & Control Engineers, Maintenance Engineers, Mechanical Engineers & Technicians, Control Technicians, Electrical Engineers, Electricians, Maintenance Engineers & Technicians, Process Engineers, Consulting Engineers, Automation Engineers.

Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation


  1. Introduction
  2. Vibration Monitoring And Analysis – Turbomachinery
  3. Data Acquisition Systems And Techniques
  4. Basics Of Signal Analysis
  5. Vibration Analysis For Different Machinery Faults
  6. Machinery Specific Vibration Analysis
  7. Vibration Basics
  8. Resonance – Identification And Rectification
  9. Applications Of Vibration
  10. Analysis – Balancing
  11. Other Predictive Techniques

Kode : 2111134





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Programmable Logic Control (PLC) – Yogyakarta


Programmable Logic Control (PLC) – Yogyakarta

24-27 September 2012

Jam Pelaksanaan
08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Wisma MM UGM Yogyakarta
Hotel berbintang di Yogya ( Grand Aston/Ibis/ Phonix/ MM UGM )

Pembicara / Fasilitator
Miftahul Huda, S.T., M.T.

Rp. 6.500.000,- per peserta (Non Residential)
Rp. 6.000.000,- per peserta ( Pendaftaran 3 peserta dari 1 perusahaan)
Sudah termasuk sertifikat, makan siang, 2 kali snack
Untuk peserta luar kota disediakan tranportasi antar – jemput terminal / bandara / stasiun

Bidang kontrol/ instrumentasi dalam dunia industri mempunyai peranan yang sangat significant, apalagi dalam proses yang membutuhkan presisi, kehandalan dan keamanan sistem. Instrumentasi industri telah menjadi bidang yang memberikan manfaat yang sangat besar terutama dalam kegiatan otomatisasi industri.

Sistem Instrumentasi merupakan sebuah sistem yang meliputi pengaturan variable-variabel seperti temperature (temperature), tekanan (pressure), aliran (flow) dan kecepatan (speed). Variable-variable ini merupakan keluaran yang harus dijaga tetap sesuai dengan keinginan yang telah ditetapkan terlebih dahulu oleh operator yang disebut set point.

Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi khususnya dibidang teknologi digital dan computer, sistem instrumentasi yang dikembakan menggunakan dukungan teknologi tersebut. Berbagai perangkat didesain untuk semakin memberikan kemudahan dan kahandalan didalam automasi industri. Salah satu perangkat yang banyak digunakan dalam automasi industri adalah Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) PLC adalah sebuah modul perangkat digital yang khusus digunakan mengontrol plant secara otomatis dan dapat deprogram sesuai dengan sistem/ plant yang akan dikendalikan. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) dirancang untuk tahan terhadap debu, suhu, dan getaran sehingga diaplikasikan secara luas dalam dunia industri. Selain itu, PLC memiliki banyak modul masukan dan keluaran yang mendukung pengendalian proses industri yang kompleks.

Dengan menggunkan PLC, system pengontrolen proses industri menjadi lebih terintegresi dalam modul-modul yang lengkap dan lebih mudah serta dapat dikoneksikan dengan berbagai perngkat lain seperti server dan jaringan komputer guna pengembangan automasi yang lebih handal.

Tujuan pengendalian adalah mendapatkan hasil kerja sistem seperti yang diharapkan, dengan meminimalkan atau bahkan menghilangkan error. Ada beberapa metode yang sering digunakan dalam proses pengendalian, seperti on-off, Proporsional-Integral-Derivatif (PID), Logika Fuzi, atau Algoritma Genetika. Sistem kendali PID cukup mudah diterapkan dan banyak digunakan di industri. Dengan mengaplikasikan sistem kendali PID dalam pemrograman PLC, dapat dibuat sistem kendali automasi industri yang handal dan memberikan hasil kerja yang diinginkan.

Operator, teknisi, engineer, perancang, penyelia, manajer, dan lain-lainnya yang ingin mengetahui/memahami/mendalami pengertian mendasar mengenai prinsip kegunaan PLC dan aplikasinya pada industri

Presentation, Discussion, Case Study, Evaluation,Pre Test, Post Test


  1. Pengantar instrumentasi industri dan dasar sistem kontrol
  2. Plant sistem dan variable proses ( pengukuran flow, pengukuran level, dll)
  3. Sistem kendali PID an algoritma PID
  4. Konversi analog ke digital dan Konversi digital ke analog
  5. Sistem Kendali secara digital
  6. Liquid Sizing Control Valve
  7. Pengenalan PLC dan Diagram Ladder
  8. Perangkat Keras PLC dan Pendukungnya
  9. Koneksi Peralatan dengan Modul Input/Output Diskret pada PLC
  10. Komponen Latch, Timer, Counter, dan Fungsi-Fungsi Penting pada PLC
  11. Konsep Logika dan Perancangan Program PLC Dasar
  12. Perancangan Diagram Ladder Menggunakan Pendekatan Diagram Alir dan Diagram Keadaan
  13. Aplikasi PLC pada industri dan perancangan sistem dengan PLC
  14. Studi Kasus

Kode : 19898201




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing




Program APILEplus dikembangkan berdasarkan sistem operasi Windows. Program APILEplus dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui respon sebuah pondasi tiang yang dibebani aksial sepanjang kedalaman tiang secara inkremental, antara lain :

  1. Skin friction sepanjang tiang
  2. Tahanan ujung tiang
  3. Kapasitas total tiang
  4. Distribusi beban
  5. Settlement

1. Pendahuluan
a. Mengenal perangkat lunak SLOPE/W

2. Contoh kasus stabilitas lereng

3. Definisi kasus
a. Menentukan area kerja
b. Menentukan skala
c. Menentukan spasi grid
d. Menyimpan file
e. Zoom
f. Sketsa geometri kasus
g. Menentukan metode analisis
h. Mengatur pilihan analisis
i. Parameter tanah
j. Menggambar lapisan tanah
k. Menggambar piezometric line
l. Menggambar jari-jari bidang runtuh
m. Menggambar grid bidang runtuh
n. Mengatur tampilan
o. Menampilkan garis koordinat
p. Menampilkan teks
q. Verifikasi kasus
r. Menampilkan parameter tanah
s. Indentifikasi kasus
t. Menyimpan kasus

4. Solusi (penghitungan)
a. Memulai penghitungan
b. Selesai penghitungan

5. Melihat hasil penghitungan
a. Melihat bidang runtuh
b. Melihat metode analisis
c. Menampilkan gaya pada irisan
d. Menampilkan kontur angka keamanan
e. Menampilkan nilai kontur
f. Mencetak gambar

6. Latihan/praktek

7. Diskusi

Dr.Ir. Mardiana (Dosen Teknik Sipil Poltek ITB/POLBAN )

Hotel Grand Seriti Boutique Bandung

2 days

18 – 19 October 2010

1. Rp 3.500.000/person (full fare) or
2. Rp 3.250.000/person (early bird, payment before 11 October 2010) or
3. Rp 2.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD contains training material
  3. For practice session : All softwares related to this training is supplied and installed to participants’ laptop/notebook by PT.MMS team / instructor
  4. Certificate
  5. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  6. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
  7. Bag or backpackers
  8. Training Photo
  9. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  10. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  11. Qualified instructor
  12. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

For practice session: each participant is recommended to bring notebook/laptop for softwares installation and practice session





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing


Jadwal Training

MEKANIKA FLUIDA TUJUAN TRAINING: Membekali peserta tentang wawasan dan pengetahuan konsep dasar teknik fluida dan aplikasinya yang meliputi: pemahaman tentang sifat-sifat fluida; tekanan & head, ... Baca Selengkapnya




Membekali peserta tentang wawasan dan pengetahuan konsep dasar teknik fluida dan aplikasinya yang meliputi: pemahaman tentang sifat-sifat fluida; tekanan & head, statika & dinamika fluida; pengukuran aliran fluida; aliran fluida dalam pipa; penerapan pada mesin-mesin fluida seperti pompa, kompresor, blower & fan, dan turbin air.

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan, peserta diharapkan mampu:

  1. Memahami pengertian dasar & klasifikasi fluida; besaran & satuan; sifat-sifat fluida seperti tekanan & suhu, massa jenis & berat jenis, viskositas, aliran laminar & turbulen, dan bilangan Reynold.
  2. Memahami prinsip dasar statika fluida: distribusi tekanan, persamaan hidrostatika, pengukuran tekanan, gaya apung, gaya fluida pada bidang datar & melengkung.
  3. Memahami prinsip dasar dinamika fluida: persamaan kontinuitas, persamaan Birnoulli, persamaan energi aliran, persamaan momentum, dan gaya dinamis fluida.
  4. Memahami prinsip dasar pengukuran tekanan dan debit aliran fluida
  5. Memahami dasar aliran fluida dalam pipa: aliran laminer & turbulen, aliran kompresibel & inkompresibel, perhitungan rugi-rugi head/tekanan, perhitungan instalasi pada sistem pipa dan pompa/turbin air
  6. Memahami prinsip dasar mesin fluida : pompa, blower/fan, dan turbin air


  1. Pendahuluan Mekanika Fluida:
    Definisi dan klasifikasi fluida; besaran & satuan sistem fluida; tekanan fluida; viskositas fluida; massa jenis, berat jenis & gravitasi jenis; aliran laminar, turbulen, dan bilangan Reynold (Re)
  2. Statika Fluida:
    Distribusi tekanan fluida; distribusi tekanan pada cairan, hokum Pascal & hidrostatika; pengukuran tekanan, gaya apung, gaya fluida pada bidang datar & melengkung, tangki/bejana bertekanan
  3. Dinamika Fluida:
    Persamaan kontinuitas fluida; persamaan Birnoulli; persamaan energi aliran fluida; persamaan momentum; gaya-gaya dinamis aliran fluida
  4. Pengukuran:
    Pengukuran aliran fluida: tabung pitot, orifice, venturi, rotameter, turbin meter
  5. Aliran Fluida Dalam Pipa
  6. Rugi head/tekanan pada sistem aliran fluida; penggunaan tabel dan diagram fluida; perhitungan head dan daya pada sistem pipa dan pompa/turbin air, sistem pipa cabang
  7. Pengantar Mesin Fluida
    Klasifikasi, kriteria pemilihan & aplikasi mesin fluida; pompa, blower & fan; turbin air

Ir. Ali Mahmudi, M.Eng. and Ir. M. Munir Fahmi, Dipl.ME.,MT.

Hotel Golden Flower Bandung

4 hari

18 – 21 Oktober 2010

1. Rp 5.950.000/peserta (bayar penuh) atau
2. Rp 5.750.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar sebelum 11 Oktober 2010) atau
3. Rp 5.500.000/peserta (peserta bergroup yang terdiri dari 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD Contains Training Material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. Jacket or Waistcoat or T-Shirt
  6. Bag or Backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Ir. Ali Mahmudi, M.Eng. graduated from mechanical and system engineering department RMIT Melbourne Australia for his magister and from Mechanical Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) for his bachelor. His core expertise is in fluid and thermal energy convertion machine. Ir. Ali Mahmudi, M.Eng. is lecturer at mechanical engineering Poltek ITB (Polban), and at mechanical engineering PEDC and also at faculty of technique UNISBA(Universitas islam Bandung). In campus he teach for subjects as follows Termodinamika Teknik, Mekanika Fluida, Perpindahan Kalor & Penukar Kalor, Pompa & Kompresor, Boiler & Turbin, Pneumatik & Hidrolik, Mekatronika, Mesin Konversi Energi Fluida & Termal, Teknik perawatan & Perbaikan Mesin, Instrumentasi, Mekanika & Mesin Fluida, and Penggerak Mula. Ir. Ali Mahmudi, M.Eng. has frequently taught training for companies in Indonesia for many topics included in his majoring expertise.
Ir. M. Munir Fahmi, Dipl.ME, MT. got his master degree from Brawijaya University Malang majoring in Energy Conversion. He is till now becoming lecturer at mechanical engineering Poltek ITB (Polban) and he is head of laboratory of fluid, thermal and otomotive. He teachs frequently for industrial training class for Indonesian companies participants for some topics on mechanical engineering such as Mechanical Rotating Equipment, Operation & Trouble Shooting, Pumps, Primover: Operation, Maintenance & Troubleshooting, Genset, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting, lubrication, Preventive & Predictive Maintenance, Advance Maintenance Management, Reliability Maintenance Engineering, Operation, Maintenance & Trouble Shooting of Pump & Compressor and etc.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Refrigerasi : Operation, Maintenance And Troubleshooting


Refrigerasi : Operation, Maintenance And Troubleshooting

16-19 Juli 2012
26 – 29 November 2012

Hotel Golden Flower Bandung

Training yang akan diadakan mempunyai tujuan seperti yang tertera pada butir-butir berikut :

  1. Memahami prinsip kerja mesin refrigerasi dan pembebanan pendinginan.
  2. Memahami kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing jenis mesin refigerasi.
  3. Memahami instalasi mesin refrigerasi dan sistem beban.
  4. Memahami parameter operasi mesin refrigerasi.
  5. Mampu mengevaluasi unjuk kerja mesin refrigerasi.
  6. Mampu menangani kelainan operasi (trouble).
  7. Memahami dan mampu melaksanakan perawatan.
  8. Mampu meramalkan unjuk kerja sistem refrigerasi termodifikasi.


  1. Prinsip-prinsip dasar pendinginan
  2. Prinsip dasar mesin refrigerasi: vapour compression cycle, absorbsion refrigeration, steam jet refrigeration, low temperatur refrigeration (cryogenic).
  3. Siklus termodifikasi: siklus superheated, siklus dg flash tank, evaporator bertingkat dan kompresor bertingkat.
  4. Komponen utama dan bantu mesin refrigerasi.
  5. Prestasi Mesin Refrigerasi dan keterbatasannya.
  6. Refrigerants: jenis, sifat, keunggulan dan kelemahan
  7. Air-cooled condenser and water-cooled condenser
  8. Compressor Rating
  9. Pengkondisian Udara: sistem, beban pendinginan, parameter kenyamanan dan keperluan udara
  10. Prestasi cooling and dehumidifying coil
  11. Piping, ducting and accessories
  12. Insulation
  13. Maintenace
  14. Trouble-shooting
  15. Studi kasus
  16. Diskusi

Hotel Golden Flower Bandung


  • Rp 7.250.000/person (full fare) or
  • Rp 7.000.000/person (early bird, payment before H-7) or
  • Rp 6.750.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD Contains Training Material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. Jacket or Waistcoat or T-Shirt
  6. Bag or Backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Ir. Pawito Merto Sontowiro, Msc adalah alumnus Teknik Mesin ITB dan sejak tahun 1973 menjadi dosen di jurusan tersebut sampai sekarang. Beliau adalah kepala Laboratorium Energi termal Teknik Mesin Institut Teknologi Bandung, Beliau juga pernah menjabat sebagai ketua jurusan Teknik Mesin ITENAS Bandung, Pernah mengajar di SESKOAD, Pernah mengajar di prokerma depnaker-ITB, prokerma PLN-ITB.

Beliau juga pernah memperdalam keilmuan di luar negeri seperti bidang Coal Energy , Argonne, Chicago, Ill., USA, bidang Combustion, Petc, Pittsburgh, Pa, USA dan Pinch Technology, Asian-Australia Energy Cooperation. Bidang spesialisasi Beliau adalah Boiler, Turbin Uap/Gas, Pompa, Kompresor, Konversi Energi dan analisis energy.. Pernah mengerjakan projek pada bidang Modifikasi Sistem Pembakaran Lokomotip D-52, Modifikasi Sistem Penunjang Boiler, Analisis Sistem Boiler, dan lain-lain. Beliau adalah trainer produktif, pernah mengajar training untuk banyak perusahaan di Indonesia seperti Chevron Indonesia Company, Chevron pacific Indonesia, Total E&P Indonesie, PT. Pusri, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, PT. BADAK, Depnaker RI, PT. KKA Aceh, KDTP I Bontang, UP-IV PERTAMINA, Kalimantan Prima Coal (KPC), PLN, PT. PERTAMINA, DIKTI, BPPT, PT. Indonesia Power, Pertamina UP II, PT. Pupuk Kujang, PT. Petroleum Consolindo, PT. Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper, PT. Krakatau Steel, PLTU Paiton, PLTU Suralaya, PT. Kaltim Pasifik Amoniak, CNOOC SES LTD, PLTGU BEKASI POWER, PT. INDO FUJI ENGINEERING, PT. CONOCO PHILLIPS, dan lain-lain. Pak Pawito juga aktif menulis buku seperti Perpindahan Kalor, Konversi Energi, Thermodinamika, Pembangkit Uap, Bahan Bakar Dan Pelumas, dan Pompa. Beliau telah melakukan banyak penelitian disertai publikasi ilmiahnya.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Standard Steam Turbine : Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting


Standard Steam Turbine :  Operation, Maintenance and Troubleshooting

29 Oktober-2 November 2012

09.00-16.00 WIB

Bandung(Hotel Golden Flower)

Menambah wawasan para trainee dalam memahami turbin secara integralistik sehingga para trainee :

  1. Dapat memahami saling keterkaitan antara komponen komponen alat pada turbin.
  2. Dapat mengantisipasi akibat yang mungkin terjadi dengan adanya perubahan perubahan yang sengaja atau tidak sengaja dilakukan.
  3. Mampu mengembangkan diri sehingga dapat memikul tanggung tahap lebih lanjut.


  1. Tingkat keadaan termodinamika uap.
  2. Komponen utama turbin uap, fungsi dan prinsip kerjanya.
  3. Komponen-komponen pembantu, fungsi dan prinsip kerjanya.
  4. Pembangkitan daya.
  5. Parameter operasi turbin uap.
  6. Kendala-kendala operasi.
  7. Operasi :
    • start-up dan shut-down
    • kegagalan operasi (trouble-shooting) : gejala, sebab dan tindakan
  8. Kerugian pada turbin
  9. Prestasi turbin uap
  10. Pengontrolan turbin
  11. Pelumasan turbin.
  12. Kecepatan putar kritis.
  13. Instalasi turbin dan sistem turbin.
  14. Kemerosotan turbin uap.
  15. Perawatan : routine, terjadwal, break-down.
  16. Troubleshooting.
  17. Material.
  18. Studi kasus.
  19. Diskusi.

5 days


  1. Rp 7.750.000/person (full fare) or
  2. Rp 7.500.000/person (early bird, payment before 15 November 2010) or
  3. Rp 7.250.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
  6. Bag or backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Ir. Pawito Merto Sontowiro, Msc adalah alumnus Teknik Mesin ITB dan sejak tahun 1973 menjadi dosen di jurusan tersebut sampai sekarang. Beliau adalah kepala Laboratorium Energi termal Teknik Mesin Institut Teknologi Bandung, Beliau juga pernah menjabat sebagai ketua jurusan Teknik Mesin ITENAS Bandung, Pernah mengajar di SESKOAD, Pernah mengajar di prokerma depnaker-ITB, prokerma PLN-ITB. Beliau juga pernah memperdalam keilmuan di luar negeri seperti bidang Coal Energy , Argonne, Chicago, Ill., USA, bidang Combustion, Petc, Pittsburgh, Pa, USA dan Pinch Technology, Asian-Australia Energy Cooperation. Bidang spesialisasi Beliau adalah Boiler, Turbin Uap/Gas, Pompa, Kompresor, Konversi Energi dan analisis energy.. Pernah mengerjakan projek pada bidang Modifikasi Sistem Pembakaran Lokomotip D-52, Modifikasi Sistem Penunjang Boiler, Analisis Sistem Boiler, dan lain-lain. Beliau adalah trainer produktif, pernah mengajar training untuk banyak perusahaan di Indonesia seperti Chevron Indonesia Company, Chevron pacific Indonesia, Total E&P Indonesie, PT. Pusri, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, PT. BADAK, Depnaker RI, PT. KKA Aceh, KDTP I Bontang, UP-IV PERTAMINA, Kalimantan Prima Coal (KPC), PLN, PT. PERTAMINA, DIKTI, BPPT, PT. Indonesia Power, Pertamina UP II, PT. Pupuk Kujang, PT. Petroleum Consolindo, PT. Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper, PT. Krakatau Steel, PLTU Paiton, PLTU Suralaya, PT. Kaltim Pasifik Amoniak, CNOOC SES LTD, PLTGU BEKASI POWER, PT. INDO FUJI ENGINEERING, PT. CONOCO PHILLIPS, dan lain-lain. Pak Pawito juga aktif menulis buku seperti Perpindahan Kalor, Konversi Energi, Thermodinamika, Pembangkit Uap, Bahan Bakar Dan Pelumas, dan Pompa. Beliau telah melakukan banyak penelitian disertai publikasi ilmiahnya.





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing




Tanggal dan Tempat :
22 – 23 November 2010,Hotel Banana Inn Bandung

Perkembangan teknologi perencanaan bangunan gedung tahan gempa terus mengalami perubahan, terutama setelah menerima pengalaman kegagalan struktur akibat peristiwa gempa besar yang disertai tsunami dashyat yang terjadi di Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam,Sumatra Utara, Jogja dan beberapa tempat lain di Indonesia.
Perubahan-perubahan itu akan mempunyai efek yang signifikan pada desain dan pendetailan komponen-komponen struktur, terutama yang terletak di wilayah gempa dengan resiko tinggi. Perencanaan struktur beton bertulang tahan gempa di Indonesia dilakukan sesuai SNI-1726 dan SNI-2847.

1. Konsep perencanaan
2. Perhitungan gaya gempa rencana
3. Perencanaan balok
4. Perencanaan kolom
5. Perencanaan hubungan balok-kolom
6. Perencanaan dinding geser
7. Contoh perhitungan lengkap struktur bangunan bertingkat termasuk detailing penulangan

Dr.Ir. Mardiana (Dosen Teknik Sipil Poltek ITB/POLBAN )

Hotel Banana Inn Bandung

2 days

22 – 23 November 2010

1. Rp 3.500.000/person (full fare) or
2. Rp 3.250.000/person (early bird, payment before 15 November 2010) or
3. Rp 2.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. Jacket or waistcoat or T-Shirt
  6. Bag or backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

For practice session: each participant is recommended to bring notebook/laptop for softwares installation and practice session





Avatar photo


Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

The Fundamental And Implementatation Of Industrial Hygiene


The Fundamental And Implementatation Of Industrial Hygiene

October 25-29, 2010 at Bogor

The Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene course is an introductory training program. It is geared to safety, heath, environmental, and management personnel who have industrial hygiene on the job responsibilities, but who lack of training or experience in industrial hygiene. This course does not replace the education of a qualified industrial hygienist, but it does provide a basic understanding of industrial hygiene terminology, principles, and practices.

Practical approaches to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of common workplace hazards are the focus of the course. Participant will be involved in their own learning experience through interactive, instructional exercises. Combined with information, this activity provide opportunities to apply newly learned concepts to a variety of industrial hygiene program

During the training, participants will:
• Participate in interactive discussions on topics relating to industrial hygiene.
• Analyze problems presented through case study.
• Observe equipment demonstrations, than perform a task using this equipment.
• Share industrial hygiene techniques with other industrial hygiene professional in group discussions.
• Create on the job plans for implementation at their company/ facility.

The course addresses industrial hygiene topics, including:
• Anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of workplace hazards.
• Anatomy. Physiology and toxicology.
• Chemical hazards.
• Physical hazards including noise, radiation, and thermal stress.
• Ergonomics.
• Biological hazards.
• Ventilation.
• Personal protective equipment.
• Respiratory protection.
• Safety and health programs/ agencies.
• Government standard and voluntaries guidelines.

Audience description.
The Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene course is primarily attended by employees, team leaders, middle managers, and human resources personnel who have some level Industrial hygiene, safety, health, or environmental responsibilities as part of their jobs. Participants generally have limited training in the area of industrial hygiene.

Course goals.
During the Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene course, you will develop the knowledge and skills to:
1. Recognize the basic anatomy and psychology associated with routes of entry and toxicology.
2. Recognize chemical, physical, ergonomics, and biological hazards.
3. Use basic chemical and physical hazard evaluation techniques.
4. Conduct an industrial hygiene walkthrough survey.
5. Recognize general engineering and administrative controls.
6. Describe the role of personal protective equipment in a control program.
7. Begin the process of determining when you can handle an industrial hygiene issue on your own and when you should call on a more experienced industrial hygiene professional.
8. Identify and access other industrial hygiene training and in formations resources.

Course structure
The training modules are highly interactive and include question and answer sessions, experience sharing, and exercises.

Bambang Pamudji, Former Senior Health and Safety staff of PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja (Urea Fertilizer Manufacturer) Palembang .Born in Pasuruan East Java, 14 March 1950. He was B.Sc in Public Health from APK Surabaya 1971 and graduate from Economic Management Sriwidjaja University 1996. Having certificates in Health, Safety, and Environment from Depnakertrans/ Institutions and Universities in Indonesia, institutions and Universities in UK, and National Safety Council. Experienced in setting up Health and Safety Management System documentation and its application. Experienced internal lead auditor SMK3 in PT. Pupuk Sriwidjaja, and External lead auditor
He is a Senior HSE consultant, trainer and auditor. He has experiences as Behaviour Based Safety Lecturer since 2007( in house training at PT. Pindo Deli Karawang Timur, and PT. South Pacific Viscous Purwakarta ; in public training with parcipants from PT. Pertamina, PT. Inco, and CYNNOC) .

General Information
Certificate of Appreciation

All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.

Documentation & Dress Code

  • Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by TIM.
  • Note-taking by participants is encourage. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.
  • Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.


  • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)
  • Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.
  • Interactive presentation with discussion
  • Convenient training facilities with five star quality
  • Lunch per day with morning and afternoon coffee breaks
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment (Optional)
  • Exclusive flash disk.

Tuition Fee & Registration Deadline
IDR 9.250.000 ,-/ Person,Registration deadline a weeks before training held.

Minimum Participant
This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Produced Water Treating and Disposal into Injection Well


Produced Water Treating and Disposal into Injection Well

October 12-15, 2010 at Bali

This special practical approach course is designed to provide a comprehensive under-standing of oil field water technology, especially produced water treating and disposal, to match injection well and environmental requirements. Each equipment and operations considerations base on basic concept of prevention of the system plugging and the need and regulation on water disposal to injection well and offshore environment.

What Will Participant Get?
After completion of this course, participants will better understand and analyze specific water quality, in-field water treating and disposal scheme and operations, configuration and operational mechanism of each equipment, test methods and procedures, and improve skill and ability to diagnose water treating system performance and utilize laboratory analyses results.

Who Should Attend?
Technical personnel of Oil & Gas Company who involve in or concern with oil field water handling, water treating, water disposal, injection well, onshore and offshore environmental management, MIC and scale control and prevention, chemical injection application, water treating equipment operations, pipeline and pumping operations and laboratory analyses, and those who responsible on the continuity, integrity and reliability of produced water transportation, injection and disposal system and equipment.

What Will Participant Learns?
In this tailor made course participants will learn from and discuss with professional instructor the following subjects:
1. Produced Water Injection and Disposal in Oil & Gas Field
2. Problem-Causing Factors in Oil Field Water Handling
3. Injection Well and Environmental Requirements
4. Water Treating Operations and Equipment
5. Test Methods, Analyses and Calculations in Water Treating and Disposal

This specially designed course will be conducted by *Hilman Ahmad & Associates*, an Independent Consultant in industrial oil and gas, member of the Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers, who manage the Professional Industrial Oil & Gas Education Center, and has been practicing production operation & safety and corrosion control engineering in Indonesia for more than twenty-five years. He post-graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology (sponsored by UNESCO) in 1977. He joined in-field-practice program at Nippon Kokan Steel Company & Research Center Kawasaki, Japan for production facility design & construction and corrosion prevention & control in 1983, and collaborated with Cormon Industrial Research Center Brighton UK for on-line corrosion monitoring development in 2000. He has been delivering training course in production operation, maintenance & safety and corrosion control for personnel from Oil & Gas Company and Petrochemical Industry since 1979. ***

General Information
Certificate of Appreciation
All attendees will receive a certificate of appreciation attesting to their participant in the training. This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed training questionnaire.

Documentation & Dress Code
o.Quality training material kits will be on registration, additional papers, & handouts assignment by TIM.
o.Note-taking by participants is encouraged. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.
o.Casual clothing is recommended. The training atmosphere is informal.

o.Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)
o.Quality training kits included calculator, T-shirt or jacket, cap, ect.
o.Interactive presentation with discussion
o.Convenient training facilities with five star quality
o.Lunch per day with morning and afternoon coffee breaks
o.Certificate of Completion
o.Half day city tour at the end of training session following by dinner with entertainment (Optional)
o.Exclusive flash disk.

Tuition Fee & Registration Deadline
IDR 8.950.000,-/ Person, Registration deadline a weeks before training held.

Minimum Participant
This training will be conducted if we receive registration letter from 3 (three) participants (Minimum)





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

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