Jadwal Training 2024

Scheduling & Controlling Project Using Primavera (P6) Jakarta


Jadwal Training 2024

Scheduling & Controlling Project Using Primavera (P6) Jakarta

Jadwal Pelatihan Scheduling & Controlling Project Using Primavera (P6). Pelatihan ini merupakan program yang handal untuk proyek konstruksi.

Kamis-Jumat, 25-26 Januari 2024
Rabu-Kamis, 14-15 Februari 2024
Kamis-Jumat, 14-15 Maret 2024
Selasa-Rabu, 23-24 April 2024
Kamis-Jumat, 30-31 Mei 2024
Selasa-Rabu, 25-26 Juni 2024
Selasa-Rabu, 23-24Juli 2024
Rabu-Kamis, 21-22 Agustus 2024
Kamis-Jumat, 26-27 September 2024
Kamis-Jumat 24-26 Oktober 2024
Kamis-Jumat, 14-15 November 2024
Kamis-Jumat, 26-27 Desember 2024

Pkl. 09.00 – 16.00 WIB

Hotel Millenium, D’ Hotel, Hotel Puri Denpasar, Hotel Harris Tebet, Hotel Fave Gatot Subroto, Hotel Ibis.

Konfirmasi tempat pelaksanaan akan kami informasikan 7 hari sebelum pelaksanaan training.

Rp. 4.500.000,-/peserta (offline)
Rp. 3.750.000,-/ peserta (online)
Including: Sertifikat, Training Modules, Workshop kit, Lunch, Snack, Foto 10R.

Peserta diharap membawa Laptop sendiri
Laptop yang dipakai diharapkan menggunakan XP, Windows 7, Windows 10.

Primavera Systems, Inc. is the world’s leading provider of project, program and portfolio management software solutions. The software foundation that enables all types of businesses to achieve excellence in managing portfolios projects and resources.

Primavera (P6) merupakan program yang handal digunakan dalam proyek konstruksi. Program ini akan mempermudah proses pengelolaan dan pengendalian pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi mulai dari tahap merancang proyek, membangun jaringan, dan mengelola data secara mudah dan cepat.

Primavera merupakan sebuah perangkat lunak yang hadir untuk menjawab kebutuhan tersebut di atas, sehingga proses perencanaan dan pemantauan perkembangan proyek dapat dilakukan dengan cara yang lebih efektif.

Primavera mempunyai beberapa keunggulan, di antaranya : Dapat menyimpan informasi proyek (Resource & Cost) dalam satu database, dan memisahkan data dalam bentuk yang berbeda, dengan informasi yang lengkap dan ditampilkan dalam satu grafik. Dengan keunggulan tersebut maka Pengelolaan proyek konstruksi dengan menggunakan Primavera dapat membantu para Manajer Proyek di dalam : Menyusun Metode Kerja (WBS), Mengumpulkan data-data proyek untuk kemudian dilakukan penginputan Resource yang dibutuhkan (Labour, Material, Equipment, Subcont, Volume), Melakukan monitoring aktivitas pekerjaan, Menampilakan informasi aktual tentang aktivitas proyek melalui tampilan S-Curve, Melakukan pengendalian hasil pekerjaan sesuai dengan yang telah disepakati, serta Membuat hasil laporan pengendalian tersebut.


  1. Pengantar Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi.
  2. Pengantar Lingkup Kerja Primavera.
  3. Mendefinisikan Enterprise Project Structure (EPS).
  4. Mendefinisikan Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS).
  5. Mendefinisikan Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
  6. Mendefinisikan dan Menentukan Tampilan Layout Lembar Kerja.
  7. Mendefinisikan Toolbar, Formatting Bar, Time Scale dan Filter.
  8. Mendefinisikan dan Menentukan Kalender Proyek dan Jam Kerja.
  9. Mendefinisikan dan Membuat Aktivitas dan Durasi Aktivitas.
  10. Mendefinisikan dan Menentukan Hubungan antar Aktivitas.
  11. Mendefinisikan dan Menentukan batasan Proyek (Constraints).
  12. Mendefinisikan dan Menentukan Proyek Baseline.
  13. Membandingkan Proyek Baseline dengan Proyek Current.
  14. Mendefinisikan dan Memasukan Resource pada setiap Aktivitas.
  15. Analisa Proyek berdasarkan Resource Usage Profil dan Spread Sheet
  16. Analisa Proyek berdasarkan Activity Usage Profil dan Spread Sheet
  17. Analisa Proyek berdasarkan Resource Profil (S-Curve).
  18. Menyajikan Diagram dan Kurva Perkembangan Proyek.
  19. Meratakan Distribusi Penempatan Resource (Levelling).
  20. Mengupdate Perkembangan Proyek Rencana
  21. Mengupdate Proyek Aktual (Tracking).
  22. Pengelolaan dan Pengendalian Proyek berdasarkan Metode Earned Value.
  23. Melakukan Import & Export.
  24. Menyajikan Laporan Proyek (Project Report).

Setelah mengikuti Training ini, Peserta diharapkan dapat :

  1. Menyusun Rencana Kerja Proyek.
  2. Membuat dan mendefinisikan Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
  3. Melakukan Pengalokasian Resource
  4. Melakukan Pengendalian Biaya Proyek.
  5. Melakukan Pemantauan Perkembangan Proyek.
  6. Membuat dan Menyajikan Laporan Proyek.

Peserta training adalah semua sarjana teknik atau umum yang telah memiliki dasar pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi skala kecil, menengah atau besar.




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Project Management Using Microsoft Project


Training Jakarta

Project Management Using Microsoft Project

24-26 April 2024

VENUE : Hotel Kagum Group Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)


Proyek adalah suatu rangkaian aktivitas yang saling berhubungan dan bersifat sementara artinya harus ada awal dan akhir dari proyek itu sendiri. Proyek dikatakan berhasil apabila dapat memenuhi target waktu yang ditentukan, menggunakan biaya sesuai dengan anggaran yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya serta proyek tersebut diterima dengan baik oleh pemilik proyek. Semua hal itu pada kenyataannya sangat sulit untuk diwujudkan secara bersamaan. Akan tetapi untuk dapat meminimalisir terjadinya ketidaksesuaian perencanaan proyek maka diperlukan kajian mendasar terhadap proyek itu sendiri, dan akan lebih mudah dengan bantuan software. Software yang sampai dengan saat ini dirasakan cukup efektif membantu pelaksanaan proyek adalah WinQSB dan Microsoft Project. Kedua software tersebut dapat mengakomodir berbagai macam hal yang ada didalam suatu proyek, mulai dari perencanaan sampai dengan pengendalian proyek.


  • Introduction
  • Indikator proyek sukses dan syarat menjadi seorang Project Manager
  • Perencanaan Proyek menggunakan Gantt Chart
  • Perencanaan Proyek menggunakan CPM (critical path method) & PERT (project evaluation review technique)
  • Perancangan WBS (work breakdown structure)
  • Pengendalian Proyek
  • Crash Program
  • Project Management using WinQSB
  • Project Management using Microsoft Project
  • Project Evaluation

•    40% Teori
•    60% Praktik (Studi Kasus, Software WinQSB & Microsoft Project)

Setiap peserta direkomendasikan untuk membawa laptop.

INSTRUCTOR :    Oktri Mohammad Firdaus, ST., MT.  and Team


  • Rp. 6.500.000/person (full fare) or
  • Rp. 6.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
  • Rp. 5.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Modul Training
  2. Flashdisk Training berisi materi training
  3. Sertifikat
  4. ATK: NoteBook dan Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Ransel
  7. Foto Training
  8. Ruang Training dengan fasilitas Full AC dan multimedia
  9. Makan siang dan 2 kali coffeebreak
  10. Instruktur yang Qualified
  11. Transportasi untuk peserta dari hotel penginapan ke hotel tempat training – PP (jika peserta minimal dari satu perusahaan ada 4 peserta)

OKTRI MOHAMMAD FIRDAUS, ST., MT. Adalah  master lulusan Teknik dan Management Industri ITB, kini sebagai Dosen dan Sekretaris Program Studi Teknik Industri  Fakultas Teknik  Universitas Widyatama, Bandung. Jabatan lain sebagai Kepala Divisi Riset Logistic and Supply Center Universitas Widyatama Bandung, serta menjadi dosen untuk beberapa perguruan tinggi di Jawa Barat. Beberapa keahlian beliau dalam hal-hal sebagai berikut : SAP – Fundamentals, Analisis Pengukuran Kerja, komputerisasi pergudangan, Perancangan Sistem Kerja & Ergonomi, Supply Chain Management, Project management, Manajemen Perawatan & Operasional, Perencanaan dan Perancangan Produk, Strategi Operasi & Integrasi, Pemodelan Sistem dll. Selain pemakalah dalam seminar internasional dan nasional Knowledge Management Based On Expert System, Proceeding Asia Pasific Industrial Engineering and Management, beliau juga kerap menjadi instruktur pelatihan untuk perusahaan-perusahaan besar seperti : Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Freeport, Sandvik, Exxon Mobil, Pertamina, PT. Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), Adaro, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, Bank CIMB Niaga, PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bandung, Direktorat Metrologi, PT. Telkom , Pikiran Rakyat, KIE Bontang, dan lain-lain.




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Dynamic ACP® Exam Preparation (DACP)


Seminar 2024

Dynamic ACP® Exam Preparation (DACP)

  • 22 – 24 April + ACP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 24 – 26 June + ACP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 19 – 21 August + ACP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 21 – 23 October + ACP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 16 – 18 December + ACP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION

Training Location: Offline (Jakarta)
Training Fee: Offline IDR 8.500.000

Agile is no longer a specialized method for a specific industry. Today, more companies, big and small, are choosing this method over the traditional predictive or waterfall methodologies, and more are on their way.

To remain relevant in the competitive and changing world of project management, PM professionals must demonstrate true leadership ability on today’s software projects, web applications projects, as well as other fast-moving stakeholders-driven projects.

In Indonesia, many companies and organizations have started to recognize the value of ACP® certification. Our experience shows that companies/organizations have now more belief that a PMI-ACP® can bring the objectives and targets of their project(s). Furthermore, gaining recognition as a PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® gives agile project professionals and project users/owners more confidence that they are handling the project in a standardized manner.

The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® certification from the Project Management Institute is a global recognition to demonstrate to colleagues, organizations, and potential employers that you are a leader in Agile Projects. This class not only prepares you to lead your next Agile project effort but also to pass the PMI-ACP certification exam.

Our 3-day-plus Dynamic Agile Certified Practitioner program is developed to assist professionals or practitioners to identify Agile Project Management environment and managing Agile Projects in line with the latest PMI-ACP® Exam Content Outline.

After this workshop, the participants will:

  • Understand the Agile Principles & Mindset.
  • Understand the Agile Certified Practitioner Exam Content Outline.
  • Be able to apply the tools and techniques available for managing the agile project(s).
  • Use PMBOK® Guide to help their actual projects.
  • Have the knowledge to apply agile project management methods suit to their projects’ unique characteristics.
  • Be able to use knowledge from this workshop to pursue Agile Certified Practitioner certification issued by PMI®

In this training, participants will learn how to manage their agile project(s) and have a better chance of achieving their agile project’s objectives well whilst doing it in a professional-and-structured way. This will enable them to pass one of the most dreaded professional certification exams, the PMI-ACP® certification for agile project professionals.


  • 3 days of Extensive Agile Project Management (XAPM) program
    based on the latest version of the PMBOK® Guide and PMI Agile Practice Guide
  • 2 sessions of PMI-ACP® Virtual Study Group (VSG)– free & optional (as scheduled)
  • 1-year access to Vallery LMS – free & optional
  • PMI-ACP® Online Light Test Simulator – free & optional

All Project Managers/Leaders
Project team members, project managers/leaders who wish to pursue PMI-ACP® certification

Training DACP | Seminar DACP | Training Dynamic Agile Certified Practitioner | Seminar Dynamic Agile Certified Practitioner | Jadwal Pelatihan Dynamic Agile Certified Practitioner | Sertifikasi DACP | Pembicara Dynamic Agile Certified Practitioner





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Extensive Agile Project Management (XAPM)


Training 2024

Extensive Agile Project Management (XAPM)

  • 22 – 24 April – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 24 – 26 June – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 19 – 21 August – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 21 – 23 October – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 16 – 18 December – OPEN REGISTRATION

Training Location: Offline (Jakarta)
Training Fee: Offline IDR 7.000.000

Agile Project Management methods are in high demand because they enable organizations to deliver high-quality products and services more efficiently and effectively. Agile methodologies prioritize collaboration, flexibility, and transparency, allowing teams to better manage their projects and respond quickly to changing circumstances and customer needs.

In today’s fast-paced and constantly changing business environment, the ability to adapt and respond to change is crucial for success. Agile Project Management provides a framework for doing so, allowing teams to break down complex projects into smaller, manageable chunks and to continuously improve and iterate on their work.

Additionally, Agile Project Management techniques can help organizations to improve communication and collaboration among team members, leading to better teamwork and more successful projects. In short, the demand for Agile Project Management skills is driven by the need for organizations to deliver value to their customers and stay competitive in a rapidly changing market.

As PMI’s Authorized Training Partner, Learning-ATV team has developed its newly launched Extensive Agile Project Management (XAPM)  program that is in line with PMI-ACP® (PMI Agile Certified Practitioner) Certification requirements and outlines. This program is available for both participants who want to learn about PMI’s Agile Project Management alone or those who will then get on with their PMI-ACP certification process. Seamless!

In this 3-day intensive and hands-on training, you will learn the essential principles and practices of Agile Project Management. Through a combination of lectures, group discussions, and practical exercises, you will gain a thorough understanding of the Agile mindset and how to apply Agile methodologies to your own projects.

Our experienced instructors will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to effectively plan, manage, and deliver successful projects using Agile techniques. You will learn how to prioritize and manage work effectively, how to work collaboratively with your team, and how to measure and track progress toward your project goals.

Whether you’re a seasoned project manager looking to improve your skills, or new to the field and eager to learn the latest best practices, our 3-day Extensive Agile Project Management (XAPM) training has something to offer. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a valuable new skill and position yourself for success in today’s competitive market.

The program will use PMBOK® Guide and Agile Practice Guide standards as references.

After this workshop, the participants will:

  • Understand the Agile Principles & Mindset.
  • Understand the Agile Certified Practitioner Exam Content Outline.
  • Be able to apply the tools and techniques available for managing the agile project(s).
  • Use PMBOK® Guide to help their actual projects.
  • Have the knowledge to apply agile project management methods suit to their projects’ unique characteristics.
  • Be able to use knowledge from this workshop to pursue PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® certification issued by PMI®

All in all, participants will be able to manage their project(s) and achieve the objectives well whilst doing it in a professional-and-structured way.


  • PMI-ACP Exam Introduction
  • Domain I. Agile Principles and Mindset
  • Domain II. Value-driven Delivery
  • Domain III. Stakeholder Engagement
  • Domain IV. Team Performance
  • Domain V. Adaptive Planning
  • Domain IV. Team Performance
  • Domain V. Adaptive Planning
  • Introduction to PMI-ACP® Certification
    Process, Eligibility, Practices

Manager, Project Manager, Future/Upcoming Project Manager, Project Team Member or any professionals who wished to learn agile project management methodologies and/or who wished to pass PMI-ACP® (PMI Agile Certified Practitioner) exam.

Our Facilitators are dedicated and seasoned project, management practitioners. They have extensive project management experience and are experienced facilitators. They must be nationally and/or internationally certified in the project management area – Project Management Professional (PMP)®.

Training Extensive Agile Project Management (XAPM) | Seminar Extensive Agile Project Management (XAPM) | Jadwal Training Extensive Agile Project Management | Pelatihan XAPM | Materi Training XAPM




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing
Training 2024

Impactful PMO (IPMO)

Jadwal Training

Impactful PMO (IPMO) 29 – 30 April – OPEN REGISTRATION 01 – 02 July – OPEN REGISTRATION 26 – 27 August– OPEN REGISTRATION 28 – ... Baca Selengkapnya

Impactful PMO (IPMO)


Training 2024

Impactful PMO (IPMO)

  • 29 – 30 April – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 01 – 02 July – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 26 – 27 August– OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 28 – 29 October– OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 09 – 10 December– OPEN REGISTRATION

Training Location: Offline (Jakarta)
Training Fee: Offline IDR 5.350.000

A PMO, or Project/Program/Portfolio Management Office, is an organizational structure that helps align strategic objectives with the implementation of projects. It is responsible for ensuring that all projects, resources, and teams within an organization are working together to achieve its strategic goals.

Impactful PMO (IPMO) workshop program is designed to help project managers, program managers, and PMO professionals learn how to build and manage their PMO. Through this program, participants will gain a clear understanding of how a PMO can address common issues such as a lack of strategic direction, disconnected priorities, and managing organizational politics.

By establishing a PMO, organizations can create a symphony of collaboration among all teams and stakeholders. This ensures that projects are aligned with the organization’s chosen strategy, allowing for more efficient and effective project delivery.

Some key benefits of a PMO include improved project planning and execution, increased stakeholder engagement, and better risk management. A PMO can also provide a centralized point of control for an organization’s projects, allowing for better visibility and coordination of project activities.

In order to successfully implement a PMO, organizations should ensure that they have strong leadership and support from senior management. It is also important to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the PMO and establish effective processes and practices.

Overall, a PMO is a valuable tool for organizations looking to align their projects with their strategic objectives and deliver better results. By participating in this IPMO workshop program, project managers and PMO professionals can gain the knowledge and skills they need to build and manage a successful PMO.

By following this workshop, participants will learn how PMO can address the following common issues:

  • Dealing with a lack of strategic direction
  • Disconnected priorities
  • Handling uncontrolled demand on project resources
  • Managing organizational politics


  • Revisiting Project Management
  • Develop a vision and charter of a Project Management Office (PMO)
  • Evolve a PMO to improve project success
  • Standardize project management processes and templates
  • Enhance alignment of project management with portfolio management
  • Evolve PMO maturity through continuous improvement
  • Identifying the Value of a PMO
  • Benchmarking PMO maturity
  • Planning for PMO success
  • Planning for standardized processes
  • Leveraging Project Portfolio Management (PPM)
  • Providing the appropriate level of mentoring
  • Analyzing portfolio and project progress
  • Reporting progress
  • Selecting and implementing a governance model
  • Implementing Change and Continuous Improvement
  • Automate processes in Project Portfolio Management tools

Program Manager, Project Portfolio Analyst, Senior Manager, Project Manager, or anyone who want to learn how to build and manage projects and programs through a well-functioning PMO.

Training Project Management Office | Jadwal Pelatihan Project Management Office | Training PMO Jakarta | Jadwal Training PMO | Pembicara Seminar Project Management Office | Pelatihan PMO Project Management Office




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Dynamic CAPM® Exam Preparation (DCAPM)


Jadwal Training 2024

Dynamic CAPM® Exam Preparation (DCAPM)

Public Training Date

  • 18 – 22 March + CAMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 22 – 26 April + CAMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 27 – 31 May + CAMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 24 – 28 June + CAMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 22 – 26 July + CAMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 19 – 23 August + CAMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 23 – 27 September + CAMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 21 – 25 October + CAPM VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 18 – 22 November + CAPM VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 16 – 20 December + CAPM VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION

Training Location: Offline (Jakarta)
Training Fee: Offline IDR 9.950.000

Starting 2023, we enhanced our previous CAPM® Preparation program to this new Dynamic CAPM® Preparation program that will help participants better in preparing themselves for their CAPM® certification exam. This newly upgraded 5-day program is also available in public training program each month.

As a professional, earning your Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® certification can provide many benefits and advance your career. The CAPM® certification is a globally recognized credential that demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of project management principles and practices. By becoming CAPM® certified, you can show that you are capable of planning, executing, and controlling projects effectively, and are committed to professional development and growth.

If you are considering pursuing your CAPM® certification, the Dynamic CAPM® Program can provide you with the training and support you need to prepare for the exam and succeed. This 5-day-plus program is designed to provide a thorough review of the new CAPM® Exam Content Outline and the PMBOK® Guide, and is delivered by experienced and PMP-certified trainers. By completing the program, you can gain the knowledge and skills you need to pass the CAPM® exam and earn your certification.

This 5-day-plus program will cover the PMBOK® Guide materials that any CAPM-certified professionals need to comprehend and be able to practice in their real project application. The program will be delivered by senior and experienced project management professionals who are also certified in the project management field.

After this workshop, the participants will:

  • Understand the project management framework.
  • Understand the PMBOK® Guide principles, standards, and processes in managing projects.
  • Be able to apply the tools and techniques available for managing projects.
  • Use PMBOK® Guide to help their actual projects.
  • Be able to use knowledge from this workshop to pursue project management certification issued by PMI® such as CAPM®

All in all, participants will be able to manage their project(s) and have a better chance of achieving their project’s objectives well whilst doing it in a professional-and-structured way. And in turn, certainly, have a better chance of passing  CAPM® certification for project professionals.


  • 5 days of Extensive Project Management (XPM) program
    based on the latest version of PMBOK® Guide, Agile Practice Guide, and Process Group Practice Guide.
  • 2 sessions of Virtual Study Group (VSG)– free & optional (as scheduled)
  • 1-year access to Vallery LMS– free & optional
  • CAPM® Online Light Test Simulator – free & optional 

All Project Managers/Leaders
Project team members, project managers/leaders who wish to pursue CAPM®

Training Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) | Jadwal Pelatihan Certified Associate in Project Management | Modul Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) | Jadwal CAPM Jakarta | Training Certified Associate in Project Management | Pembicara Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Dynamic PMP® Exam Preparation with Official PMI® LMS Access (DPMP)


Jadwal Training 2024

Dynamic PMP® Exam Preparation with Official PMI® LMS Access (DPMP)

Public Training Date

  • 18 – 22 March + PMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 22 – 26 April + PMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 27 – 31 May + PMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 24 – 28 June + PMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 22 – 26 July + PMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 19 – 23 August + PMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 23 – 27 September + PMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 21 – 25 October + PMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 18 – 22 November + PMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 16 – 20 December + PMP VSG Sessions – OPEN REGISTRATION

Training Location:
Offline (Jakarta)

Training Fee:
Offline : IDR 12.750.000
Project management global knowledge and credentials have been around in Indonesia for quite some time now. And Project Management Institute (PMI)®’s are the ones that many organizations globally recognize as industry standard in managing projects.

Our team has been in project management business for the last decade and has been witnessing the growth of acknowledgement and acceptance, from both private and public organizations, in Indonesia for project management professionals with global standard such as the ones issued by Project Management Institute (PMI)®

Starting the beginning of 2021, as one of PMI’s Authorized Training Partners globally, we are using PMI’s Authorized PMP Exam Prep Framework and Content for all of our Dynamic PMP® Exam Preparation program. The module of this 5-day-plus program is developed directly by Project Management Institute and can only be delivered by PMI Certified Trainer and Authorized Training Partner.

Our Dynamic PMP® Exam Preparation program is the combination of the:

  • Extensive Project Management Program – XPM (5 Days)
  • 1 Year Access PMI® Choice LMS System (Directly from PMI®)

XPM program will be delivered by our PMI® Certified Trainer(s)

  • 3 sessions of Virtual Study Group– free & optional (as scheduled)
  • 1 year access to Vallery LMS – free & optional
  • PMP® Online Light Test Simulator – free & optional

VSG sessions will be coached by our PMP® certified coaches to better equip your preparation journey

So, as you can notice, all of our Dynamic PMP® program alumni will get Official PMI® Choice LMS access where they can get all of the materials developed by PMI’s experts to help them learn project management and practice for their PMP® exam.

Our team uniquely designed this program to ensure that you can have a meaningful preparation journey.

Through our 5-days workshop program above and the 1-year access to PMI® Choice LMS System, as regulated by PMI®, our alumni can get PRE-APPROVED project management education requirement for PMP® Exam Eligibility requirements

After this workshop, the participants will:

  • Understand the project management framework.
  • Understand the PMBOK® Guide principles, standards and processes in managing project.
  • Be able to apply the tools and techniques available of managing project.
  • Use PMBOK® Guide to help their actual projects.
  • Have the knowledge to apply predictive, adaptive, and hybrid project management approaches suit to their projects’ unique characteristics.
  • Be able to use knowledge from this workshop to pursue project management certification issued by PMI® such as CAPM® or PMP®

All in all, participants will be able to manage their project(s) and have better chance in achieving their project’s objectives well whilst doing it in a professional-and-structured way. And in turn, certainly, have better chance in passing one of the most dreaded professional certification exams – PMP® certification for project professionals.


  • Introduction to Project & Project Management
  • Introduction to PMBOK® Guide
  • Lesson 1: Business Environment
    Foundation, Strategic Alignment, Project Benefits & Value, Organizational Culture & Change Management, Project Governance, Project Compliance
  • Lesson 2: Start The Project
    Identify & Engage Stakeholders, Form the Team, Build Shared Understanding, Determine Project Approach
  • Lesson 3: Plan The Project
    Planning Projects, Scope, Schedule, Budget, Risks, Quality, Integrate Plans
  • Lesson 4: Lead The Project Team
    Craft Your Leadership Skills, Create a Collaborative Project Team Environment, Empower the Team, Support Team Member Performance, Communicate and Collaborate with Stakeholders, Training, Coaching and Mentoring, Manage Conflict
  • Lesson 5: Support Project Team Performance
    Implement Ongoing Improvements, Support Performance, Evaluate Project Progress, Manage Issues & Impediments, Manage Changes
  • Lesson 6: Close The Project/Phase
    Project/Phase Closure, Benefits Realization, Knowledge Transfer

All Project Managers/Leaders
Project managers & leaders who wish to pursue PMP® certification or project team members who wish to pursue CAPM® certification

All Managers/Professionals
All professionals who are involved in projects. From various backgrounds & industries i.e.: HR, Marketing, Sales, Finance, Procurement, FMCG, Insurance, Telco, etc.

Jadwal Training Project Management | Jadwal Pelatihan Project Management | Project Management Training | PMBOK Training | Profesional Manajemen Proyek (PMP) | Training PMP | Pelatihan PMP Jakarta




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Extensive Project Management (XPM)


Jadwal Training Info Seminar

Extensive Project Management (XPM)

Public Training Date

  • 18 – 22 March  – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 22 – 26 April   – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 27 – 31 May  – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 24 – 28 June   – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 22 – 26 July   – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 19 – 23 August  – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 23 – 27 September  – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 21 – 25 October  – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 18 – 22 November  – OPEN REGISTRATION
  • 16 – 20 December  – OPEN REGISTRATION

Training Location: Offline (Jakarta)
Training Fee: Offline : IDR 9.050.000

In today’s global dynamics, with high uncertainties and the volatile nature of business, every professional and organization has to make sure they can deliver value in any project that they take on. Competitions and limitations demand high-quality individuals and businesses to achieve their targets and meet their objectives. Managing risks and balancing priorities are key in delivering a project, and any project leaders and team members who can thrive in this highly demanding environment are sought after. More than ever.

The Project Economy is here to stay. And it will only get stronger.

Over the years, many companies and organizations in the private and public sectors have acknowledged how professionals with project management skills and capabilities can positively contribute to their success. They have embraced the importance of project management skills and the competency of their team and managers. We have witnessed this wave of acceptance firsthand in Indonesia.

Our team has long experience in Indonesia project management areas and in witnessing such growth coming from all directions in various businesses and sectors. Those who have not embraced project management skills as part of their professional development plan can miss out on an interesting journey ahead of them.

Project management skills and credentials have become more recognized than ever. More and more national and multi-national organizations are demanding these qualities as part of their recruitment policy and part of their development strategy. Remember, it’s both in the private and public sectors!

We have updated our core project management program into the Extensive Project Management (XPM) workshop program. This program is developed to assist professionals or practitioners (both with and without project experience or background) in identifying project management environments and managing projects in line with the latest edition of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) issued by Project Management Institute (PMI)®, USA. This 5-day program is in line with PMI’s new Process Group Practice Guideline & Agile Practice Guideline that comes with the latest PMBOK® Guide.

With the new PMBOK® Guide approach that covers predictive (waterfall), adaptive (agile), and hybrid project management approaches, this program offers comprehensive knowledge, tools, and practices that enable any project professional to better understand, plan, and deliver their project objectives.  By going through the project management body of knowledge step-by-step, the course discusses an integrated approach that balances the theories, methods, and practices of managing projects.

This workshop offers a new, reliable approach to managing projects of different complexity by combining the practical with the theoretical approaches of up-to-date project management knowledge and skills.

Other than the benefits of learning project management knowledge and practices, with our approach, participants will have a common project management language with other PM professionals from all around the world.

This workshop accommodated the updated outline of PMI® Authorized PMP® Exam Preparation as well as CAPM® Exam Preparation by combining the practical with the theoretical approaches of up-to-date project management knowledge and skills

After this workshop, the participants will:

  • Understand the project management framework.
  • Understand the PMBOK® Guide standards and processes in managing projects.
  • Be able to apply the tools and techniques for managing a project.
  • Use the PMBOK® Guide to help with their actual projects.
  • Know how to apply predictive, adaptive, and hybrid project management approaches suit to their projects.
  • Be able to use knowledge from this workshop to pursue project management certification issued by PMI® such as CAPM® or PMP®

All in all, participants will be able to manage their project(s) and achieve the objectives well while doing it in a professional and structured way.


  • Introduction to Project & Project Management
  • Introduction to PMBOK® Guide
  • Lesson 1: Business Environment
    Foundation, Strategic Alignment, Project Benefits & Value, Organizational Culture & Change Management, Project Governance, Project Compliance
  • Lesson 2: Start The Project
    Identify & Engage Stakeholders, Form the Team, Build Shared Understanding, Determine Project Approach
  • Lesson 3: Plan The Project
    Planning Projects, Scope, Schedule, Budget, Risks, Quality, Integrate Plans
  • Lesson 4: Lead The Project Team
    Craft Your Leadership Skills, Create a Collaborative Project Team Environment, Empower the Team, Support Team Member Performance, Communicate and Collaborate with Stakeholders, Training, Coaching and Mentoring, Manage Conflict
  • Lesson 5: Support Project Team Performance
    Implement Ongoing Improvements, Support Performance, Evaluate Project Progress, Manage Issues & Impediments, Manage Changes
  • Lesson 6: Close The Project/Phase
    Project/Phase Closure, Benefits Realization, Knowledge Transfer

*This content is in line with Authorized PMI® Exam Preparation Content

Manager, Project Manager, Future/Upcoming Project Manager, Project Team Member, or any professional who wished to pass CAPM® (Certified Associate Project Management) or PMP® (Project Management Professional) exam.

Training Extensive Project Management |  Seminar Extensive Project Management | Jadwal Training Extensive Project Management (XPM) | Jadwal Pelatihan Extensive Project Management (XPM) | Modul Training Extensive Project Management | Jadwal Training XPM Jakarta | Jadwal Pelatihan XPM | Seminar XPM Project Management




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing
Jadwal Training 2024

Successful Project Management (JAKARTA)

Jadwal Training

Successful Project Management (JAKARTA) Jadwal: Rabu-Kamis, 24-25 Januari 2024 Rabu-Kamis, 21-22 Februari 2024 Selasa-Rabu, 19-20 Maret 2024 Senin-Selasa, 29-30 April 2024 Selasa-Rabu, 21-22 Mei 2024 ... Baca Selengkapnya

Successful Project Management (JAKARTA)


Jadwal Training 2024

Successful Project Management (JAKARTA)

Rabu-Kamis, 24-25 Januari 2024
Rabu-Kamis, 21-22 Februari 2024
Selasa-Rabu, 19-20 Maret 2024
Senin-Selasa, 29-30 April 2024
Selasa-Rabu, 21-22 Mei 2024
Kamis-Jumat, 20-21 Juni 2024
Kamis-Jumat, 25-26 Juli 2024
Kamis-Jumat, 22-23 Agustus 2024
Selasa-Rabu, 24-25 September 2024
Kamis-Jumat, 24-25 Oktober 2024
Kamis-Jumat, 21-22 November 2024
Kamis-Jumat 26-27 Desember 2024

Pkl. 09.00 – 16.00 WIB
Tempat: Hotel Puri Denpasar, Hotel Harris Tebet, Hotel Fave Gatot Subroto, Hotel Ibis, dll.

Investasi: Rp. 3.750.000,-/peserta (belum termasuk PPN 10%)
Including: Sertifikat, Training Modules, Workshop kit, Lunch, Snack, Foto 10R.

Dalam merencanakan dan mengelola sebuah project, membutuhkan skill yang benar-benar maksimal agar hasilnya juga dapat maksimal. Suatu proyek mempunyai sasaran (target ) tertentu dengan batasan-batasan mutu pekerjaan (performance), anggaran (cost), dan jadwal (time), yang dikenal sebagai Triple Constraint. Agar sasaran tersebut dapat dicapai, maka diperlukan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pengendalian proyek yang efektif yang dibantu oleh software yang memadai.

Proyek adalah kumpulan kegiatan yang harus diselesaikan menurut kriteria tertentu yang telah disepakati Proyek juga diartikan sebagai kegiatan sementara yang berlangsung dalam jangka waktu tertentu, dengan alokasi sumber daya terbatas dan dimaksudkan untuk melaksanakan tugas yang telah digariskan.

Pelatihan ini membahas bagaimana cara merencanakan, mengorganisasikan, mengarahkan, dan mengendalikan pelaksanaan proyek.  Pembahasan dimulai dengan bagaimana profil dan dinamika proyek, konsep dan manajemen proyek ( Project Management ), teknik/metode perencanaan dan penyusunan proyek, metode-metode penilaian proyek.

Setelah mengetahui pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu:

  • Memahami defenisi dan konsep Project Management dengan jelas
  • Memahami dan mengetahui Project Framing
  • Memahami cara pembuatan jadwal kerja yang efektif, penganggaran dan juga penempatan SDM yang tepat
  • Mengetahui teknik dan perencanaan proyek dan eksekusi awal yang efektif
  • Memahami cara untuk melaksanakan proyek yang efektif berdasarkan waktu, mutu dan biaya
  • Mengetahui cara pengendalian dan pengwasan proyek
  • Memahami cara peningkatan kualitas proyek dengan waktu, dan biaya yang telah ditetapkan


  1. Pendahuluan
  • Sasaran dan Harapan Peserta.
  1. Manajemen Proyek
  • Pengertian Manajemen
  • Pengertian Proyek
  • Pengertian Manajemen Proyek
  • Langkah-langkah Utama Pengelolaan Proyek (Siklus Manajemen Proyek).
  1. Perencanaan Proyek
  • Tujuan, sasaran dan lingkup proyek
  • Struktur rincian kerja (Work Breakdown Structure – WBS)
  • Penetapan Penanggungjawab Kegiatan (responsibility Assignment chart).
  1. Penjadwalan Kegiatan Proyek
  • Perencanaan jaringan kerja
  • Metode jalur kritis.
  1. Alokasi Sumber Daya Proyek
  • Analisis satuan pekerjaan
  • Penjadwalan alokasi sumber daya
  • Pengaruh keterbatasan sumber daya terhadap jadwal kegiatan.
  1. Anggaran Proyek
  • Estimasi biaya proyek
  • Penyusunan biaya proyek
  • Anggaran kas proyek.
  1. Peran dan Kompetensi Pemimpin Proyek
  • Fungsi dan peran pemimpin proyek
  • Kompetensi pemimpin proyek
  1. Pengendalian Biaya dan Waktu Proyek
  • Earned value analysis
  • Crash Program (percepatan program)
  1. Pelaporan Proyek
  2. Ringkasan dan Kesimpulan.


  1. Pimpinan / staf bagian Perencanaan anggaran proyek
  2. Para manajer proyek
  3. Manajer Keuangan
  4. Manajer SDM
  5. Manajer Resiko
  6. Staf yang menjadi tim proyek
  7. Site Engineer
  8. Controler
  9. Dll yang berhubungan dengan proyek


  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi dan Sharing Pengalaman
  • Role Play
  • Games
  • Video




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing
Informasi Training Kelas Khusus

Project Management Fundamental

Jadwal Training

PROJECT MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTAL BASED ON PMBOK 5TH. EDITION This course was designed to provide an understanding and a basic set of tools and techniques for ... Baca Selengkapnya

Project Management Fundamental


Informasi Training Kelas Khusus


This course was designed to provide an understanding and a basic set of tools and techniques for people that work in a project environment. The couse is a based on the PMI framework which is the most globally accepted Project Management Methodology. After this course you will have an understanding of the project lifecycle and how a project can be delivered following afoemalized, structured approach based on industry standard practices. The course delivers concepts, methods, definitions, checklists, and practical knowledge that can be put to work immediately.

This Project Management course examines project management in theory and practice and the roles and responsibilities of the project manager. The course offers a practical approach to managing projects, focusing on organizing, planning, and controlling the efforts of the project. Students participate in structured workshops where simulated project plans are designed and implemented. The course is based on the best and most current thinking in the field, particularly the Project Management Institute’s (PMI®) approach described in A Guide to the Project(PMBOK® Guide). Case studies, active participation in team exercises, and practical information reinforce learning. At the end of the course, attendees will understand why project management requires a high degree of professionalism, and how to achieve that end in future projects.

The Course is designed to be taught interactively with syndicates and personal exercises, facilitation of group discussions, training videos, and discussions of real life examples.

Organizational Impact:
The Company organization will benefit by:
• Increase project management personal effectiveness & soft skills
• Better production of project outcomes
• Understanding of Project Life Cycle Issues
• Alignment of project and corporate goals
• Understanding conflicts and resolving them
• Staff understanding of project reporting issues & project control skills

Personal Impact:
Attendees will gain by participation in this program through:

  1. Basic skills in managing project activities
  2. Learning skills necessary for basic the art of project management
  3. Developing a more effective approach to interacting with project stakeholders and project teams
  4. Further developing people management skills
  5. Ways for building effective plans
  6. Bette overall management and control of project


  • Project Engineers
  • Project Economic
  • Project Planning & Control Engineers
  • Project Cost & Control Engineers
  • Planner & Scheduler
  • Cost Estimator
  • Document Controller
  • Procurement or SCM
  • Legal & Contract Engineers
  • Cost Accounting
  • Financial Controller
  • Coorporate & Business Planning
  • Auditor
  • Project & Operation Secretary
  • Person who get benefit for attending this Course

1. Introduction
a. Participant introductions
b. What is management? What is project management?
c. Where do projects come from? What are they? How good are we at them?
d. The challenges faced by the project manager

2. Project Management Framework
a. Lifecycles. Standards. Methodologies
b. The difference between the business and technical management of the project process.
c. PMI®, the PMBOK® Guide, and the ANSI Standard
d. Phases, Process Groups, and Knowledge Areas
e. Project Initiation
f. PM Process Flow. The Management components: Organize, Plan, Control

3. Project Organization
a. The project management organization model
b. The Project Board and the project manager
c. The PMO (Program Management Office). PMO models, what each does
d. The project team.
e. Organizational causes of failure

4. Applied Project Planning
a. Produce a statement of work (SOW) and decompose overall project goals, also estimate benefits & resources.
b. Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS), using established tools and techniques, to achieve stated project objectives.
c. Produce a task-flow network, using established tools and techniques, and analyze the contingencies, interrelationships, and critical path(s) of the work elements.
d. Produce a Gantt chart, using established tools and techniques, to schedule the completion of all work elements.
e. Project documentations

5. Cost Estimating and Budgeting
a. Develop cost estimates and budgets with cost accounts to plan project expenditures.
b. Identify and limit risks
c. Develop cost summaries for tracking project expenditures to budgeted costs.
d. Develop cost forecasts to proactively control future planned expenditures.

6. Project Performance Measurement and Control
a. What is control?
b. Life cycles – end stage assessments – Controlling the big picture
c. Levels of responsibility for control – Business and product quality controls
d. Integrated change control during the life of the project

7. Project Performance Measurement and Control (continued ….)
a. Define the concept of earned value performance measurement (EVM).
b. Describe how project management information systems (PMIS) are used to monitor progress, evaluate, and control planned cost and schedule performance.
c. Conduct effective meetings
d. Develop reporting link & system approval, and document distribution

8. Closing the Project
a. Contract close-out
b. Administrative close-out
c. Lessons learned
d. Archiving project information

VENUE : Jakarta (Maxone Hotel Menteng, Balairung Hotel Matraman, Sentral Hotel, Haris Tebet, Gd Muamalat Institute, Ibis Manggadua, Little Amaroossa Residence, Cosmo Amaroossa, Zodiak MT. Haryono, Grand Tjokro)

DURATION : 3 days


Januari 2024Februari 2024Maret 2024April 2024
3 – 5 Januari 20245 – 7 Februari 20244 – 6 Maret 20241 – 3 April 2024
8 – 10 Januari 202412 – 14 Februari 202412 – 14 Maret 202422 – 24 April 2024
15 – 17 Januari 202419 – 21 Februari 202418 – 20 Maret 202429 April – 1 Mei 2024
22 – 24 Januari 202426 – 28 Februari 202425 – 27 Maret 2024
29 – 31 Januari 2024
Mei 2024Juni 2024Juli 2024Agustus 2024
6 – 8 Mei 20243 – 5 Juni 20241 – 3 Juli 20245 – 7 Agustus 2024
13 – 15 Mei 202410 – 12 Juni 20248 – 10 Juli 202412 – 14 Agustus 2024
20 – 22 Mei 202419 – 21 Juni 202415 – 17 Juli 202419 – 21 Agustus 2024
27 – 29 Mei 202424 – 26 Juni 202422 – 24 Juli 202426 – 28 Agustus 2024
29 – 31 Juli 2024
September 2024Oktober 2024November 2024Desember 2024
2 – 4 September 20241 – 3 Oktober 20244 – 6 November 20242 – 4 Desember 2024
9 – 11 September 20247 – 9 Oktober 202411 – 13 November 20249 – 11 Desember 2024
16 – 18 September 202414 – 16 Oktober 202418 – 20 November 202416 – 18 Desember 2024
23 – 25 September 202421 – 23 Oktober 202425 – 27 November 202426 – 28 Desember 2024
28 – 30 Oktober 2024


1. Rp. 6.950.000/person (full fare) or
2. Rp. 6.750.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
3. Rp. 6.500.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)

1. Training Module
2. Flash Disk contains training material
3. Certificate
4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
5. T-Shirt
6. Backpack
7. Training Photo
8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
10. Qualified instructor





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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing
Jadwal Training Terbaru

Project Cost Management (JAKARTA)

Jadwal Training

Project Cost Management (JAKARTA) Kegiatan sementara yang dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu dengan sumber  daya-sumber daya dan waktu yang telah ditentukan disebut dengan proyek. Salah ... Baca Selengkapnya

Project Cost Management (JAKARTA)


Jadwal Training Terbaru

Project Cost Management (JAKARTA)

Kegiatan sementara yang dilakukan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu dengan sumber  daya-sumber daya dan waktu yang telah ditentukan disebut dengan proyek. Salah satu dari tiga elemen penting dalam manajemen proyek adalah masalah biaya. Apabila terjadi kesalahan dalam pengelolaan biaya, maka hal ini tentu akan saat merugikan bagi banyak pihak. Maka dari itu training ini akan membahas mengenai bagaimana mengelola biaya proyek secara tepat, agar sesuai dengan anggaran yang telah direncanakan.


  1. Ruang lingkup Manajemen proyek
  • Profil kegiatan dan aktivitas proyek
  • Tahap siklus proyek
  1. Elemen project cost management
  2. Perencanaan Sumber Daya
  • Jenis-jenis sumber daya yang digunakan’
  • Perencanaan biaya: direct cost dan indirect cost
  1. Perkiraan biaya /Cost estimating
  2. Anggaran/budgeting
  • Penyusunan anggaran proyek
  • Proses estimasi: estimasi kasar, estimasi anggaran dan estimasi definitif
  1. Cost Controlling
  2. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  • Area/Lokasi pekerjaan
  • Kategori pekerjaan (berdasarkan Disiplin Ilmu/Tenaga kerja dan Peralatan
  • Spesifikasi pekerjaan
  • Berdasarkan para pihak/Kontraktor yang mengerjakan
  1. Studi kasus

Karyawan atau kepala bagian yang menangani proyek dan kontrak, dan mereka yang bekerja di perusahaan yang selalu berusaha mendapatkan proyek.

Presentasi, diskusi, studi kasus

TEMPAT TRAINING :  Yogyakarta (Ibis Styles Hotel/ Ibis Malioboro Hotel/ Jambuluwuk Hotel/ Cavinton Hotel/ Grand Zuri Hotel, dll)



Januari 2024Februari 2024Maret 2024April 2024
2 – 5 Januari 20245 – 8 Februari 20244 – 7 Maret 20241 – 4 April 2024
8 – 11 Januari 202412 – 15 Februari 202412 – 15 Maret 202422 – 25 April 2024
15 – 18 Januari 202419 – 22 Februari 202418 – 21 Maret 202429 April – 2 Mei 2024
22 – 25 Januari 202426 – 29 Februari 202425 – 28 Maret 2024
29 Jan – 1 Feb 2024
Mei 2024Juni 2024Juli 2024Agustus 2024
6 – 9 Mei 20243 – 6 Juni 20241 – 4 Juli 20245 – 8 Agustus 2024
13 – 16 Mei 202410 – 13 Juni 20248 – 11 Juli 202412 – 15 Agustus 2024
20 – 23 Mei 202419 – 22 Juni 202415 – 18 Juli 202419 – 22 Agustus 2024
27 – 30 Mei 202424 – 27 Juni 202422 – 25 Juli 202426 – 29 Agustus 2024
29 Juli – 1 Agus 2024
September 2024Oktober 2024November 2024Desember 2024
2 – 5 September 20241 – 4 Oktober 20244 – 7 November 20242 – 5 Desember 2024
9 – 12 September 20247 – 10 Oktober 202411 – 14 November 20249 – 12 Desember 2024
16 – 19 September 202414 – 17 Oktober 202418 – 21 November 202416 – 19 Desember 2024
23 – 26 September 202421 – 24 Oktober 202425 – 28 November 2024
28 – 31 Oktober 2024


  1. Rp. 8.500.000/peserta (bayarpenuh) atau
  2. Rp. 8.250.000/peserta (early bird, yang membayar 1 minggu sebelum training) atau
  3. Rp. 7.950.000/peserta (peserta bergroup yang terdiridari 3 peserta atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)


  1. Training Module
  2. Flash Disk contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
  10. Qualified instructor




Avatar photo


Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing
Jadwal Training

Manajemen Proyek (JAKARTA + LUAR KOTA)

Jadwal Training

Manajemen Proyek (JAKARTA + LUAR KOTA) Deskripsi Pelatihan Pelatihan ini membahas bagaimana cara merencanakan, mengorganisasikan, mengarahkan, dan mengendalikan pelaksanaan proyek.  Pelatihan ini sangat berguna bagi ... Baca Selengkapnya

Manajemen Proyek (JAKARTA + LUAR KOTA)


Jadwal Training

Manajemen Proyek (JAKARTA + LUAR KOTA)

Deskripsi Pelatihan
Pelatihan ini membahas bagaimana cara merencanakan, mengorganisasikan, mengarahkan, dan mengendalikan pelaksanaan proyek.  Pelatihan ini sangat berguna bagi para karyawan dan supervisor yang menangani proyek dan para staf perusahaan yang beroperasi untuk mendapatkan proyek. Pembahasan dimulai dengan bagaimana profil dan dinamika proyek, konsep dan manajemen proyek, teknik/metode perencanaan dan penyusunan proyek, metode-metode penilaian proyek, dan penggunaan software komputer untuk manajemen proyek.

Tujuan Pelatihan
Setelah mengetahui pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu:

  1. Mengenal profil dan dinamika proyek
  2. Konsep dan fungsi manajemen proyek
  3. Teknik/metode perencanaan dan penyusunan jadwal
  4. Metode penilaian proyek
  5. Penggunaan software komputer.

Materi / Outline Pelatihan

  1. Pendahuluan
  • Profil kegiatan proyek
  • Tahap siklus proyek
  1. Konsep dan fungsi manajemen proyek
  • Proyek dan manajemen fungsional
  • Organisasi proyek
  1. Teknik dan metode perencanaan dan penyusunan jadwal.
  • Metode jalur kritis (critical path method)
  • PERT
  1. Metode-metode penilaian investasi proyek
  • Metode payback. NPV, IRR, MIRR, PI.
  1. Penggunaan software komputer.
  • Software yang sudah jadi.
  • Perancangan atau pembuatan software komputer.

Peserta Pelatihan
Karyawan atau kepala bagian yang menangani proyek dan kontrak, dan mereka yang bekerja di perusahaan yang selalu berusaha mendapatkan proyek.

Profile Pembicara akan disertakan dalam UNDANGAN TRAINING

Yogyakarta / Cavinton Hotel | Rp. 5.250.000/peserta
Semarang / Ibis Simpang Lima Hotel | Rp. 5.900.000/peserta
Malang / Santika Malang Hotel | Rp. 5.900.000/peserta
Solo / Ibis Solo Hotel | Rp. 5.900.000/peserta
Jakarta / Ibis Tamarin Hotel | Rp. 7.000.000/peserta
Surabaya / Santika Hotel  | Rp. 7.000.000/peserta
Bandung / Novotel Cihampelas Hotel | Rp. 7.000.000/peserta
Bali / Santika Hotel | Rp. 8.100.000/peserta
Batam / Ibis Style Hotel | Rp. 8.100.000/peserta
Balikpapan / Ibis Hotel | Rp. 8.100.000/peserta
(biaya tersebut belum termasuk penginapan)

Jadwal Pelatihan 2023 : 


Jadwal Pelatihan 2024

April2-39-1016-1723-24 29-30

Bila calon peserta menghendaki request tanggal dan durasi dapat kami fasilitasi baik untuk PublIc Training maupun Inhouse Training.

Catatan :

  1. Apabila mendaftarkan peserta dalam minimal jumlah kuota dengan judul dan jadwal yang sama (Jogja, Jakarta dan Bandung : Minimal 2 peserta | Semarang, Solo, Bali, Batam, Surabaya dan Malang : Minimal 3 Peserta), maka peserta / instansi terkait dapat me-request tanggal dan lokasi pelatihan sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan.
  2. Penawaran khusus bagi pengiriman dengan jumlah 3 peserta / lebih
  3. Biaya tersebut belum termasuk penginapan
  4. Biaya belum termasuk PPN 10 %
  5. Peserta dapat melakukan request materi sesuai dengan kebutuhan


  1. Sertifikat Pelatihan (Certificate)
  2. Expert Instructure
  3. Meeting Room Hotel dengan Lunch dan 2 kali Coffe Break
  4. Exclusive Training kits dan Backpacks
  5. Modul Pelatihan Hard dan Softcopy
  6. USB Flashdisk
  7. Foto Group Soft & Hard Copy
  8. Souvenir
  9. Transportasi selama Pelatihan (bandara dan Penginapan Ke Lokasi Pelatihan).


  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi  dan Tanya Jawab
  • Studi kasus
  • Brainstorming
  • Praktek




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing
Jadwal Training

Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi

Jadwal Training

Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi Guna menjamin jalannya proyek konstruksi dapat diselesaikan dengan biaya yang minimal dan kurun waktu yang dijanjikan, maka dibutuhkan manajemen konstruksi yang tepat ... Baca Selengkapnya

Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi


Jadwal Training

Manajemen Proyek Konstruksi

Guna menjamin jalannya proyek konstruksi dapat diselesaikan dengan biaya yang minimal dan kurun waktu yang dijanjikan, maka dibutuhkan manajemen konstruksi yang tepat serta optimal. Manajemen konstruksi memiliki peran dalam upaya menjamin jalannya pengkordinasian dan komunikasi diantara semua bagian dalam suatu proyek konstruksi, yang pada umumnya terdiri dari persoalan biaya, waktu, mutu, SDM, pengadaan, lingkungan, K3, resiko, klaim dan berbagai hal lain yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan proyek konstruksi.

Ketidaktepatan pengaturan tata kelola dapat menyebabkan proyek menjadi terhambat yang tentunya kemudian menyebabkan perusahaan terkena pinalti dan tentunya bahkan dapat masuk dalam daftar hitam perusahaan yang membuat mereka tidak bisa memenangkan tender dikemudian kesempatan. Manajemen konstruksi tersusun dari tahap perencanaan, koordinasi dan evaluasi, yang kemudian menuntut seorang manager untuk dapat mengetahui secara glonal bagaimana perkembangan yang terjadi di lapangan dan kemudian mampu mengembangkan daya pikir lebih integratif dan solutif.

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu untuk :

  1. Mengetahui dan memahami aspek yang berkaitan dengan tata kelola konstruksi yang efektif dan efesien
  2. Memahami teknik dalam penerapan  manajemen konstruksi dalam perusahaan
  3. Menyelesaikan persoalan yang terkait dengan manajemen konstuksi


  1. Ruang lingkup / Konsep manajemen konstruksi
  2. Tahapan manajemen konstruksi (pra, ketika, dan pasca)
  3. Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja
  4. Sistem manajemen lingkungan
  5. Sistem manajemen keuangan
  6. Sistem manajemen ruang lingkup
  7. Sistem manajemen waktu
  8. Sistem manajemen biaya
  9. Sistem manajemen mutu
  10. Sistem manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
  11. Sistem manajemen komunikasi
  12. Sistem manajemen pengadaan
  13. Sistem proses integrasi
  14. Sistem manajemen resiko
  15. Sistem manajemen klaim
  16. Studi kasus penerapan manajemen konstruksi yang efektif dan efesien

Ketentuan lain Penyelenggaraan Pelatihan :
Pelatihan dapat diselenggarakan setiap harinya diluar jadwal diatas, apabila peserta / instansi terkait berencana mengirimkan peserta sesuai dengan minimal kuota.

Profile Pembicara akan disertakan dalam UNDANGAN TRAINING

Yogyakarta / Cavinton Hotel | Rp. 5.250.000/peserta
Semarang / Ibis Simpang Lima Hotel | Rp. 5.900.000/peserta
Malang / Santika Malang Hotel | Rp. 5.900.000/peserta
Solo / Ibis Solo Hotel | Rp. 5.900.000/peserta
Jakarta / Ibis Tamarin Hotel | Rp. 7.000.000/peserta
Surabaya / Santika Hotel  | Rp. 7.000.000/peserta
Bandung / Novotel Cihampelas Hotel | Rp. 7.000.000/peserta
Bali / Santika Hotel | Rp. 8.100.000/peserta
Batam / Ibis Style Hotel | Rp. 8.100.000/peserta
Balikpapan / Ibis Hotel | Rp. 8.100.000/peserta
(biaya tersebut belum termasuk penginapan)

Tahun 2024

April2-39-1016-1723-24 29-30

Bila calon peserta menghendaki request tanggal dan durasi dapat kami fasilitasi baik untuk PublIc Training maupun Inhouse Training.

Catatan :

  1. Apabila mendaftarkan peserta dalam minimal jumlah kuota dengan judul dan jadwal yang sama (Jogja, Jakarta dan Bandung : Minimal 2 peserta | Semarang, Solo, Bali, Batam, Surabaya dan Malang : Minimal 3 Peserta), maka peserta / instansi terkait dapat me-request tanggal dan lokasi pelatihan sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan.
  2. Penawaran khusus bagi pengiriman dengan jumlah 3 peserta / lebih
  3. Biaya tersebut belum termasuk penginapan
  4. Biaya belum termasuk PPN 10 %
  5. Peserta dapat melakukan request materi sesuai dengan kebutuhan


  1. Sertifikat Pelatihan (Certificate)
  2. Expert Instructure
  3. Meeting Room Hotel dengan Lunch dan 2 kali Coffe Break
  4. Exclusive Training kits dan Backpacks
  5. Modul Pelatihan Hard dan Softcopy
  6. USB Flashdisk
  7. Foto Group Soft & Hard Copy
  8. Souvenir
  9. Transportasi selama Pelatihan (bandara dan Penginapan Ke Lokasi Pelatihan).


  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi  dan Tanya Jawab
  • Studi kasus
  • Brainstorming
  • Praktek


  • Staff / manager / direktur / seluruh personil perusahaan
  • Staff dan seluruh personil instansi pemerintah / BUMN
  • Semua pihak yang ingin meningkatkan kemampuan berkomunikasi, lobbying dan negosiasi




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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing
Jadwal Training

Project Feasibility Study

Jadwal Training

Project Feasibility Study Studi Kelayakan proyek merupakan pengetahuan tentang teknik-teknik serta faktor-faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dan dikuasai dalam menilai keberhasilan suatu proyek (badan usaha) guna ... Baca Selengkapnya

Project Feasibility Study


Jadwal Training

Project Feasibility Study

Studi Kelayakan proyek merupakan pengetahuan tentang teknik-teknik serta faktor-faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dan dikuasai dalam menilai keberhasilan suatu proyek (badan usaha) guna pengambilan keputusan.  Beberapa aspek yang diperlukan dalam analisis adalah aspek-aspek pemasaran, teknikal, keuangan, manajemen, yuridis, ekonomi, dan sosial.  Dalam menilai keberhasilan suatu proyek dalam satu keseluruhan, seluruh faktor di atas harus dipertimbangkan dalam suatu analisis terpadu.

Setelah mengetahui pelatihan ini, peserta diharapkan mampu:

  1. Menjelaskan pembangkitan ide untuk menciptakan produk baru.
  2. Menggunakan pertimbangan aspek teknis dalam penentuan bisnis nyata.
  3. Menggunakan pertimbangan aspek ekonomis untuk penentuan bisnis nyata.
  4. Menyusun dan menjelaskan analisis bisnis nyata yang dipilih dari aspek komersial.
  5. Melakukan studi kelayakan bisnis dalam arti yang sebenarnya


  1. Definisi, konsep dan manfaat Project Cycle Management (PCM)
  2. Program dan Kerangka Kerja Logis
  3. Siklus Manajemen Proyek (Project Cycle Management)
  4. Kerangka Kerja Logis (Logical Framework)
  5. Perumusan Masalah dan Penetapan Tujuan
  6. Penentuan Indikator SMART
  7. Sumber Verifikasi, Risiko dan Asumsi
  8. Monitoring Evaluasi Akuntabilitas
  9. Kerangka kerja PCM
  10. Mekanisme PCM
  11. Tools PCM
  12. Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Implementasi PCM
  13. Kualitas Proyek, Akuntabilitas, Gender dan Manajemen Pengetahuan
  14. Studi kasus dan diskusi

Ketentuan lain Penyelenggaraan Pelatihan :
Pelatihan dapat diselenggarakan setiap harinya diluar jadwal diatas, apabila peserta / instansi terkait berencana mengirimkan peserta sesuai dengan minimal kuota.

Profile Pembicara akan disertakan dalam UNDANGAN TRAINING

Yogyakarta / Cavinton Hotel | Rp.5.250.000/peserta
Semarang / Ibis Simpang Lima Hotel | Rp.5.900.000/peserta
Malang / Santika Malang Hotel | Rp.5.900.000/peserta
Solo / Ibis Solo Hotel | Rp.5.900.000/peserta
Jakarta / Ibis Tamarin Hotel | Rp.7.000.000/peserta
Surabaya / Santika Hotel  | Rp.7.000.000/peserta
Bandung / Novotel Cihampelas Hotel | Rp.7.000.000/peserta
Bali / Santika Hotel | Rp.8.100.000/peserta
Batam / Ibis Style Hotel | Rp.8.100.000/peserta
Balikpapan / Ibis Hotel | Rp.8.100.000/peserta
(biaya tersebut belum termasuk penginapan)

Tahun 2024

April2-39-1016-1723-24 29-30

Bila calon peserta menghendaki request tanggal dan durasi dapat kami fasilitasi baik untuk PublIc Training maupun Inhouse Training.

Catatan :

  1. Apabila mendaftarkan peserta dalam minimal jumlah kuota dengan judul dan jadwal yang sama (Jogja, Jakarta dan Bandung : Minimal 2 peserta | Semarang, Solo, Bali, Batam, Surabaya dan Malang : Minimal 3 Peserta), maka peserta / instansi terkait dapat me-request tanggal dan lokasi pelatihan sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan.
  2. Penawaran khusus bagi pengiriman dengan jumlah 3 peserta / lebih
  3. Biaya tersebut belum termasuk penginapan
  4. Biaya belum termasuk PPN 10 %
  5. Peserta dapat melakukan request materi sesuai dengan kebutuhan


  1. Sertifikat Pelatihan (Certificate)
  2. Expert Instructure
  3. Meeting Room Hotel dengan Lunch dan 2 kali Coffe Break
  4. Exclusive Training kits dan Backpacks
  5. Modul Pelatihan Hard dan Softcopy
  6. USB Flashdisk
  7. Foto Group Soft & Hard Copy
  8. Souvenir
  9. Transportasi selama Pelatihan (bandara dan Penginapan Ke Lokasi Pelatihan).


  • Presentasi
  • Diskusi  dan Tanya Jawab
  • Studi kasus
  • Brainstorming
  • Praktek




Avatar photo


Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

Project Management (PM) With Primavera V6


Project Management (PM) With Primavera V6

09 Oct 2023-11 Oct 2023
15 Nov 2023-17 Nov 2023
11 Dec 2023-13 Dec 2023

VENUE : Hotel Kagum Group Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)

The development of industry and trade in Indonesia is growing rapidly, particularly in property and construction. It requires active participation from all actors involved, especially in realizing the project which is accountable and reliable.

Currently,many tools and software that is claimed tohelp a project. One of them is Primavera. This software is considered one of the most optimal solution to assist decision makers and project implementers.
The purpose of this training in addition to providing knowledge on the basics of project planning and control, also provide so their skills in using Primavera software to assist the smooth implementation of the project. The other purpose from this training are:

  1. Introduction to the user interface and how to plan projects without resources,
  2. Filters layouts, printing, baselines,
  3. Updating an un-resourced project,
  4. Creating and assigning roles and resources,
  5. Controlling projects with resources and costs,
  6. Setting up and administering a database plus advanced features including import/export,
  7. Activity Codes, Custom Data Fields and
  8. Global Change.

The following people should consider attending this course:

  1. Programme Managers and Project Control staff evaluating the software against your organisational requirements.
  2. Project schedulers who wish to learn how to use the software to schedule and control projects.
  3. Database managers who wish to understand how to set up and administer a database.
  4. Experienced project personal who wish to learn how to schedule and control a project.

A. Day 1
1. Introduction
2. Creating A Project Plan
3. Starting Up And Navigation
4. Creating A New Project
5. Defining Calendars
6. Creating A Primavera Project Wbs
7. Adding Activities & Organizing Under The Wbs
8. Formatting The Display
9. Adding Relationships
10. Activity Network View
11. Constraints

B. Day 2
1. Filters
2. Group, Sort And Layouts
3. Printing
4. Tracking Progress
5. User And Administration Preferences And Advanced Scheduling Options
6. Creating Roles And Resources
7. Assigning Roles, Resources And Expenses
8. Resource Optimization

C. Day 3
1. Statusing A Resourced Schedule
2. Other Methods Of Organizing Data
3. Global Change
4. Managing The Enterprise Environment
5. Multiple Project Scheduling
6. Utilities

1. Presentation
2. Discussion
3. Case Study
4. The practice of using a computer
5. Evaluation



  • Rp. 6.500.000/person (full fare) or
  • Rp. 6.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
  • Rp. 5.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  • Training Module
  • Flash Disk contains training material
  • Certificate
  • Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  • T-Shirt
  • Bag
  • Training Photo
  • Training room with Full AC facilities and multimedia
  • Lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  • Qualified Instructor
  • Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training – VV (if minimal participants is 4 persons from the same company)

All participants are recommended to bring laptop for software installation and practice session

OKTRI MOHAMMAD FIRDAUS, ST., MT. Adalah master lulusan Teknik dan Management Industri ITB, kini sebagai Dosen dan Sekretaris Program Studi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Widyatama, Bandung. Jabatan lain sebagai Kepala Divisi Riset Logistic and Supply Center Universitas Widyatama Bandung, serta menjadi dosen untuk beberapa perguruan tinggi di Jawa Barat. Beberapa keahlian beliau dalam hal-hal sebagai berikut : SAP – Fundamentals, Analisis Pengukuran Kerja, komputerisasi pergudangan, Perancangan Sistem Kerja & Ergonomi, Supply Chain Management, Project management, Manajemen Perawatan & Operasional, Perencanaan dan Perancangan Produk, Strategi Operasi & Integrasi, Pemodelan Sistem dll. Selain pemakalah dalam seminar internasional dan nasional Knowledge Management Based On Expert System, Proceeding Asia Pasific Industrial Engineering and Management, beliau juga kerap menjadi instruktur pelatihan untuk perusahaan-perusahaan besar seperti : Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Freeport, Sandvik, Exxon Mobil, Pertamina, PT. Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC), Adaro, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia, Bank CIMB Niaga, PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bandung, Direktorat Metrologi, PT. Telkom , Pikiran Rakyat, KIE Bontang, dan lain-lain.






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Jika ada kebutuhan Inhouse training atau kelas khusus silahkan hubungi 0851-0197-2488 / 0899-8121-246 Petrus Soeganda. Untuk mengundang Petrus Soeganda sebagai Pembicara Internet Marketing

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